Entity Rules

We run a rather wild campaign, and some of the opponents that we fight are entities from the Cthulhu mythos. Now, I publish the rules, so that you all can fight these mystic enemies of mankind.

The rules given here were written for campaign use. If you seriously want to use them (I suppose most people read this for amusement), you can write to me and ask about points unclear.


Entities have Thrust Points instead of normal movement characteristics. Thrust Points is the sum of the Speed, G and acceleration/deceleration the Entity can use in a turn.

An Entity can push, with normal difficulties. On a failure, they move a number of hexes equal to the amount of thrust they overexpened, and suffer Random Movement, taking the fractures in the body.

When stunned, they can do only Straight maneuvers.

Entity can hoover indefinitely, and will never collide with anything, even terrain. This let's them fly in hexes normally blocked.


Most entity weapons are so unique so as to be described under each particular entity. A few are more common, however.


Range: 2, Damage: HE rocket template

The tentacles of these creatures can twist the fabric of time and space to stretch unimaginable distances. Thus, they actually have a range. However, they do suffer double normal range penalties. They can also attack in the two front side hexes (facing B and F), but only one hex away.

Entity can always use tentacles against targets in the same hex, but suffer normal deflection modifiers.

They do damage using the HE-rocket template, great slashing gouts of destruction. Each strikes a random part of the target. They cannot double down or jam.

Sanity Blast

Range: Unlimited, Damage: Stun + Berserk

So alien and terrible are these creatures, that the mere sight of one can cause despair and hopelessness in the sensitive. When they focus this ability, they can cause a pilot to go stark raving mad.

  1. This does not require a straight hexrow lineup, any target within range can be fired at. Range is equal to the creature's Sixth Sense skill.
  2. The target must make a roll of 10 - Sixth Sense or be stunned stunned.
  3. For role-playing characters, it's not really Perception, but rather Willpower, that determines the difficulty of the Sanity Blast.
  4. A stunned target is also forced to fire all guns at the closest target in his front arc. Stun modiferes apply on this attack. Doubling down is optional.
  5. The Sanity Blast can be used against gunners, in which case they must fire against the closest target in his arc of fire. If several targets are equally close, he attacks the one that's easiest to hit.
  6. Sanity blasters cannot double down or jam.


Entities take damage in the same manner as aeroplanes, having a damage template. In most cases, they only have a single facing and damage location, like zeppelin gun turrers. Common systems found on most entities include the following.

Note that entities with Blubber regenerate, which can make them indefinitely much harder to kill.


This works like armor; no damage effect.


These creatures are plastic, and have a system of veins that replenish lost body fluid to re-inflate damaged parts. This is the blubber, and it gives them regeneration.

Trace a path from each undamaged blubber box side. The first damaged box in this path is repaired. This happens just after the monster has fired.

Each box has four sides, so each can give a maximum theoretical regeneration of four damage points, though in practice only horizontal lines matter much. A damage box that has regenerated this turn stops further regeneration, so a column of Blubber will only cause one box of regeneration vertically, but one box in each row horizontally.

Tentacles/Weapons (many different names)

These are the weapon systems of the Entity.


Internal skeletal structure that protects the brain and keeps the creature together. Hits to the bone are jarring, and can cause stuns. Treat as Canopy hits.


This is the equivalent to the "pilot" in a plane, and is treated identically.

Note that even a cored or severely damage Entity will still regenerate as long as the "pilot" is not killed. This means Entity are almost impossible to kill. It takes them much too long to regenerate to return within the same scenario, however.


Wing hits can reduce the number of available Thrust Points; the creature loses two thrust points for each wing area that is damaged. With zero thrust points remaining, the creature crashes, which in most cases does not kill it; it will simply crawl to safety and regenerate.

Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Last update Sun, Oct 29, 2000.