Unchained Summoner Archetypes (Apath)
With the advent of the unchained summoner, some of the old summoner archetypes became outdated. This is a fix, adjusting the old summoner archetypes to work with the unchained summoner class. Each archetype has been worked over to comply with developments in the Pathfinder game. The aim has been to preserve the feel of each archetype more than to preserve every ability verbatim.
Some of these archetypes used to be restricted to certain races, but the reason for this was vague. In this version, all are open to all races, with a note in the introduction about which races used to have access.
Strictly speaking, none of these archetypes had to be updated. Unlike some other unchained classes, summoner archetypes work with the unchained summoner. A little creativity and Everyman Unchained: Eidolons are a quick fix, which is why that book was published first. Still, using the old archetypes with the unchained summoner is confusing. The game has progressed since these archetypes were published and they can definitely use a revision to bring them up to date. |
Publisher: Everyman Gaming.
Blood God Disciple
A summoner who devotes himself to one of the gods that demand bloody sacrifices may believe his eidolon is an avatar of his god rather than a mere supernatural creature. A blood god disciple generally fights by the avatar's side and offers it blood sacrifices in exchange for martial prowess.
The blood god disciple is an archetype of the summoner class, originally restricted to to half-orc summoners. Orcs and other creatures worshiping violent cannibal gods or spirits can have access to it without problems.
Blood Feast (Su)
At 1st level, a blood god disciple's eidolon can eat the flesh of an enemy to channel some of its power into the summoner. The summoner must be within 30 ft. of the eidolon. The defeated foe must be a living, helpless, corporeal creature of Hit Dice equal to or greater than half the blood god disciple's own Hit Dice, or such a creature killed in the past minute. The eidolon must spend a full-round action to eat some of the opponent. This is done as a coup-de-grace to the target done with a natural attack (typically a bite). Once the feeding is complete, the summoner may manifest one 1-point evolution. This lasts for 1 minute per class level. The evolution's effects uses the beneficiary's Hit Dice and ability scores rather than the eidolon's. The blood god disciple can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. He may only apply one use of this ability at a time (using it a second time replaces any evolution manifested with this ability) and can only manifest evolutions his eidolon has.
At 5th level, when the blood god disciple uses blood feast, he may manifest one 2-point evolution instead of a 1-point evolution. At 9th level, he may manifest up to two evolutions worth a total of 3 evolution points or fewer. At 13th level, he may manifest up to two evolutions worth a total of 4 evolution points or fewer. At 17th level, he may manifest up to three evolutions worth a total of 5 evolution points or fewer.
This ability replaces summon monster I, III, V, VII, and IX.
Bloody Gift (Su)
At 3rd level, when a blood god disciple uses blood feast to manifest an evolution, he may grant one ally within 30 ft. of the eidolon that evolution as well. This does not use additional daily uses of of the blood feast ability, regardless of the number of allies affected. At 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th level, the blood god disciple can affect an additional ally with this ability. If the blood god disciple can manifest multiple evolutions per use of blood feast, his selected allies manifest these multiple evolutions as well. This replaces the summon monster II spell-like ability.
Avatar Gambit (Ex)
At 7th level, the blood god disciple can enter a rage when his eidolon is dismissed. When a blood god disciple dismisses his eidolon (a standard action) or the eidolon is dismissed because of damage or any other reason, the blood god disciple can rage like an unchained barbarian for a number of rounds equal to half his summoner level. He may end this rage early just like an unchained barbarian, but if he does so, any remaining rounds of rage from this ability are lost. At level 11, this becomes greater rage. At level 19, this becomes mighty rage. The blood god disciple is not fatigued after a rage. This replaces the summon monster IV spell-like ability.
Rage Power (Ex)
At 11th level and 15th level, a blood god disciple selects an unchained barbarian rage power, which he may use when raging (whether from the avatar gambit ability or actual barbarian rage). Count summoner levels as barbarian levels when learning and using this rage power. This replaces the summon monster VI and VIII spell-like abilities.
Blood Summoner
This archetype works as written.
Publisher: Everyman Gaming.
Most summoners bond with one eidolon for their entire lives, but the broodmaster forges a link with multiple weaker eidolons that make up his brood. Separately, a broodmaster’s eidolons are no match for a summoner’s single eidolon, but taken as a whole, an eidolon brood makes up in quantity what it lacks in individual power.
