![]() Pacific Rim |
A very unstable region, with several powers vying for control of almost unlimited resources.
JapanExpansionist, militaristic, and virtually unopposed. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the USA has given the Japanese an almost free reign in the region. Unfortunately, the internal tensions have increased due to lack of foreign opposition, with the conflict between the army and navy actually leading to open conflict in some cases. In general, the army is more influential than it was historically, and local commanders are even ore independent. Meanwhile, the nave is forming it's own foreign policy, with an eye to acquiring Alaska and Hawaii, an alliance to Pacifica, and opposition to Hollywood. The Japanese are also hindered by lack of access to American strategic materials. Pressure have been applied to the Dutch for East Indian trade, but so far with little effect. CommonwealthWeakening, but still the dominant world power, the Commonwealth is covered in a chapter of it's own. FranceThe french are strong in the region, France and her possessions are covered in their own chapter. NetherlandsThe dutch have a strong and very prosperous colony in the Netherlands East Indies. Freely supplying anyone who can pay with oil and rubber (highly strategic materials in this era), they have so far refused all demand from Japan for most-favoured-nation status. The Dutch naval presence in the Pacific is weak, but they have several zeppelin carriers. Some of these have gone AWOL, and are now pirates in the South China Sea. The Dutch can produce many zeppelins because of great helium finds in the Netherlands East Indies. This makes it the world's second largest supplier of helium, and an even more strategic asset. ChinaTorn between Communists and Nationalists and attacked by the Japanese from the coast, China seems doomed to fall. It's two major foreign supporters, USA and the Soviet Union, are history. The only saving grace are the internal squabbles in the Japanese high command, and some support from France and the Commonwealth.
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