Unofficial rules compendium
Alternate Generalist Wizards
The generalist school of wizardry is lacking, and I find that many of the archetypes I write are replacements for this lack. Here is a summary of such options:
Generalist Prestige Archetypes
Sorcerer/Wizard Spell List Additions
Additions to the sorcerer/wizard spell list.
Used by the arcanist, sorcerer, and wizard to level 9.
Level 0
benign dispel,
purge evidence (lesser),
stall flight (lesser).
create tool,
energy orb,
ground mist,
summon zero.
know direction,
merciful insight.
honeyed words,
mutual attraction.
burst of flame,
telekinetic projectile.
color cantrip,
bleeding wound,
blind spot.
alter race,
pushing ray.
Level 1
protection from evil,
red repellent.
riddle resolver.
bone armor,
rouse undead I.
magic fang.
Level 2
dimension door (lesser),
hideous laughter,
stupefy spell.
creature image,
phantom armor,
fey gold,
mirror image,
shadow armaments,
shadow fighting,
shadow wounds,
unseen musician.
rouse undead II.
fool's gold,
launch bullet,
Level 3
purge evidence,
stall flight.
creeping mist.
shadow creation,
shadow fighting (mass).
feign death,
rouse undead III.
magic fang (greater),
object shape I,
transfer enchantment.
Level 4
trial by fire
stun spell.
shadow necromancy (lesser),
shadow polymorph,
shadow shape,
spectral wounds.
rouse undead IV,
speak with dead.
magic vestment,
meld into stone,
object shape II.
Level 5
devil contract,
shadow creation (greater),
word of recall.
forget (mass).
rouse undead V,
singing sword curse.
animate objects,
object shape III.
Level 6
teleport beacon.
true seeing,
x-ray eyes.
modify memory,
stun spell (mass).
shadow necromancy,
shadow polymorph (greater),
shadow shape (greater),
shadow heal/harm,
zone of silence.
rouse undead VI.
control winds,
mark of justice,
object shape IV.
Level 7
feign death (greater),
rouse undead VII.
magic phalanx,
object shape V,
Level 8
true creation.
shadow necromancy (greater),
shadow shape (true).
rouse undead VIII.
Level 9
rouse undead IX.
Elemental School Spell Lists
The d20pfsrd.com has missed out on the spell list for some elemental arcane schools. All elemental schools are listed here for convenience.
Level 0
- Message:
Whisper conversation at distance.
Level 1
- Alter Winds:
Increases/decreases natural wind strength.
- Feather Fall:
Objects or creatures fall slowly.
- Shocking Grasp:
Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6).
Level 2
- Elemental Speech:
Enables you to speak to elementals and some creatures.
- Elemental Touch:
Gain energy damage touch attack.
- Glide:
No fall damage, move 60 ft./round while falling.
- Gust of Wind:
Blast of wind blows away or knocks down creatures.
- Levitate:
Subject moves up and down at your direction.
- Resist Energy:
Ignores first 10 (or more) points of damage per attack from specified energy type.
- Summon Monster II:
Summons elemental creature.
- Whispering Wind:
Sends a short message 1 mile/level.
Level 3
- Cloak of Winds:
A screen of strong wind around you.
- Draconic Reservoir:
Subject can absorb energy damage, and enhance melee attacks with it.
- Elemental Aura:
Creates an aura of energy around you.
- Fly:
Subject f lies at a speed of 60 ft.
- Gaseous Form:
Become insubstantial and f ly slowly.
- Lightning Bolt:
Electricity deals 1d6/level damage.
- Protection From Energy:
Absorbs 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
- Wind Wall:
Def lects arrows, smaller creatures, gasses.
Level 4
- Ball Lightning:
Flying balls of lightning deal 3d6 electricity damage each.
- Detonate:
1d8/level energy damage to nearby creatures.
- Dragon’s Breath:
Gives you a dragon’s breath weapon.
- Elemental Body I:
Turns you into a Small elemental.
- River of Wind:
A stream of wind causes nonlethal damage and can knock down or push creatures.
- Shout:
Deafens all within cone, 5d6 sonic damage.
- Summon Monster IV:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 5
- Elemental Body II:
You become a Medium elemental.
- Overland Flight:
You fly at a speed of 40 ft. and can hustle over long distances.
- Planar Adaptation:
Resist harmful effects of a plane.
- Planar Binding, Lesser:
Traps elemental creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task.
- Suffocation:
Target quickly suffocates to death.
- Summon Monster V:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 6
- Chain Lightning:
1d6/level damage, 1 more bolt/level.
