Melee Schticks (Action)
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Heroic Action Role-Play |
All-Out Attack
Basic Action
Make a Melee attack with a +2 bonus. Until your next shot comes up or the end of the round, you cannot take a Trigger Action. If you are using a weapon that has the Great Blow ability, increase the bonus to +3.
Bleeding Wound
A target that takes a hit form one of your piercing or cutting melee attacks starts to bleed. Unless the target takes a basic action to stop the bleeding, it will take one additional hit at the end of the round. A friend can help stop the damage, but this requires a First Aid stunt with a difficulty equal to your Body.
This is a Burn effect. A creature can only have one burn effect active at a time, even if damaged by several different types of attacks that each cause burn.
When your shot comes up and you are not adjacent to any enemy, and you move adjacent to an enemy and make a Melee attack, you can focus.
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you inflict a Hit wit with a Melee attack you can immediately use this to attack another adjacent opponent with the same attack you just used. This does not work with any trigger action, area attack, or attack that potentially affects more than one target.
Basic action
When you do a Grab stunt, you gain several advantages.
- You gain a +3 defensive bonus against all Dodge and Impress stunts, not just from the person you grabbed.
- You can still employ a small or tiny weapon, both when grabbing someone or being grabbed.
- You can attack others not involved in your grapple.
- When an opponent has a grab on you, and you score an attack on them, you can either can free yourself or grab them.
- You can grab a number of creatures at once equal to your number of arms (or similar limbs). Each must be grabbed separately, but you can maintain several grabs at once.
Combat Banter
Trigger Action (Combo)
After you perform a successful Browbeat, Distraction, Scare, or Trick attempt, you can use this to perform a Normal Melee Attack against the same target.
Combat Binding
Basic Action
You are skilled in using ropes or cuffs to restrain an opponent in melee. Make a Melee check against the target's Dodge. On a success the target is partially bound and suffers one of the penalties noted below. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes he is more severely bound and suffers three of the conditions, or you can apply one restriction of your choice. Restraints are applied in this order: bound arms, immobilized, bound legs, blindfolding, hogtie. Physical restraint in Action does not completely prevent a hero from action, they impose handicaps to be overcome.
- Gagging prevents mundane speech. Stymies all Charm and Impress checks.
- Handcuffing is when your hands are tied in front of you, but not so tightly as to make them completely unusable; you can still use one hand effectively, such as using weapons or tools of Small size or smaller.
- Hobbling indicates restrained legs, but not fixed to each other. It means you cannot move as part of a normal Basic Action, and can only move your normal move when you do a Full Move action or otherwise do an action that grants extra movement..
- Immobilized, stuck to something, alternatively on a short leash which prevents movement beyond one or two meters. If you are stuck to a creature whose Body is greater than yours, you are forced along as it moves, otherwise you are both immobilized unless you two cooperate.
- Bound Legs you fall prone and cannot stand unsupported, which prevents and hinders many actions as determined by the situation and stunt description. Your Move is reduced to 1. Swimming and flying creatures are entangled, with similar effects.
- Bound Arms prevent most physical manipulation and the use of weapons and implements. You can still use tackles and head butts for (Body +0) damage or a Tiny Ranged Weapon, but limited to Close range.
- Blinded restricts your awareness, giving you only a rough estimate of objects and creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind; you are insensitive to things beyond this range. Everyone has enough concealment to Sneak on you, and against creatures beyond your perception range, you have to use Reflexes rather than Recon for defense against Recon stunts.
- (or more) Hogtie A hogtied character cannot act physically and can only move one meter as a standard action; no movement is otherwise allowed. This also prevents all Defense actions.
These restraints can be escaped with a Contortions stunt pitting Reflexes against your Melee or destroyed by another person; ropes have a Body of around 12 while metal cuffs have 15 or more. Weapons larger and more unwieldy than a dagger take an attack penalty equal to their damage add when attacking bonds.
