FASA Aircraft

As usual, FASA has made a great job of making interesting designs and in this case they've also got good images, but their ability to set game values in their own rules leave something to be desired.

I feel the planes from the boxed set looks great and ought to be the most common planes in Crimson Skies games, something that will never happen with their design flaws. Thus these modified designs, along with resources to print, cut out, and make your own standup playing pieces out of.

  1. Avenger Characteristics.
  2. Extra Avenger Wings.
  3. Empire State Avengers.
  1. Balmoral Stats.
  1. Bandit Design.
  2. Red Skull Legion Bandits.
  1. New Bloodhawk Stats.
  2. Ace craft: Silverhawk.
  1. Brigand Characteristics.
  2. Extra Brigand Wings.
  3. Empire State Brigands.
  1. Coyote Comment.
  2. Variant: The Adler.
  1. New Defender Stats.
  2. Red Fox Defenders.
  1. New Devastator Stats.
  2. Extra Devastator Wings.
  3. Empire State Devastators.
  4. Hollywood Devastators.
  1. New Firebrand Stats.
  1. Red Skull Legion Firestorms.
  1. Fury Design.
  2. Empire State Furies.
  3. Hollywood Furies.
  4. Red Skull Legion Furies.
  5. Ace craft: Southern Belle.
  1. Hellhound Stats.
  1. Hoplite Stats.
  1. New Kestrel Stats.
  1. Peacemaker Design.
  1. New Raven Stats.
  1. Valiant Design.
  1. Vampire Design.
  1. New Warhawk Stats.
  2. Extra Warhawk Wings.
  3. Variant: Blackhawk.

Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Last update Sun, Oct 29, 2000.