![]() Flying Schticks |
These are flight schticks, special moves pilots can learn and use in Crimson Skies. Schticks are a staple of Feng Shui; it seems natural to have flying schticks, when you have a Feng-Shui based flyers campaign.
In Wings of Honor, flight schticks are a sub-category of Pulp Schticks, and are bought as such. Pulp Schticks cost 8 + X experience points, where X is the number of schticks you will have when you have bought this one. In the boardgame, you could let pilots purchase these schticks for 100 experience points each. In most cases, you can purchase the same schtick several times.
Chewing Gum RepairInstead of unjamming or firing weapons, you can repair a single box of damage anywhere on your aircraft template each turn for each stick pick you have in Chewing Gum Repair. You can only do this while in combat; your plane still needs repairs when it comes back to base. False MoveWhen you are being tailed, and your modified Sixth Sense is higher than that of the pilot tailing you, you can play him for a fool and trap him. This works just as if you had tailed him, his reactions to your false moves makes him predictable. Flying WreckYour plane won't suffer from widowing until you land. You are not immune to coring or sheared-off wings. You can only pick this schtick once Foul FlierYou can push around somebody in the same hex, stopping them from doing a certain type of maneuver. If your Natural Touch is higher than his, you get to select a direction he can't use for his next maneuver, either right or left (he can always do straight). There is no point in picking this schtick more than once. Gun RunnerYou have an intuitive feel for your missions, and always choose the best loadout for your weapons. You select the ammo type for each gun and the ordnance on each hardpoint when you first fire it during a scenario. Gun Runner can only be picked once. JinksIf your Sixth Sense is higher than the other guy's Steady Hand, you have the option to move damage you take one row outwards, towards the outer edge of the damage template. This won't work if the other guy's Steady Hand is 6 or better; in this case the normal rules for Steady Hand vs. Sixth Sense kick in. You can only pick this schtick once Loose CannonYou get to invent one extra aerial obstacle per schtick pick when the board is set up; it must fit the scene, but can be quite unlikely. An escaped weather balloon, the anti-air gun from hell or the ever-present mist bank are all appropriate. Out of the SunYou are very good at positioning yourself for a fight. Right after setup, you get to move a number of hexes equal to your Sixth Sense score, and change your facing any way you want to.This means you will often start the fight with tailing, but you don't get to fire from your initial position. If you start in the same hex as an enemy, neither of you can tail. If several people on the board have this schtick, they move in reverse order of Sixth Sense, lowest going first. Suprise negates the schtick. You can only pick Out of the Sun once. Right StuffYou can take more G than most fliers; you can do an extra restricted maneuver per schtick pick in Right Stuff. This means you can do two restricted maneuvers (3G or more) in consecutive turns with one schtick, three times in a row with two schticks and so on. These maneuvers count as normal maneuvers, but you may still have to push the envelope if they demand higher Gs than your plane can take. Stay on Target!This schtick negates the to-hit penalty of ordnance weapons. It can only be picked once. Suicide RamIn a collision, you inflict one extra damage template and take one less damage template yourself for each schtick pick. You also get to modify the number you select to see if you collide by one after the other guy revealed his, in order to cause a collision. This second bonus does not improve with extra schtick picks, nor can you use it to escape a collision. |
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