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You can analyze the properties of any solid object within reach. You learn the exact composition and properties of the object and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
You can analyze the properties of any solid object within reach. You learn the exact composition and properties of the object and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
Finally, you can use this to predict tremors and other seismic phenomena and to sense if they are natural or the result of power use.
Finally, you can use this to detect tremors and other seismic phenomena and to sense if they are natural or the result of power use. You can predict natural tremors.
=== Craft Earth ===
=== Craft Earth ===
Basic Action or Limit Break
Basic Action or Limit Break
You can create and repair objects out of earth that will perform as if they were basic items. In this way, you can create basic clothing, tools, arms, and armor of no more than [[Tech_Level_(Action)|Blacksmith]] sophistication. The duration is minutes equal to the Action Result. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent but still wear out faster than normal, lasting about a month or so. The difficulty is the [[Toughness (Action)|Toughness]] of the item; weapons and armor are made for a specific creature and have a difficulty equal to they damage or toughness they grant. Repairs have half the usual difficulty, but the same duration.
You can create and repair objects out of earth that will perform as if they were basic items. In this way, you can create basic clothing, tools, arms, and armor of no more than [[Tech_Level_(Action)|Blacksmith]] sophistication that last for a scene. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent but still wear out faster than normal, lasting a week or so. The difficulty is the [[Toughness (Action)|Toughness]] of the item; weapons and armor are made for a specific creature and have a difficulty equal to they damage or toughness they grant. Repairs have half the usual difficulty, but the same duration.
This is also useful for breaking and objects. You can do [[Transmute_(Action_Powers_Technique)#Demolish|Demolish]] stunts against such objects as a basic action.
This is also useful for breaking and objects. You can do [[Transmute_(Action_Powers_Technique)#Demolish|Demolish]] stunts against such objects as a basic action.
=== Earth Armor ===
Basic Action
Basic Action or Limit Break
You can move prodigious amounts of sand, and huge amounts of earth or even stone. Use 8 plus the [[Body_(Action)#Object_Toughness_and_Armor | armor value]] as the difficulty, each point of Outcome moves a cubic meter of earth [[Mind (Action)|Mind]] meters. Earth moved this way does not fly and moves too slowly to be an an effective attack, but can quickly create difficult terrain. Construction created this way is unstable and will soon collapse into piles of earth and debris - construction more complex than ditches and road banks need more careful attention. If the earth is to be worked with any amount of precision, you have to work slower. Over a longer period of time, this power does the work of a number of manual laborers equal to your skill roll.
When used to directly hinder opponents, the difficulty us their [[Maneuver (Action)|Maneuver]] or 10 plus the [[Body_(Action)#Object_Toughness_and_Armor | armor value]] of the ground, whichever is higher. Affected targets lose three shots mired in the ground. For every two points out outcome, you affect another target. Large creatures increase the amount of outcome needed to affect several; the Outcome needed to affect an additional creature is one for every multiple of 5 the creature has in [[Body (Action)|Body]].  
You coat a willing target (which can be you) in protective rock.
This increases [[Toughness_(Action)|Toughness]] by 3 points but is obvious, effectively [[Items_(Action)#Large|Large]].
If you use this as a Basic Action, it lasts until the end of the scene, if you use it as a Limit Break it lasts for the rest of the session.
You can maintain this armor on yourself between scenes, but not on others; to protect others you must use it in or right before each action scene.
Dig can also create difficult ground with a [[Maneuver_(Action)#Free_Running|Free Running]] difficulty equal to your [[Create (Action)|Create]] in an area in square meters equal to your [[Create (Action)|Create]] roll (as long as you beat the difficulty to break up the ground, you can spread debris in a large area.
=== Extra-Dimensional Earth===
You can perform all three functions of this power with each use of it, subject to what makes sense and looks good.