Eidolon Brood
At 3rd level, instead of a single eidolon, a broodmaster summons two eidolons to his side, each less powerful than the single eidolon of a standard summoner. At level 8, and each 5 levels thereafter, the broodmaster can summon an additional eidolon, to a maximum of five eidolons at 18th level. Each eidolon has it own base form and evolutions but all must have the same type and subtype. Once a broodmaster decides on the forms and abilities of his eidolons, they cannot be changed until the summoner gains a level.
Each eidolon in the brood has statistics based on the summoner's level minus the number of eidolons in the brood. So a brood of two eidolons has the statistics of an eidolon belonging to a summoner of two levels lower, a brood of three are based on a summoner three levels lower, and so on.
The broodmaster can summon and dismiss any or all of his eidolons with the same action a regular summoner summons or dismisses their single eidolon. All of the eidolons in a brood are banished if the broodmaster is unconscious, asleep, or killed. However, each eidolon in the brood is sent back to its home plane individually when its hit points are reduced to a negative number equal to or greater than its Constitution score.
The eidolons' link ability is modified in regard to magic items. Either the summoner or one of the eidolons can use each item slot. The brood eidolons all gain the automatic benefits of any magic item worn by any of them, but only the actual wearer can activate abilities. For example, if the summoner wears a single magic ring, one of the eidolons can use one magic ring, since a character has two ring slots. If one of the brood wears a ring of elemental command (air), they all get feather fall, but only the wearer can activate the other powers of the ring.
Summoner abilities that target the eidolon, such as transposition, only target one of the brood eidolons, broodmaster's choice.
This modifies the eidolon ability.
Swarming (Ex)
At 3rd level, if all the broodmaster's eidolons are of Small size and have exactly the same base form and evolutions, they gain the swarming special attack.
Swarming (Ex) Two Small creatures with the swarming ability can share the same square at the same time with no penalties. If two swarming eidolons in the same square attack the same foe, they are considered to be flanking that foe as if they were in two opposite squares.
Brood Senses (Su)
At 2nd level, the broodmaster can share the senses of one eidolon in his brood at a time. He can change which of his eidolons he shares senses with as a free action. This modifies bond senses.
Brood Call (Su)
At 6th level, as a standard action, the broodmaster can either call one eidolon of his choice in the brood to his side with this ability, or the entire brood at once. This modifies maker's call.
Brood Aspect (Su)
At 10th level, a brood summoner can divert 1 point from each of his eidolons' evolution pools to add 2 evolution points to himself. This modifies aspect.
Brood Bond (Su)
At 14th level, the summoner’s life becomes linked to his brood. Brood eidolons have to be within 100 ft. for this ability to work. When the broodmaster has exactly one eidolon within 100 ft., this works as life bond. When the broodmaster has 2 or more eidolons within 100 ft., each eidolon in the brood take half the damage the broodmaster avoids. When all eidolons in the brood are reduced to a number of negative hit points equal to their Constitution scores, all excess damage remains with the summoner. This ability replaces life bond.
Greater Brood Aspect (Su)
At 18th level, a summoner can divert up to 2 of of each of his eidolons' evolution points to himself, gaining 3 evolution points for each point that he diverts. This modifies greater aspect.
This archetype works as written.
This archetype works as written.
Fey Caller
Works with unchained summoners.
First Worlder
Publisher: Everyman Gaming.
A few summoners have a primal connection to the first world, and their power is tied to primal magic. It is not unusual for these summoners to associate with druids, for like druids, first worlders have a powerful tie to the natural world. Some first worlders are driven half-mad by the strange energies and intelligences that seep into their minds and bodies, though, and these poor souls are prone to lash out at loggers, druids, or innocent passersby without considering whether or not they are threats. A first worlder’s eidolon is usually a fey creature, though some are fantastic otherworldly animals or plants with exaggerated features.
If not using Everyman Unchained: Eidolons, use the fey eidolon outlined in the original archetype, or an unchained eidolon of the agathion, angel, daemon, azata, elemental, or protean subtype.
If using Everyman Unchained: Eidolons, the first worlder's eidolon must be an outsider of the azata, einheriar, or elemental subtypes or of the fey type, an animal of the fey animal species, a humanoid ancestral spirit, a magical beast, a monstrous humanoid, or a plant.
