Ride Stunts (Action)
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Heroic Action Role-Play |
- Main article: Action
List of specific stunts the skill can be used for, and rules for each using the standard power format.
Aggressive Driving
Basic Action
When you ride, you can use this to get a momentary advantage. It represents such maneuvers as outflanking, getting a positional advantage, and driving someone off the road.
Make an opposed Ride roll against the Ride or Maneuver of the target. If you succeed you gain an Advantage.
It you score an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes, you also inflict a Setback; the target suffers some direct penalty, as appropriate to the situation and how you described your outmaneuver. He might veer off the road, fall over a cliff, temporarily show off his unarmored flank and so on.
You can maintain your ride, whether animal or vehicle. You can use Ride for Repair and First Aid stunts applied to vehicles and domestic animals.
Make Camp
Limit Break
You can find a safe hiding place and rest spot. A camp can be a campsite, cave, hidden cove, safehouse, untraceable flophouse, abandoned attic, sheltered mausoleum... Whatever suits the story. You must be out of direct harms way and a reasonable distance away from the base of your enemies. Make a Ride check against the highest Recon among the oppositions; on a success your camp is hidden well enough not to be found except with extensive searching (which allows the opposition a Recon check against your Ride skill.
Basic Action
It is a Basic Action to mount a ready ride, either as passenger or driver. The ride can be a vehicle, riding animal, or similar conveyance controlled by a driver. In Action startup time is generally ignored; warming up an engine or saddling a horse happens off screen unless the GM has a special reason for it to be shown.
Once a vehicle or mount is ridden, you can use your Ride skill as Dodge, both for yourself, your passengers, and your ride. The ride can use its own Dodge skill instead if better, but a ride usually has no or little Dodge. You can use abilities that affect Dodge on this virtual Dodge.
You are considered to fill the entire space of the ride fort the purpose of Shoot and Melee attacks. If the ride is open - like scooters and cycles of all kinds and most living mounts - attackers can target either you or the ride separately. If it is closed - most vehicles and some howdas - enemies can only attack the ride. While controlling a ride you can only attack targets ahead of you. Passengers, including gunners, have no such restriction.
When riding, you use the ride's Body and Move for vehicle-mounted weapons and attacks using the vehicle itself. Your effective Reflexes is the lower of your own and the vehicle's Reflexes. Most vehicles lack a Mind score and cannot be attacked that way, interaction stunts instead target the driver.
Passengers other than the driver in a closed vehicle cannot be attacked and gain your Ride skill as Dodge, but otherwise these rules do not apply to passengers, who use their own abilities normally.
When the ride takes a Hit you as rider can take that Hit instead—this is not an action. But if the ride suffers a Damage Setback you cannot absorb that. Since most rides are unnamed and have only one Hit, a Setback generally causes a crash and any riders might suffer a Setback as well depending on terrain and speed.
You can cut travel time by taking creative shortcuts. In a land without obvious paths, you might have to use this stunt to even navigate across some wilderness. Make a stunt roll against a difficulty determined by the terrain, or against the Ride of another pathfinder if you are competing on finding an objective.
Terrain | Difficulty |
Familiar area. | 0 |
Known area, good map, or good signs and markers. | 3 |
Pathways exist but you do not know them, lack of roadsigns or a bad map. | 6 |
Confusing pathways with no signs and no map. | 9 |
No blazed paths, good terrain. | 12 |
No blazed paths, broken terrain. | 15 |
No blazed paths, dangerous terrain. | 18 |
On a success, you save some time, arriving early by about 5% per point of outcome (but in no less than half the usual time except in very unusual circumstances). On a failure, you lose time and take about 25% more time per point of negative outcome. Only bother to roll if the situation is opposed or if a meaningful challenge exists; driving along a known highway does not call for this stunt.
Sense of Location
Basic Action
You can sense when space and time is distorted, such as when you have been subjected to Teleport powers or when reality around you has been changed. This also allows you to sense the movement of a large vehicle you are riding, such as a ship or train. It can also penetrate trickery designed to make you think you've been moved when you actually have not. Make an opposed Ride check against whoever is causing the distortion - on a success you gain some idea of what really happened.
Note that even manipulations caused by skills other than Ride still require opposed Ride rolls: Ride is the skill needed to fool you and others skills used in for transport are crude by comparison.
You must consciously use this power, and do so soon after the event you are trying to detect; generally within the same scene.
Terrain Driving
You can ride over hindering terrain, leap over hazards and difficult ground that would normally slow or hinder others. This is similar to Free Running but generally more difficult. The difficulty depends on the situation.
Obstacle | Difficulty |
Off road but flat or within the expectations of an off-road vehicle. | 6 |
Obstacle course, rubble or other slowing obstacle, heavy traffic, riding a car on two wheels. | 9 |
Jumps up to 3m in height, tightrope, congested traffic. | 12 |
Riding on walls. | 15 |
Riding on ceilings (at speed). | 18 |
Riding on flames, smoke, or the missiles of a ranged attack | 21 |
Failure at stunt driving means you hesitate. You can up the ante and try anyway (as a Standard action), but if you fail this second attempt you suffer a Setback.
Air Piloting
In a similar way, you can move trough turbulence and other areal hazards.
Boats have their own set of obstacles, that you can avoid using skill and luck.
Space Piloting
In space, no-one can hear your brakes scream.
Submersible Piloting
Submarines exist in their own highly dangerous environment. This schtick also applies to digging devices.
Vehicle Evasion
Standard Action
You can throw off pursuers by selecting a route they cannot easily follow. You need some terrain you can conceivably shake pursuit in, which is almost always there. Make an opposed Ride roll against the Ride or Maneuver of the target. If several people are chasing you, you still have to concentrate on shaking one at a time. If you succeed, the target loses three shots. It you score an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes, he loses shots equal to the Outcome and has to give up the chase or suffer a serious Setback such as a crash.
Schticks or powers can modify this stunt by +5 or even +10, as appropriate for the situation. For example, it is very hard for someone to catch up with you if you fly off and they can't, it will be easy for them to follow you unless you are also faster.
Speed Push
Trigger Action
You can use this stunt to give your mount or vehicle a higher Move rating for one action. This is useful as a temporary speed boost and for keeping up with a chase in open terrain, there the Move of your vehicle would not enough to participate in a chase. If you fail any action to keep up with the case, you fall behind and cannot re-enter the chase unless special circumstances permit it.
Use this as a trigger action, triggered by whatever condition makes you need more speed. Make a Ride roll; for every 4 points you score on this roll, your effective Move is increased by one. A roll of 4 allows +1 Move, 8 allows +2 Move, 12 allows +3, 16 allows +4 and so on.
Basic Action
You can retrace the path of other creatures. If those creatures were aware they might be tracked and are trying to avoid it, this is a roll against their Recon or Ride, otherwise the difficulty is their Reflexes. The roll is heavily modified depending on the situation.
Condition | Tracking Modifier |
Each creature being tracked | +1 |
Each hour since the tracks were made | -1 |
Hard ground | -5 |
Traffic or interfering tracks | -5 |
Heavy Traffic | -10 to impossible |
Tracking requires constant Basic Actions to stay on the trail, making tracking rather arduous and impossible to do when moving quickly. An actual roll is only needed every hour and at each obstacle, such as a stream, branch in the road, or other problem.