Spot Schticks (Action)
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Heroic Action Role-Play |
Found Ya!
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you successfully Scan and spot someone who is Sneaking, you can use this schtick to immediately take a Basic Action against that creature. If you found several creatures withe the same action, you can still only take one action but if that action targets mutliple creatures or an area, you can affect all those you just spotted.
Limit Break
You are a forensics expert, able to analyze clues and physical remains and create a coherent image of what happened at a scene you are investigating. Certain details might need to be verified in a lab, but you can get a general idea of what happened and clues to what kind of people were involved. As more information is added from witnesses and technical reports, you can flesh out your image of what happened. You can put all of this down into reports that other investigators can read and understand, and you can quickly skim such reports to find similar cases which can offer additional insights.
Lip Reading
Basic Action
You have the rather unique ability to decipher what people are saying merely from looking at their lips moving. As long as you can get a reasonably good view of a speaker's lips and know the language, you can get the gist of what is said. Certain parts may be obscure or missing, depending on your skill roll or the needs of the plot.
Material Link
Limit Break
By investigating a place were a creature bled or slept, you can secure a sample of their blood, hair or other tissue sufficient to give you their True Name, or at least secure an advantage against them. Make an opposed Spot check, on a success you gain an Advantage against them that is persistent form scene to scene. On an Outcome matching their Reflexes you learn their True Name.
Limit Break
You are sensitive to psychic impressions, and can often catch the mood of a place and get glimpses of important events that happened there in the past. You can commune and catch glimpses of information from spirits. Make a Spot check to seek answers from spirits, which is much the same as Contacts, only the answers are colored by the nature of the spirits of the place.
This is not a Power, but it assumes spirits exist in the setting; if they do not this schtick won't work.
You get a +5 bonus (instead of the usual +3) on Keep Watch stunts. When you do a Scan or Surveilance stunt the the roll is Confident.
You are a master at observing nature and its ways. When you Track the penalty is one per day old the trail is rather than one per hour, as long as there has been no significant precipitation or other manner of trail destruction. You are not distracted by natural sounds and obstructions, your Spot checks are never penalized because of such things. You can identify animals, plants, and minerals on sight.
Basic Action
When you use this power, you are aware if there are any active powers within ten meters times the result of your Spot roll. Within one meter per point rolled, you can pinpoint and identify such powers.
To pinpoint things that are hiding, your Spot must match their Hide.
You have a good sense of personal and small unit tactics. You can sense at what shot creatures within Spot meters will act, and you can sense the groups minions and are organized in, who leads who, and creature's typical combat mode and Role. All of these actions are automatic and take no time to use. You cannot read creatures whose Spot is higher than yours.
When the GM has you make a roll to discern enemy tactics or deployments, such rolls are Confident.
Target Acquired
Trigger Action (Focus)
When you spot a Sneaking enemy or an enemy fails to Sneak on you, you can focus.
Total Recall
Limit Break
You have perfect recall; years afterwards, you can call up the precise words of a conversation or recall details of a room seen only at a glance. This allows you to analyze as scene from memory as though you were actually present there now. You can retroactively use the Spot skill to notice things you didn't think of looking for when you were actually there, which in turn might give more information from other skills such as Know. The game master can play up a small flashback from the time you learned the information recalled, which will often give some additional insight into your problem or your character's background.
The Limit Break refers to the act of remembering, it is not something you have to do to record the memory in the first place.
Whenever you are in danger of triggering a trap or alarm, you can make a Spot against the Create of the trapmaker - on a success you spor the trap just as you are about to blunder into it, and can stop doing whatever would trigger the trap. When you Scan for traps, you get a +3 modifier.