You can aim for a specific condition. Threat any roll higher than that condition as that condition. If you are aiming for a specific condition and instead achieve another, you can choose to forgo that effect to get and Advantage that can add a +3 bonus on a later attempt.
Daredevil Stunt
Basic Action
Use your melee weapon (or unarmed attack) to make a Bait, Disarm, Feint, and Wingclip stunt with a +3 bonus.
Typical stunts include trips, feints, called shots, disarm, and particularly outrageous and dashing maneuvers such as carving your initials or adjusting your opponent's coiffure in combat. It enables you to do all the fun but somewhat silly things done in pulpy Three Musketeers and pirate movies.
Dauntless Strike
Limit Break
You make a flashy Normal melee Attack that renewed your confidence. Hit or miss, you regain 1 Hit. If you damage your opponent you instead regain 3 Hits.
Disarming Counter
Trigger Action
When an opponent misses you with an armed Melee attack, you can make a Disarm stunt against that opponent. Against an unarmed opponent, you can instead make a Normal Melee Attack.
Limit Break
You confront an opposing character in a way where others cannot easily intervene. This is usually because of the physical setting, somehow you and your opponent end up isolated from others and lasts until the end of the next round. Against opponents with a code of honor this can be a purely social barrier. If there is no such barrier you can use, the schtick will not work, but pretty strange coincidences are allowed.
Others can try to break the isolation with stunts against your Melee, but need to achieve an Outcome equal to your Reflexes to do so, collecting an Advantage for each success that does not have enough of an outcome. Those not involved in the duel cannot distract you with these stunts and are restricted to Gain Advantage attempts.
Flank Attack
Basic Action
Make a Normal Melee Attack against an opponent that is not adjacent to any of his allies. You gain a +1 bonus on your attack for each ally adjacent to him, to a maximum of +3. You count as your own ally
Great Cleave
Trigger Action (Combo)
You must have Cleave to use this schtick.
When inflict a Hit with with Cleave or Great Cleave you can immediately use this to attack another adjacent opponent with the same attack you just used to Cleave. You cannot attack any opponent twice in the same shot. This does not work with any area attack or that otherwise affects more than one target, nor with weapons that do Piercing damage except by GM fiat. Great Cleave is an exception to the rule that a trigger action cannot trigger of another trigger action.
Guarded Strike
Basic Action
Make a Normal Melee Attack attack. Until your next action you count as actively dodging, and get a +3 bonus to Dodge. It stops at the end of the round or when you take any action, including a trigger action. Trigger actions you take the same shot you use Guarded Strike do not end the Dodge bonus. This is particularly useful against Riposte and attacks that do not allow an active defense.
Iron Fist
You have hardened yourself so that you can do Body +4 Blunt damage with unarmed attacks. This attack does not cause any direct injury on a Damage Setback, instead favoring stun, knockback, and other non-lethal effects.
Junk Fu
Basic Action
You are very good with improvised weapons, such as beer bottles or chairs. Use this maneuver to pick up and wield some object lying about. For the rest of the round, you get a +3 bonus to Melee when using this object as a weapon. By the end of the round, if you drop the object, or if you roll snakeyes on your action die, the improvised weapon is destroyed. Objects with script immunity are not destroyed, merely dropped, but this schtick is still canceled for the sequence.
Improvised weapons generally do Body +1 damage, but particularly inventive items can function like some regular Melee weapon, generally with a -2 damage penalty unless that type of weapon has the Improvised quality. You can use such improvised weapons with any Melee power or schtick that does not specifically have to be made unarmed.
Power Attack
Basic Action
Make a Melee attack that does +2 additional damage. If you are using a Melee Weapon with the Great Blow ability, this bonus is increased to +3.
Gain a +2 bonus on Melee and suffer a -2 penalty on Dodge.
Trigger Action
You can riposte against opponents failing to attack you in Melee, striking would-be attackers that you manage to keep at bay. Whenever an opponent misses you with a Basic Action attack in Melee, you can use this to make a Normal Melee Attack on them. This is similar to the weapon ability Intercept, but works with any kind of melee attack.
