Charm Schticks (Action)

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Heroic Action Role-Play



You are a character actor, well able to maintain a role. You like to immense yourself in your assumed persona, and seem able to change your personality and demeanor on cue.

When you use Acting & Disguise, you only need to make rolls when confronted with people familiar with your assumed role. You can also disguise yourself as a different race, gender or as a specific person as long as you can conceal any obvious physical differences; your method acting convinces people to overlook minor oddities in your appearance.

Ablative Clothing


When in action, you have a marvelous ability to lose your clothes. Blows miss you by the sheerest margin, slashing your outfit. Branches conspire to rip your clothes. Claws gore clothes instead of flesh. This schtick is just as common among hunks and babes. Conan has it, as does many fantasy barbarians and bimbos in all genres.

Use this schtick to ignore the effects of any one physical attack or stunt. You can also use it to ignore difficult ground or other adverse terrain effects, in which case you can ignore such conditions for one Round. This rips up your clothes beyond repair. You cannot use this schtick while naked or in ripped clothes, and can only use it once per session.

Once you have used this you are as naked as they day you were born (or as naked as the genre will allow). Any function your clothes once had is gone. You no longer have any armor. This can serve to activate Bulletproof Nudity.


Basic Action

You can use the Sense Motive stunt as a Basic Action, but you still need to observe your target in a social context. You can only attempt Acumen once per adventure on a particular target.

Beauty Mask


The Crying Freeman has this schtick, and any character can have it in almost any juncture.

This schtick gives a sort of anonymity, even when not in disguise. Your features are idealized and forgettable. People can't seem to remember just exactly what you looked like when giving a description, tought they will readily recognize you if you meet again. They know someone was there, but they just can't think of what you looked like. ("He looked kinda like that movie star, I just forget who.") With a concentrated effort (A Limit Break), a Spot roll against your Charm allows them a basic recollection.


Limit Break

Use this when you are with someone who trusts you implicitly and has lowered his guard to you and who you can hold or embrace without them resisting you. It works both inside and outside of combat.

You can do a Finisher against your target, just as if you had just defeated him in combat.

Blind Eye

Trigger Action

Win an opposed Charm check to convince the target that something it would normally not accept is in fact acceptable. The target turns a blind eye to the problem and acts normally despite the situation. The target overlooks what would normally be unacceptable identity, behavior, or appearance, going so far as to ignore rules and social conventions. The target turns a blind eye to a single situation and its direct natural repercussions. For example, having accepted a barbarian at a cocktail party, the target will not react to that barbarian again until he does something truly outrageous. Any direct threat of harm breaks the charm.

Captivating Captive

Trigger Action (Focus)

When you are a helpless captive or otherwise at the mercy of your opposition, you can focus.

Consummate Charm


When you make a successful Charm stunt, you can add three to the Outcome of the action, increasing the chance to score a Setback.



You are at home in all cultures, able to understand and adopt to strange manners and customs. Reduce the difficulty of any Charm and Impress rolls related to alien cultures, and reduce any first-contact difficulty modifier by five as well, but not below the basic difficulty.

This schtick does not cover languages; use Linguist for that.



There is something about you that makes others care for you. Depending on their personality, this might make them want to kidnap and possess you or just give you a smile and favorable treatment. You automatically have at least the minimal effect of Charm on everyone you meet, making them see you as special and pleasant to be with. This makes it easy for you to get into social events, make acquaintances, and generally be very popular in a non-domineering sort of way.


Basic Action

By meeting someone's eye, you can fascinate them, distracting them and giving you an opportunity to interact socially with them.

This mainly eases first contact. A successful opposed Charm roll distracts your target and focuses his attention on you. He will follow you a short way and be willing to sit down to be seduced, bluffed or intimidated. This also works to distract guards, focusing their attention on you instead of on what they should be doing.

In an action scene, the target must either lose three shots or make you his objective, moving adjacent to you and focusing on getting some private time with you for the rest of the round. If your Outcome matches the target's Mind, he suffers both results.

Does not work on creatures incapable of communication.

Fainting Flower


Whenever you are affected by a stunt or take damage, you can choose to ignore the effect and instead swoon beautifully. This costs you all shots for this round and the next, but lets you ignore all damage while swooning. Enemies can use Trigger Actions (Finishers) against you, as long as you do not take further damage from them.

Fainting Flower does not help against truly indiscriminate dangers such as a bomb or rockfall, tough it does help against normal area attacks. Nor can you use this schtick to defend against attempts to capture, carry away, or otherwise take possession of you; in fact you are helpless against such attacks; your Dodge is zero against them for the remainder of the round. You cannot use this to escape confinement or whatever nefarious death-traps you might be placed in while in a swoon.



You have a knack for gambling. Cinematic gambling has little to do with real-world gambling, and is not about calculating odds and folding at the right time; it is all about absurd luck. This schtick gives you the ability to draw just the right card to fill out your glorious hand or to give your race horse that little extra burst of speed.

As a basic action, you can make others accept a bet for a trivial stake by succeeding on an opposed Charm roll, with higher outcomes indicating bigger wagers. An outcome matching the target's Mind allows stakes the target really cannot afford to lose, the equivalent of a Setback.

Whenever you have a bet hanging on an event, you can modify chance in your favor, adding a Fortune die either for or against the event. You make Confident Rolls when gambling.

Help From My Friends

Trigger Action (Focus)

When surrounded by friends, championing their cause, you gain confidence. When surrounded by a group of people (12 or more) that supports your actions, wishes you well, and generally is on your side, you can focus.

Honest Joe

Trigger Action

You have a way with people, and inspire trust and confidence without really trying to. Any basically good and law-abiding people gladly give you a hand, though there must be a reason if they are to accept discomfort or danger to help you. This lets you charm people without really trying to, and tends to make you a leaders of mobs and posses. You may come into conflict with official authority figures. Sometimes, you can even inspire this trust in goons and villains, but usually only after you have soundly trounced them.