Summon Nature’s Ally (Sp)
Starting at 1st level, a first worlder can cast summon nature’s ally I a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. At levels where a summoner would gain a more powerful summon monster spell as a spell-like ability, he instead gains the equivalent summon nature’s ally spell. At 19th level, he can use fey gateUW, summon elder wormUM, or summon frogemothUM instead of gate.
Remove all summon monster spells from the first worlder's spell list and add the corresponding summon nature's ally spells.
This ability otherwise functions like the standard summoner's summon monster I ability and replaces that ability.
Fey Summons
The first worlder gains Summon Fey Ally as a bonus feat.
Fey Spells
Add the following spells to the first worlder's spell list at the indicated levels. The first worlder must still pick these spells as known spells in the normal fashion in order to cast them.
- 0—Confusion (lesser), dancing lights.
- 1—Faerie fire, silent image.
- 2—Minor image.
- 3—Major image.
- 4—Entice fey (lesser ).
- 5—Mirage arcana.
- 6—Entice fey.
Primordial Summons
Add the primordial template to any creature of the animal type the first worlder summons:
Simple Template: Primordial Creature
An primordial creature’s CR increases by 1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Defensive Abilities gains DR as noted on the table below; SR gains SR equal to its new CR + 6; Speed gains a +10-ft. bonus to all speeds; Attacks the damage dice for one primary natural weapon increases as if the creature were one size larger (if the creature has more than one primary attack, the increased damage is applied to the first attack type it has from this list: bite, claw, slam, gore, talon, sting); Spell-Like Abilities gains spell-like abilities listed on the table below according to its Hit Dice (including all the spell-like abilities of lower-Hit Die primordial creatures), each available 1/day. The DCs of any saves against these abilities are equal to 10 + the primordial creature’s Charisma bonus + spell level.
Hit Dice |
Damage Reduction |
Spell-Like Abilities |
1–4 | — | Dancing lights |
5–10 | 5/cold iron | Faerie fire |
11+ | 10/cold iron | Confusion (lesser) |
Genie Binder
Publisher: Everyman Gaming.
Genie binders have ties to elemental spirits of great power.
This replaces and updates the shaitan binder archetype to incorporate genies of all elements. Shaitan binder was originally only open to oreads, and if following this lead this archetype can be restricted to ifrit (fire focus), oread (earth focus), sylph (air focus), or undine (water focus).
Each genie binder must choose one of the classic elements to focus on; air, earth, fire, or water. Many class abilities of this archetype change depending on this focus. If the summoner has an elemental affiliation, like that of an ifrit, oread, sylph, or undine, the choice of element must match this tie.
This archetype has all unchained summoner class features, except as noted.
Elemental Focus
A genie binder must choose an elemental focus at 1st level. He must choose one of the classic elements; air, earth, fire, or water. If the genie binder is of one of the following races, he must choose the indicated element: Ifrit (fire), oread (water), sylph (air), undine (water).
Genie binders have genie-related eidolons, elemental spirits can take many forms depending on the summoner's wishes. The genie binder must choose an elemental eidolon, and the element must match his elemental focus.
If using Everyman Unchained: Eidolons, the genie binder can choose from the following eidolons: Outsider (elemental, genie, mephit), animal (elemental animal), or ooze (elemental ooze). When the eidolon requires a choice of elements, the genie binder must always choose the element he is focused in.
Elemental Summons (Sp)
A genie summoner can only summon animals or creatures of a subtype matching their elemental focus when using summoning or planar binding spells and abilities. If a summoned creature would normally be celestial or fiendish they lose these templates and pick a simple elemental creature template depending on the summoner's elemental focus:
Air focus: Simple Template: Aerial Creature
An aerial creature’s CR increases by 1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Type gains the air subtype; Senses gains darkvision 60 ft.; Defensive Abilities gains DR and resistance to electricity as noted on the table below; Speed gains a fly speed equal to its highest speed with perfect maneuverability (maximum fly speed of 10 feet per HD); Attacks gains bonus electricity damage as noted on the table below on attacks with natural weapons and metal weapons.
Hit Dice | DR | Resist Electricity | Electricity Damage |
1–4 | — | 10 | 1 point |
5–10 | 3/— | 15 | 1d6 |
11+ | 5/— | 20 | 2d6 |
Earth focus: Simple Template: Chthonic Creature
A chthonic creature’s CR increases by 1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Type The creature gains the earth subtype; Senses gains darkvision 60 ft.; Defensive Abilities gains DR and resistance to acid as noted on the table below; Speed gains a burrow speed equal to half its highest speed (its tunnels always collapse behind it, and never leave behind a usable passage); Attacks gains bonus acid damage as noted on the table below on attacks with natural weapons.