- Elemental Body III:
Turns you into a Large elemental.
- Planar Binding:
As lesser planar binding but up to 12 HD.
- Sirocco:
Hot wind does 4d6 damage, fatigues those damaged, and knocks creatures prone.
- Summon Monster VI:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 7
- Control Weather:
Changes weather in local area.
- Elemental Body IV:
Turns you into a Huge elemental.
- Fly, Mass:
One creature/level gains ability to f ly.
- Planar Adaptation, Mass:
As planar adaptation, but affects multiple creatures.
- Summon Monster VII:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 8
- Planar Binding, Greater:
As lesser planar binding, but up to 18 HD.
- Shout, Greater:
Devastating yell deals 10d6 sonic, damage; stuns creatures.
- Stormbolts:
1d8 damage/level (max 20d8) to targets.
- Summon Monster VIII:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 9
- Gate:
Connects two planes for travel or summoning.
- Suffocation, Mass:
One creature/level suffocates.
- Winds of Vengeance:
Gives you the ability to fly and attack with wind.
Level 0
- Acid Splash:
Orb deals 1d3 acid damage.
Level 1
- Expeditious Excavation:
Moves 5-ft. cubes of earth.
- Grease:
Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery.
- Stone Fist:
Your unarmed strikes are lethal.
Level 2
- Create Pit:
Creates an extradimensional pit.
- Elemental Speech:
Enables you to speak to elementals and some creatures.
- Elemental Touch:
Gain energy damage touch attack.
- Glitterdust:
Blinds targets, outlines invisible things.
- Resist Energy:
Ignores first 10 (or more) points of damage per attack from specified energy type.
- Shatter:
Sonic energy damages objects or creatures composed of crystal.
- Stone Call:
2d6 damage to all creatures in area.
- Summon Monster II:
Summons elemental creature.
Level 3
- Draconic Reservoir:
Subject can absorb energy damage and enhance melee attacks with it.
- Elemental Aura:
Creates an aura of energy around you.
- Protection From Energy:
Absorbs 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
- Shifting Sand:
Creates difficult terrain, erases tracks.
- Spiked Pit:
As create pit, but filled with spikes.
- Stinking Cloud:
Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level.
Level 4
- Acid Pit:
Creates a pit with acid at the bottom.
- Calcific Touch:
Touch slows target, 1d4 Dex damage.
- Detonate:
1d8/level energy damage to nearby creatures.
- Dragon’s Breath:
Gives you a dragon’s breath weapon.
- Elemental Body I:
Turns you into a Small elemental.
- Stone Shape:
Sculpts stone into any shape.
- Stoneskin:
Grants DR 10/adamantine.
- Summon Monster IV:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 5
- Elemental Body II:
You become a Medium elemental.
- Hungry Pit:
As create pit but dealing 4d6 damage to those in it as it closes.
- Passwall:
Creates passage through wood or stone wall.
- Planar Adaptation:
Resist harmful effects of a plane.
- Planar Binding, Lesser:
Traps elemental creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task.
- Summon Monster V:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- Transmute Mud to Rock:
Two 10-ft. cubes per level.
- Transmute Rock to Mud:
Two 10-ft. cubes per level.
- Wall of Stone:
Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.
Level 6
- Acid Fog:
Fog deals acid damage.
- Elemental Body III:
Turns you into a Large elemental.
- Flesh to Stone:
Turns subject creature into statue.
- Move Earth:
Digs trenches and builds hills.
- Planar Binding:
As lesser planar binding, but up to 12 HD.
- Stone to Flesh:
Restores petrified creature.
- Summon Monster VI:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- Wall of Iron:
30 hp/four levels; can topple onto foes.
Level 7 , but affects multiple creatures.
- Elemental Body IV:
Turns you into a Huge elemental.
- Planar Adaptation, Mass:
As planar adaptation, but affects multiple creatures.
- Rampart:
Creates 5-ft. thick earthen barrier.
- Reverse Gravity:
Objects and creatures fall upward.
- Statue:
Subject can become a statue at will.
- Summon Monster VII:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 8
- Iron Body:
Your body becomes living iron.
- Planar Binding, Greater:
As lesser planar binding, but up to 18 HD.
- Summon Monster VIII:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- Wall of Lava:
Wall damages foes that try to enter, periodically launches lava at nearby targets.
Level 9
- Clashing Rocks:
20d6 damage to target creature.
- Gate:
Connects two planes for travel or summoning.
- World Wave:
Earth moves you across distances.
Level 0
- Spark:
Ignites flammable objects.
