Command Kit (Dragonstar)

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Officers of the Imperial Marine Corps have great leeway in their choice of personal equipment. The following is a typical kit designed for an officer who is also a sorcerer (as the majority are). It is essentially an Arcane Kit with a few extra command-function items added. Adding these items to any other MOS kit makes for functional alternative kits for officers of other classes.

Marine Command Kit

Item Price Weight (S) Weight (M)

Laser Machine Pistol

1000 1.5 3
Minicell (2) 30 1 1
Flight Suit, camouflaged 200 3 6
Datapad with 100 spell levels of scrollware capacity 1300 1 1
Datachip (11), arcanist's lorebook, imperial encyclopedia, language and linguistics, survival guide, unification bible, encryption software, lifeform database, mapping suite, personal assistant, search bot, tactical simulation suite. 1100 - -
Personal Communicator 100 - -
Digital Binoculars 750 1 1
Medikit 120 1 1
Drug Implant: Counteragent (2), Stabilizer (1), Stim (1), delay poison, cure moderate wounds 1215 - -
Emergency Beacon 75 - -
Filter mask 65 0.25 1
Flashlight 15 1 1
Digital Binoculars 750 1 1
Electronic Mapbox 750 1 1
Total 7.470 10.75 17

Marine Equipment | MOS
