City of Heroes builds
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Here are some thoughts about build for the Amplifier supergroup.
Heroes for this team should be designed primarily for playing with the team. There is no need to take individual buffs since the other team members will buff you. There should be no need to take Stamina and Hasten when you have up to four Speed Boosts on you! That said, taking Stamina and perhaps Hasten makes sense if you want to be able to play outside of the team.
Sonic Blast
Take your AoE attacks as soon as possible. For Sonic Blast, this means Howl at level 4, Shockwave at level 10, and Dreadful Wail at level 38. They only need to be slotted for Recharge Reduction, and that can wait till other more important things are done. You don't really need any other attacks once the team ha Speed Boost. Feel free to take one big damage single target attack if you can fit it in (such as Shout).
Heroes designed for the team will not need to slot attacks for damage since team buffs (Fulcrum Shift, Assault) will take us to the cap. If you plan on playing outside the team, slot your attacks normally. Just make sure you slot the team buffs first!
Force Field
Force Field Defenders get their bubbles at 1, 6, and 12. Take them ASAP and get them 6 slotted with Damage Resistance. Maybe take Force Bubble at 32. Skip the rest.
- Sample ForceField builds.
Sonic Resonance
Sonic Resonance Defenders get bubbles at 1 and 2, and the big one at 26. Take then ASAP, and get them 6 slotted with Damage Resistance. Also take Disruption Field, Clarity, and Liquefy. Skip the rest.
- Sample Sonic builds.
Take Transfusion, Siphon Power, Speed Boost, and Fulcrum Shift ASAP. Transference, Inertial Reduction, and Increase Density are also good ideas. Skip Repel and Siphon Speed. Slot Speed Boost with 6 END Recovery ASAP.
- Sample Kinetic builds.
Leadership Pool
Everyone should take Assault early so you can take Tactics at 14 or shortly thereafter. Six slot Tactics for To Hit Buff, possibly with an End reduction.
Maneuvers may be interesting depending on the defense byff in I5. It should probably be six slotted if you take it.
Teleportation Pool
A few people in the team should have this pool for moving the team around using Recall Friend. Teleport Foe is handy for healing or buffing right before a big battle. Teleport is almost required for fast Shadow Shard TFs.
Medicine Pool
The FFs have plenty of slots and no single target status protection. They should take Medicine for Stimulant, and probably Resuscitate just in case. Since you need 1 more power, take Aid Other.
Concealment Pool
Not a priority, but Grant Invisiblity will allow us to stealth missions.