Level 1
- Burning Hands:
1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4).
- Dancing Lantern:
Animates a lantern that follows you.
Level 2
- Burning Gaze:
1d6 fire damage to target by looking at it.
- Elemental Speech:
Enables you to speak to elementals and some creatures.
- Elemental Touch:
Gain energy damage touch attack.
- Fire Breath:
Exhale a cone of f lame at will.
- Flaming Sphere:
Ball of fire deals 3d6 fire damage.
- Pyrotechnics:
Turns fire into light or thick smoke.
- Resist Energy:
Ignores first 10 (or more) points of damage per attack from specified energy type.
- Scorching Ray:
Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage, 1 ray/four levels (max 3).
- Summon Monster II:
Summons elemental creature.
Level 3
- Campfire Wall:
Creates a shelter around a campfire.
- Draconic Reservoir:
Subject can absorb energy damage and enhance melee attacks with it.
- Elemental Aura:
Creates an aura of energy around you.
- Fireball:
1d6 fire damage per level, 20-ft. radius.
- Flame Arrow:
Arrows deal +1d6 fire damage.
- Protection From Energy:
Absorbs 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
Level 4
- Detonate:
1d8/level energy damage to nearby creatures.
- Dragon’s Breath:
Gives you a dragon’s breath weapon.
- Elemental Body I:
Turns you into a Small elemental.
- Fire Shield:
Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you’re protected from cold.
- Fire Trap:
Opened object deals 1d4 damage +1/level.
- Firefall:
Fire bursts upward, dealing 2d6 fire damage.
- Summon Monster IV:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- Wall of Fire:
2d4 fire damage to 10 ft. and 1d4 to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 damage +1/level.
Level 5
- Elemental Body II:
You become a Medium elemental.
- Fire Snake:
Creates a serpentine path of fire 5 ft. long/level that deals 1d6 fire damage/level.
- Geyser:
Creates a geyser of boiling water.
- Planar Adaptation:
Resist harmful effects of a plane.
- Planar Binding, Lesser:
Traps elemental creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task.
- Summon Monster V:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 6
- Contagious Flame:
Rays do 4d6 fire damage, then move on to new targets.
- Elemental Body III:
Turns you into a Large elemental.
- Planar Binding:
As lesser planar binding, but up to 12 HD.
- Sirocco:
Hot wind does 4d6 damage, fatigues those damaged, and knocks creatures prone.
- Summon Monster VI:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 7
- Delayed Blast Fireball:
1d6/level fire damage; you can postpone blast for up to 5 rounds.
- Elemental Body IV:
Turns you into a Huge elemental.
- Firebrand:
Allies gain f laming weapons, immunity to your fire spells, and a one-use ray of fire attack.
- Planar Adaptation, Mass:
As planar adaptation, but affects multiple creatures.
- Summon Monster VII:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 8
- Incendiary Cloud:
Deals 6d6 fire damage/round.
- Planar Binding, Greater:
As lesser planar binding, but up to 18 HD.
- Summon Monster VIII:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- Wall of Lava:
Wall damages foes that try to enter, periodically launches lava at nearby targets.
Level 9
- Fiery Body:
You gain various fire-related powers.
- Gate:
Connects two planes for travel or summoning.
- Meteor Swarm:
Four meteors each deal 6d6 fire damage.
Level 0
- Ray of Frost:
Ray deals 1d3 cold damage.
Level 1
- Hydraulic Push:
Sudden and powerful wave of water, bull rushes an enemy.
- Obscuring Mist:
Fog surrounds you.
- Touch of the Sea:
Swim speed becomes 30 ft.
Level 2
- Accelerate Poison:
Hastens targeted poison’s onset.
- Elemental Speech:
Enables you to speak to elementals and some creatures.
- Elemental Touch:
Gain energy damage touch attack.
- Fog Cloud:
Fog obscures vision.
- Resist Energy:
Ignores first 10 (or more) points of damage per attack from specified energy type.
- Slipstream:
Wave boosts creature’s speed.
- Summon Monster II:
Summons elemental creature.
Level 3
- Aqueous Orb:
Creates rolling sphere of water.
- Draconic Reservoir:
Subject can absorb energy damage and enhance melee attacks with it.
- Elemental Aura:
Creates an aura of energy around you.
- Hydraulic Torrent:
Creates torrent of water that bull rushes any creature in its path.
- Protection From Energy:
Absorbs 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
- Sleet Storm:
Hampers vision and movement.
- Water Breathing:
Subjects can breathe underwater.