You can make a roll to find Common Ground as a Finisher, when you rescue someone from danger, and upon first meeting good-natured, law-abiding people.

Influential Friend


You have a friend in a high position. This can be a king, hero, high official, monster, or even a god. You are childhood friends, accidental acquaintances, lovers, or otherwise know each other privately.

Inclined to act in your favor, an influential friend has many other obligations and this makes him unreliable. Your friend likes you and wants to correspond with you and spend time with you, but is aware that showing you preferential treatment is somewhat irresponsible and thus does not provide all the support he could. He will give plenty of hints, rumors, and tidbits of information as well as the occasional gift and favor. Pressuring an influential friend for more help may produce grand results in the short term, but can easily backlash. At times, your influential friend might need your help, having you act secretly as their agent in the world.



You are an inspiration to others. Whenever someone else performs an action that you heartily endorse, you can use Inspiration to give them a Fortune point they must immediately spend. You lose this Fortune point as if you spent it yourself. This schtick can even be used when you are not present, but you then need to describe a montage of something you did or told them that can inspire them in the current crisis.

Look of Love

Limit Break

You have developed your sex appeal to the point where you can make a roll to Seduce someone as a Limit break, rather than taking an hour per roll.



You are a master of disguise and infiltration. You often turn up to help your comrades at the most unexpected times, disguised as one of the bad guys. This can make an alternate entrance for you in a scenario, or it can be a way to turn up in a scene were you wouldn't ordinarily be, able to help another character in a split party situation. You also have contacts in the weirdest places; such contacts are still relevant to your skills, but they can turn up in very unexpected places, such as in the villains secret lab, and they will think you belonging there and are one of the gang.


Limit Break

You have a protector, usually a Henchman Extra with a maximum skill equal to your Charm who looks out for your interest and will accompany you on adventures. Often somewhat dim witted, he is nonetheless a loyal defender and trusty companion. He generally thinks of himself as the true hero and you as the romantic sidekick to be protected.

Your protector need not be a specific person, and can actually be someone you had never seen before you met at the adventure site, or one of the villains henchmen overcome by your charms.

You often get separated from your protector early in the story, but he generally reappears in the dramatic scene, having made his way into the den of evil to rescue you just as he is needed (when you take the limit break). You can also use a Limit Break to inspire your protector, restoring any Hits he might have taken. After a rescue, he will expect some measure of attention and devotion from you, just as if you had seduced him.



You are successful in business and thus financially independent. And you can do it again; if you was washed up on a pacific island, you would be king of the clamshells (or whatever) in a day or two.

Silver Tongue

Basic Action

People tend to tell you things, and you tend to learn more than they intended from what they say. This is active all the time, so the GM should let you make Charm rolls just to keep tabs on the latest rumors. Against more important game master characters, you can make an opposed Charm roll to make them say way to much, even if they are on their guard.

Sleight of Hand

Basic Action

Your training gives yous several advantages when trying to use Palm Object.

Make a Charm roll opposed by Spot. On a success you can swipe a small object and the theft will not be immediately noticed. If you fail and score a negative Outcome matching your Reflexes the attempt is noticed. To swipe an object that is larger than your hand, is in use, or that is closely supervised you must score a positive outcome matching the observer's Mind.

Spin Yarn


By continually speaking, you may keep your audience captive with outrageous tales, distracting them. You can keep this up beyond all reason. You must first engage the victim in conversation, and then make an opposed Charm roll. You can target several people at once with no penalties, but use the highest value in the audience for a difficulty.

For each point of outcome, you keep going for a minute. You can then try again. If the outcome exceeds your victims' Mind, they give you some boon, either out of sympathy or in an effort to get away.

Failing the roll, combat, an alarm, and other direct threats and immediate situations will break your hold on people. You might have to use your Spin Yarn on someone who comes to interrupt, or lose your audience.

Star Stuff

Limit Break

You are an expressive performer who can enthrall an audience and inspire a great range of emotion. You are famous in your field, and can easily get into social events or arrange performances.

When on stage performing, you are supremely confident. Any Charm and Impress rolls you make while on stage are Confident Rolls. This aspect of Star Stuff is inherent and always active.

You can set a scene and create a feeling, shaping the social atmosphere to be conductive to a certain emotion. This can range from a rousing song to inspire bravery or arranging a romantic dinner to charming people into spending more on shopping. This can be done trough various means; performance, interior decoration, lighting, scents, and most often a combination of several factors.

As a Limit Break, you can make an opposed Charm roll to set the emotion for a scene. Make a single roll and compare it against each of their Charm skills to see who in the audience you affect. Interaction rolls that go along with the emotion you set become Routine against someone so influenced. This can be done anywhere, tough it is easier when you are on stage due to the first ability of this schtick.

The Kiss

Basic Action, Trigger Action (Focus)

You dramatically kiss someone. This is a romantic or sexy kiss, not an inconspicuous kiss on the cheek. Kissing someone is a Basic Action. The creature kissed then has the option to take a Trigger Action to accept the kiss and focus - in which case you both become focused.

For this to work out of combat, there needs to be some romantic tension and some kind of a development in your relationship, tough the kiss itself can be but one small step.


Trigger Action (Defense)

Use this when you suppose a lie is being spoken; you gain a +5 bonus (usually to Charm, but sometimes to other skills used as defenses) to resist interactions based on lies. If no lies are spoken or perpetuated, there is no bonus. "Lies" in this context includes disguise, illusion and other direct falsehoods, but not deceptive but technically true statements.

At any time, when an interaction based on lies fails, you realize which statements were lies but cannot tell the truth.