Roll With Blow
Trigger Action (Defense)
You can use your Reflexes in place of your Body or Toughness to soak damage from a Melee attack, including thrown weapons. Each time you are attacked, you must move a meter in any direction of your choice. If you won't or can't do so, this power fails. The space cannot be occupied by another creature. If the space you are moving into requires a Fee Running check, you must pass that check or you cannot move into that space.
Seven-Sword Strike
Basic Action
Make a Normal Melee Attack against all adjacent enemies. You cannot move as a part of this basic action, nor can you do Trigger Actions until your next shot comes up.
Shield Feint
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you are wielding a melee weapon with shield in the name in one hand and another melee weapon that is of a smaller Size than the shield in the other hand, you can use this Combo to improve your attack. Opponents cannot use a Trigger Action (Defense) check against such an attack.
Shield Master
Any shield you wield gains the Entangle, Returning, and Throw abilities. When you are wielding a melee weapon with shield in the name in one hand and another melee weapon in the other hand, both weapons gain the Intercept and Offhand Strike weapon abilities.
Shield Sacrifice
Trigger Action (Damage)
Add 10 to your Toughness against one specific attack, after the attack roll and defenses. This stacks with Toughness modifiers from armor, but not from other Trigger Actions. A shield you are using breaks and is destroyed. If the shield is of superior make of of a higher tech level than the attacking weapon, you drop it entangled instead, and you need to spend a Basic Action making it ready for use. To use this, you must be using a Melee Weapon with "shield" in the name. If the shield has the Block ability, you can only use this against melee attacks, if it has Deflect you can use this against any attack.
Soft Strike
Basic Action
You make an attack when you use an enemy's strength against him. Make a Melee attack against the higher of your target's Dodge or Body, inflicting Concussion Stun damage equal to your Reflexes. Concussion damage is soaked using Reflexes. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher.
When you make a Strength Push stunt, the Melee roll is Confident.
Trigger Action
You can do a Interference stunt using your Melee skill.
Takedown Counter
Trigger Action (Combo)
You use the power of an enemy's attack against him. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher. Make a melee attack against a target that just missed you in melee, inflicting Concussion Stun damage equal to your Reflexes. Concussion damage is soaked using Reflexes. If you manage to do any damage, your target loses a shot. If the target moved before attacking you, you can throw him three meters in the direction he was moving before the attack, but then the damage is not stun.
Trigger Action (Combo)
One per Basic Action you take, you can trample a creature that is prone or that has a Body 5 or more lower than yours. Make a Normal Melee Attack that inflicts Body damage.
Throw Anything
You can throw any melee weapon as a ranged attack using the Melee skill with Close range, as if the weapon had the Throw ability.
Two-Fisted Action
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you have two hands free for combat you are capable of making a flurry of attacks in rapid succession. Whenever you miss with a Melee attack and have two or more melee weapons or free hands, you can use this schtick immediately afterwords to throw another Normal Melee Attack at the same target, using another weapon that than the one that just hit. This is a schtick version of the weapon ability Second Strike.
Weapon Technique
Pick two of the following weapon abilities. Any melee weapon you use, including natural weapons and unarmed attacks, get these weapon techniques. Some weapon abilities, noted in parentheses "()", come in different variants. You get only the indicated variant. A few weapon techniques, marked with a slash "/", can be taken twice. If you take such an ability once, use the ability before the slash. If you pick the same ability twice, you instead get the ability behind the slash. You can pick only the ability after the slash, but you can then only use it with a weapon with the ability before the slash.
- Block / Deflect
- Charge
- Disarm
- Dual Damage
- Extra Damage (Armor Defeating)
- Extra Damage (Armor Exploiting)
- Great Blow
- Intercept
- Parry
- Second Strike (Offhand strike) / Second Strike (Double strike)
- Stun
- Throw / Returning - Cannot be used on unarmed/natural attacks
You cannot use the Returning or Throw abilities with natural or unarmed attacks.