Level 4
- Detonate:
1d8/level energy damage to nearby creatures.
- Dragon’s Breath:
Gives you a dragon’s breath weapon.
- Elemental Body I:
Turns you into a Small elemental.
- Ice Storm:
Hail deals 5d6 damage in area 40 ft. across.
- Solid Fog:
Blocks vision and slows movement.
- Summon Monster IV:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- Wall of Ice:
Ice plane creates wall or hemisphere creates dome.
Level 5
- Cloudkill:
Kills 3 HD or less; 4–6 HD save or die; 6+ HD take Con damage.
- Cone of Cold:
1d6/level cold damage.
- Elemental Body II:
You become a Medium elemental.
- Geyser:
Creates a geyser of boiling water.
- Planar Adaptation:
Resist harmful effects of a plane.
- Planar Binding, Lesser:
Traps elemental creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task.
- Summon Monster V:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 6
- Elemental Body III:
Turns you into a Large elemental.
- Fluid Form:
Gain DR 10/slashing, increases reach 10 ft., and breathe water.
- Freezing Sphere:
Freezes water or deals cold damage.
- Planar Binding:
As lesser planar binding, but up to 12 HD.
- Summon Monster VI:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 7
- Control Weather:
Changes weather in local area.
- Elemental Body IV:
Turns you into a Huge elemental.
- Planar Adaptation, Mass:
As planar adaptation, but affects multiple creatures.
- Summon Monster VII:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- Vortex:
Creates a whirlpool in water.
Level 8
- Horrid Wilting:
Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft.
- Planar Binding, Greater:
As lesser planar binding, but up to 18 HD.
- Polar Ray:
Ranged touch attack deals 1d6/level cold damage and 1d4 points of Dexterity drain.
- Seamantle:
Sheathes you in protective water.
- Summon Monster VIII:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 9
- Gate:
Connects two planes for travel or summoning.
- Tsunami:
Wave damages and sweeps up all in its path.
- World Wave:
Earth moves you across distances.
Alternate Elements
Level 0
- Mending
Level 1
- Gravity Bow
- Magic Weapon
- Shocking Grasp
Level 2
- Defensive Shock
- Elemental Speech:
Enables you to speak to elementals and some creatures.
- Elemental Touch:
Gain energy damage touch attack.
- Glitterdust
- Make Whole
- Resist Energy:
Ignores first 10 (or more) points of damage per attack from specified energy type.
- Shatter
- Silk To Steel
- Summon Monster II:
Summons elemental creature.
Level 3
- Chill metal
- Draconic Reservoir:
Subject can absorb energy damage and enhance melee attacks with it.
- Elemental Aura:
Creates an aura of energy around you.
- Heat metal
- Keen edge
- Lightning bolt
- Magic weapon (greater)
- Protection From Energy:
Absorbs 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
- Versatile weapon ‘‘‘
Level 4
- Detonate:
1d8/level energy damage to nearby creatures.
- Dragon’s Breath:
Gives you a dragon’s breath weapon.
- Elemental Body I:
Turns you into a Small elemental.
- Malfunction
- Shout
- Stoneskin
- Summon Monster IV:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 5
- Elemental Body II:
You become a Medium elemental.
- Lightning Arc
- Major Creation
- Planar Adaptation:
Resist harmful effects of a plane.
- Planar Binding, Lesser:
Traps elemental creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task.
- Rapid Repair
- Rusting Grasp
- Soothe Construct
- Summon Monster V:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- Unbreakable Construct
Level 6
- Chain Lightning
- Disintegrate
- Elemental Body III:
Turns you into a Large elemental.
- Planar Binding:
As lesser planar binding, but up to 12 HD.
- Summon Monster VI:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- Wall Of Iron
Level 7
- Control Construct
- Elemental Body IV:
Turns you into a Huge elemental.
- Lightning Rod
- Planar Adaptation, Mass:
As planar adaptation, but affects multiple creatures.
- Statue
- Summon Monster VII:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 8
- Call Construct [UM]
- Greater Shout
- Iron Body
- Planar Binding, Greater:
As lesser planar binding, but up to 18 HD.
- Stormbolts
- Summon Monster VIII:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 9
- Gate:
Connects two planes for travel or summoning.
- Meteor Swarm
- Repel Metal Or Stone
- Ride The Lightning
Level 0
- Light
Level 1
- Alter Winds
- Animate Rope
- Charm Person
Level 2
- Cat’s Grace
- Elemental Speech:
Enables you to speak to elementals and some creatures.
- Elemental Touch:
Gain energy damage touch attack.
