Reference (Dragonstar)

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Many pages on Dark Star has references to various sourcebooks.

Abbreviation Title Publisher
DaS Darkstar This site!
SH Starfarer's Handbook Fantasy Flight Games
GG Guide to the Galaxy Fantasy Flight Games
IS Imperial Supply Fantasy Flight Games
GR Galactic Races Fantasy Flight Games
PC Player's Companion Fantasy Flight Games
AR Arsenal Perpetrated Press
PH Player's Handbook Wizards of the Coast
DMG Dungeon Master's Guide Wizards of the Coast
MM Monster Manual Wizards of the Coast
MM2 Monster Manual II Wizards of the Coast
AEG Arms and Equipment Guide Wizards of the Coast
FRCG Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide Wizards of the Coast
MF Magic of Faerun Wizards of the Coast
S&F Sword and Fist Wizards of the Coast
T&B Tome and Blood Wizards of the Coast
DoF Defenders of the Faith Wizards of the Coast
S&S Song & Silence Wizards of the Coast
MoW Masters of the Wild Wizards of the Coast
OA Oriental Adventures Wizards of the Coast
D&D Deities and Demigods Wizards of the Coast
MoP Manual of the Planes Wizards of the Coast

Divine Spellware Guide | Feat Guide | Magic Armor Abilities | Magic Weapon Abilities | Race Guide | Spellware Guide |