=== Earthquake ===
Limit Break
An intense but highly localized tremor rips the ground. The shock knocks creatures down, collapses structures, opens cracks in the ground, and more. The earthquake affects all terrain, vegetation, structures, and creatures in the area.
Earthquake affects an area with a radius equal to your [[Create (Action)|Create]] roll. Make a separate [[Create (Action)|Create]] roll against each target in the area.
* Buildings: Make a [[Create (Action)|Create]] check against 10 + [[Body_(Action)#Object_Toughness_and_Armor|Armor Value]] of each structure; on a success it collapses.
* Underground: Natural caves will not collapse unless they have been extensively engineered, but underground construction can collapse just like normal construction.
* Vegetation: Tall trees has a basic 50% chance to topple.
* Creatures: Make a [[Create (Action)|Create]] roll against the target's [[Maneuver (Action)|Maneuver]] skill. If the creature is inside a collapsed building, add +5 to the [[Create (Action)|Create]] roll. On a success the target slips and looses 3 shots. On an Outcome matching their [[Reflexes (Action)|Reflexes]] the target is pinned or falls into a crevasse and needs to escape. Make a separate damage roll with [[Mind (Action)|Mind]] [[Damage_Types_(Action)#Concussion|Concussion]] damage soaked by [[Reflexes (Action)|Reflexes]].
=== Extradimensional Earth===
Basic Action
Basic Action
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Extradimensional Earth covers a radius equal to your [[Create (Action)|Create]] roll and the area retains this power until it is damaged or even notched - a Basic Action and an opposed [[Create (Action)|Create]] check can manage this.
Extradimensional Earth covers a radius equal to your [[Create (Action)|Create]] roll and the area retains this power until it is damaged or even notched - a Basic Action and an opposed [[Create (Action)|Create]] check can manage this.
=== Knowledge Stone ===
Limit Break
You imbue a stone with the ability to sense and store information. You need a man-size chunk of stone, a fist-sized rock crystal, or a tiny gem to enchant it this way. To interact with a knowledge stone requires concentration, even when just communicating. To someone passing by or ignoring it, a knowledge stone is inert. An knowledge stone can be set to buzz slightly when active in order to attract attention.
There are basically four ways to use a knowledge stone. The first is as a recording device useful as a camera or for spying. By leaving a knowledge stone in a location and instructing it to record, you can later return or retrieve the stone to watch what happened in its vicinity. Second, you can set it as a display, showing a message to anyone. The third is as an information storage device; recording and retrieving information like a a journal or library would. The fourth is as a communication device; by attuning (a separate Limit Break when holding two Knowledge Stones) it becomes possible to communicate verbally and visually.
===X-Ray Eyes===
===X-Ray Eyes===
Basic Action
Basic Action
You can see through solid objects, especially sand, earth, or stone. This allows you to find buried treasures, traps and hidden doors with ease.  
You can see through solid objects, especially sand, earth, and stone. This allows you to find buried treasures, traps, and hidden doors with ease.  
The difficulty of seeing through a wall or barrier is 5 plus its [[Body_(Action)#Object_Toughness_and_Armor | armor value]]. If it is made of earth, sand, or stone you can see one meter per point of outcome through a barrier, otherwise you can only see through one-tenth of that.
The difficulty of seeing through a wall or barrier is 5 plus its [[Body_(Action)#Object_Toughness_and_Armor | armor value]]. If it is made of earth, sand, or stone you can see one meter per point of outcome through a barrier, otherwise you can only see through one-tenth of that.
=== Mud ===
=== Stone Shape ===
Basic Action
Limit Break
You create a big puddle of mud with a diameter equal to your mind. This creates [[Difficult Ground (Action)|Difficult ground]] with a difficulty up to your [[Create (Action)|Create]]. A creature caught in mud cannot take off and fly. On a hard surface, this puddle just covers the ground, but on earth the puddle has depth. You can reverse the power and anyone caught in the area is partially buried and unable to do anything but try and escape.  