- Entangle
- Protection From Arrows
- Resist Energy:
Ignores first 10 (or more) points of damage per attack from specified energy type.
- Summon Monster II:
Summons elemental creature.
- Web
- Whispering Wind
Level 3
- Cloak Of Winds
- Draconic Reservoir:
Subject can absorb energy damage and enhance melee attacks with it.
- Elemental Aura:
Creates an aura of energy around you.
- Protection From Energy:
Absorbs 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
- Tongues
- Tree Shape
- Wind Wall
Level 4
- Charm Monster
- Detonate:
1d8/level energy damage to nearby creatures.
- Dragon’s Breath:
Gives you a dragon’s breath weapon.
- Elemental Body I:
Turns you into a Small elemental.
- Hallucinatory Terrain
- Minor Creation
- Plant Growth
- River Of Wind
- Secure Shelter
- Sirocco
- Summon Monster IV:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 5
- Command Plants
- Elemental Body II:
You become a Medium elemental.
- Fabricate
- Fickle Winds [Um]
- Mirage Arcana
- Planar Adaptation:
Resist harmful effects of a plane.
- Planar Binding, Lesser:
Traps elemental creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task.
- Sending
- Summon Monster V:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- Telepathic Bond
Level 6
- Battlemind Link [UM]
- Cat’s Grace (Mass)
- Elemental Body III:
Turns you into a Large elemental.
- Planar Binding:
As lesser planar binding, but up to 12 HD.
- Summon Monster VI:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- Tree Stride
Level 7
- Control Weather
- Elemental Body IV:
Turns you into a Huge elemental.
- Liveoak
- Planar Adaptation, Mass:
As planar adaptation, but affects multiple creatures.
- Scouring Winds
- Summon Monster VII:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
Level 8
- Charm Monster (Mass)
- Euphoric Tranquility ‘‘‘
- Planar Binding, Greater:
As lesser planar binding, but up to 18 HD.
- Summon Monster VIII:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- Transmute Metal To Wood
Level 9
- Control Plants
- Gate:
Connects two planes for travel or summoning.
- Refuge
- Winds of Vengeance
Level 0
- Guidance
Level 1
- Gravity Bow
- Keen Senses
- Shield
- True Strike
Level 2
- Continual Flame
- Elemental Speech:
Enables you to speak to elementals and some creatures.
- Elemental Touch:
Gain energy damage touch attack.
- Haunting Mists
- Invisibility
- Masterwork Transformation
- Resist Energy:
Ignores first 10 (or more) points of damage per attack from specified energy type.
- See Invisibility
- Share Memory
- Summon Monster II:
Summons elemental creature.
Level 3
- Arcane Sight
- Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
- Dispel Magic
- Draconic Reservoir:
Subject can absorb energy damage and enhance melee attacks with it.
- Elemental Aura:
Creates an aura of energy around you.
- Nondetection
- Protection From Energy:
Absorbs 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
- Seek Thoughts
- Tapestry’s Embrace
- Twilight Knife
Level 4
- Detonate:
1d8/level energy damage to nearby creatures.
- Dragon’s Breath:
Gives you a dragon’s breath weapon.
- Elemental Body I:
Turns you into a Small elemental.
- Minor Creation
- Moonstruck
- Summon Monster IV:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- Wandering Star Motes
Level 5
- Elemental Body II:
You become a Medium elemental.
- Fabricate
- Major Creation
- Mind Fog
- Planar Adaptation:
Resist harmful effects of a plane.
- Planar Binding, Lesser:
Traps elemental creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task.
- Summon Monster V:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- Telepathic Bond
- Teleport
Level 6
- Elemental Body III:
Turns you into a Large elemental.
- Greater Dispel Magic
- Legend Lore
- Mage’s Lucubration
- Planar Binding:
As lesser planar binding, but up to 12 HD.
- Summon Monster VI:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- True Seeing
Level 7
- Elemental Body IV:
Turns you into a Huge elemental.
- Greater Teleport
- Planar Adaptation, Mass:
As planar adaptation, but affects multiple creatures.
- Simulacrum
- Summon Monster VII:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- Vision
Level 8
- Mind Blank
- Moment Of Prescience
- Orb Of The Void
- Planar Binding, Greater:
As lesser planar binding, but up to 18 HD.
- Summon Monster VIII:
Summons elemental creature to fight for you.
- Whirlwind
Level 9
- Foresight
- Gate:
Connects two planes for travel or summoning.
- Mage’s Disjunction
- Time Stop
External Links
Spellcasting Guides
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