You can shape stone, creating statues or simple devices and bypassing locks and traps embedded in stone. You cannot make fine details or devices of more than [[Tech_Level_(Action)#Ancient|Ancient Technology]] sophistication. Use 10 plus the [[Body_(Action)#Object_Toughness_and_Armor | armor value]] as the difficulty, every three points of Outcome shapes a cubic meter of earth or stone, with a minimum of a 30 cm cube of you fail to get an Outcome of 3.
You can also remove mud, swamp, and other soggy conditions in a similar area, creating soft but solid earth. The difficulty is the terrain difficulty.
=== Stone Trap ===
Limit Break 
Various earth-walking, sand walking, and water walking powers negates this effect, as does alternate modes of movement such as flight.
You can turn the ground into a treacherous [[Transmute_(Action_Powers_Technique)#Set_Trap|Trap]], an area of loose soil that appears normal but will not support any weight. 
The change is gradual; if quicksand is created beneath an opponent he can automatically escape.
The trap remains for a number of hours equal to your skill roll and has a width + length that is also equal to the Create roll that created it.
Anyone caught by the trap is encased in earth and cannot escape for the power's duration. They will not suffocate (or starve), though their companions may well give them up for dead. Vigorous digging by someone who is not caught and knows of the trap can free a victim - this is a Limit Break unless they have powers to move or shape earth.
=== Stone Shape ===
=== Transmute Earth ===
Limit Break
{{: Transmute_ Object_(Action)}} Transmute Earth covers solids that are not metal or wood.
You can shape stone, creating statues or simple devices and bypassing locks and traps embedded in stone. You cannot make fine details or devices of more than [[Tech_Level_(Action)#Ancient|Ancient Technology]] sophistication. Use 10 plus the [[Body_(Action)#Object_Toughness_and_Armor | armor value]] as the difficulty, every three points of Outcome shapes a cubic meter of earth or stone.
=== Wall of Earth ===
=== Wall of Earth ===
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You can create a wall of earth that gains solidity as you advance in skill and power. The wall can be as long as the [[Create (Action)|Create]] roll that created it, as high as your [[Mind (Action)|Mind]] and has a thickness of two meters. It cannot be created adjacent (within one meter of) a creature. A wall must be created in contact with the ground or solid foundations, but you can control its shape and by buttressing it can be used as a road, rampart or bridge, have a basic portal, catwalk and so on.  
You can create a wall of earth that gains solidity as you advance in skill and power. The wall can be as long as the [[Create (Action)|Create]] roll that created it, as high as your [[Mind (Action)|Mind]] and has a thickness of two meters. It cannot be created adjacent (within one meter of) a creature. A wall must be created in contact with the ground or solid foundations, but you can control its shape and by buttressing it can be used as a road, rampart or bridge, have a basic portal, catwalk and so on.  
The wall has a [[Body (Action)|Body]] equal to your [[Create (Action)|Create]] + [[Mind (Action)|Mind]] and will erode naturally, but even under adverse conditions it should last a number of days equal to your [[Create (Action)|Create]] roll. Damaging the wall will only harm a small section of it; weakening a two-meter section and potentially forming a tunnel. The wall will collapse when a third of its length is holed.
The wall has a [[Body (Action)|Body]] equal to your [[Create (Action)|Create]] + [[Mind (Action)|Mind]] and will erode naturally, but even under adverse conditions it should last a number of days equal to your [[Create (Action)|Create]] roll. Damaging the wall will only harm a small section of it; weakening a two-meter section and potentially forming a tunnel.
===Quicksand Trap===
Limit Break 
You can turn the ground into a treacherous trap, an area of loose soil that appears normal but will not support anyone who is substantial. 
The trap remains for a number of hours equal to your skill roll and has a with + length that is also equal to the skill roll that created it. A Perception or Spot roll vs. your skill is required to detect the quicksand before falling into it, with a +3 bonus if looking for traps. The change is gradual; if quicksand is created beneath an opponent he can automatically escape.
Anyone caught by the trap are encased in earth and cannot escape for the power's duration. They will not suffocate (or starve), though their companions may well give them up for dead. Vigorous digging by someone who is not caught and knows of the trap can free someone - this is a Limit Break unless they have powers to move or shape earth.

Latest revision as of 12:11, 25 July 2023

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Main article: Powers (Action)

Analyze Earth

Basic Action

You can analyze the properties of any solid object within reach. You learn the exact composition and properties of the object and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.

Finally, you can use this to detect tremors and other seismic phenomena and to sense if they are natural or the result of power use. You can predict natural tremors.

Craft Earth

Basic Action or Limit Break

You can create and repair objects out of earth that will perform as if they were basic items. In this way, you can create basic clothing, tools, arms, and armor of no more than Blacksmith sophistication that last for a scene. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent but still wear out faster than normal, lasting a week or so. The difficulty is the Toughness of the item; weapons and armor are made for a specific creature and have a difficulty equal to they damage or toughness they grant. Repairs have half the usual difficulty, but the same duration.

This is also useful for breaking and objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a basic action.

Earth Armor

Basic Action or Limit Break

You coat a willing target (which can be you) in protective rock. This increases Toughness by 3 points but is obvious, effectively Large. If you use this as a Basic Action, it lasts until the end of the scene, if you use it as a Limit Break it lasts for the rest of the session. You can maintain this armor on yourself between scenes, but not on others; to protect others you must use it in or right before each action scene.

Extra-Dimensional Earth

Basic Action

You ward an area, making the earth there impassible to teleportation. Any attempt to Teleport trough such objects has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but made an awful noise and dazed the teleportee, making him surprised.

Extradimensional Earth covers a radius equal to your Create roll and the area retains this power until it is damaged or even notched - a Basic Action and an opposed Create check can manage this.

X-Ray Eyes

Basic Action

You can see through solid objects, especially sand, earth, and stone. This allows you to find buried treasures, traps, and hidden doors with ease. The difficulty of seeing through a wall or barrier is 5 plus its armor value. If it is made of earth, sand, or stone you can see one meter per point of outcome through a barrier, otherwise you can only see through one-tenth of that.

Stone Shape

Limit Break

You can shape stone, creating statues or simple devices and bypassing locks and traps embedded in stone. You cannot make fine details or devices of more than Ancient Technology sophistication. Use 10 plus the armor value as the difficulty, every three points of Outcome shapes a cubic meter of earth or stone, with a minimum of a 30 cm cube of you fail to get an Outcome of 3.

Stone Trap

Limit Break

You can turn the ground into a treacherous Trap, an area of loose soil that appears normal but will not support any weight. The change is gradual; if quicksand is created beneath an opponent he can automatically escape. The trap remains for a number of hours equal to your skill roll and has a width + length that is also equal to the Create roll that created it. Anyone caught by the trap is encased in earth and cannot escape for the power's duration. They will not suffocate (or starve), though their companions may well give them up for dead. Vigorous digging by someone who is not caught and knows of the trap can free a victim - this is a Limit Break unless they have powers to move or shape earth.

Transmute Earth

Basic Action or Limit Break

This is a Transmutation power. If you have several Transmutation powers, you can transform things between the substances you have powers for. The difficulty is the Body/Mass of the object, or the Dodge of the wearer. Repairing objects has half the difficulty of creating them or the Create of the maker for very complex items. If you use a Basic Action the duration is one scene, after which the material will return to its natural shape. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but volatile substances and those that qualify as Items deteriorate at the end of a session unless paid for. Besides practical uses, this allows you to ignore the Resources column when Tinkering with this substance. This is also useful for breaking and damaging appropriate objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a Basic Action. Transmute Earth covers solids that are not metal or wood.

Wall of Earth

Limit Break

You can create a wall of earth that gains solidity as you advance in skill and power. The wall can be as long as the Create roll that created it, as high as your Mind and has a thickness of two meters. It cannot be created adjacent (within one meter of) a creature. A wall must be created in contact with the ground or solid foundations, but you can control its shape and by buttressing it can be used as a road, rampart or bridge, have a basic portal, catwalk and so on.

The wall has a Body equal to your Create + Mind and will erode naturally, but even under adverse conditions it should last a number of days equal to your Create roll. Damaging the wall will only harm a small section of it; weakening a two-meter section and potentially forming a tunnel.