Hit Dice | DR | Resist Acid | Acid Damage |
1–4 | — | 10 | 1 point |
5–10 | 3/— | 15 | 1d6 |
11+ | 5/— | 20 | 2d6 |
Fire focus: Simple Template: Fiery Creature
Creatures with a swim speed can’t be fiery creatures. A fiery creature’s CR increases by 1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Type gains the fire subtype (The fire subtype confers immunity to fire and vulnerability to cold); Senses gains darkvision 60 ft.; Defensive Abilities gains DR as noted on the table below; Attacks gains bonus fire damage as noted on the table below on attacks with natural weapons and metal weapons.
Hit Dice | DR | Fire Damage |
1–4 | — | 1 point |
5–10 | 3/— | 1d6 |
11+ | 5/— | 2d6 |
Water focus: Simple Template: Aqueous Creature
An aqueous creature’s CR increases by 1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Type gains the water subtype; Senses gains darkvision 60 ft.; Defensive Abilities gains DR and resistance to cold as noted on the table below; Speed gains a swim speed equal to its highest speed + 10 ft.; Attacks gains bonus cold damage as noted on the table below on attacks with natural weapons and metal weapons.
Hit Dice | DR | Resist Cold | Cold Damage |
1–4 | — | 10 | 1 point |
5–10 | 3/— | 15 | 1d6 |
11+ | 5/— | 20 | 2d6 |
Genie Magic (Sp)
A genie summoner's eidolon gains spell-like abilities, using these abilities as a sorcerer of a level equal to the eidolon’s Hit Dice. The save DC all these spell-like abilities is 10 + spell level + the eidolon’s Charisma modifier. An eidolon can learn an additional spell from an accessible list at the cost of one evolution point but can never have more spells from a higher level list than from any of the lower lists. This means that, to pick and additional spell from the level 8 list, the eidolon must first pick spells from the level 4 and 6 lists, and so on. The eidolon can change spell choices when it changes evolutions.
At 4th level, select one spell from the following list: Dancing lights, daze, detect magic, ghost sound, light, mage hand, or touch of fatigue. These are spell level zero for the eidolon and known spells can used once per day. At 8th level, known spells can be used at will.
At 6th level, select one spell from the following list: Comprehend languages, daze monster, silent image, spider climb (self only), vanishAPG (self only), or ventriloquism. These are spell level 1 to the genie summoner's eidolon and known spells can used once per day. At 10th level, known spells can be used at will.
At 8th level, select one spell from the following list: glideAPG, glitterdust, invisibility (self only), levitate, minor image, minor creation, or see invisibility (self only). These are spell level 2 to the genie summoner's eidolon and known spells can used once per day. At 14th level, known spells can be used at will.
At 12th level, select one spell from the following list: Arcane sight, create food and water, daylight, fly, major creation, major image, or tongues. These are spell level 3 to the genie summoner's eidolon and known spells can used once per day. At 20th level, known spells can be used at will.
Depending on the summoner's elemental focus, add the following spells to the lists at the indicated levels. The added spells can be learned and used exactly as the other spells on each list.
Air focus: Message (4th), obscuring mist (6th), gust of wind (8th), lightning bolt (12th).
Earth focus: Open-Close (4th), stone fist (6th), soften earth and stone (8th), stone shape (12th).
Fire focus: Flare (4th), produce flame (6th), scorching ray (8th), fireball (12th).
Water focus: Create water (4th), grease] (6th), water breathing (8th), aqueous orb (12th).
Genie Magic replaces shield ally, maker's call, transposition, and greater shield ally.
Genie Movement (Su)
At 6th level, the genie summoner's eidolon gains a movement ability depending on the summoner's elemental focus.
Air focus: Gaseous form (sp) (self only) for 1 minute per Hit Dice per day. This time need not be consecutive, but must be spend in 1-minute increments.
Earth focus: The genie summoner's eidolon gains the burrow evolution, leaving no tunnel. If it already has this evolution, it instead gains the earth glide universal monster ability and can use this ability to travel at its full land speed.
Fire focus: Levitate (sp) as a constant ability.
Water focus: The eidolon gains the aquatic subtype and a swim speed of 30 ft. If it already has a swim speed, it adds 30 ft. to its swim speed.
This replaces the eidolon's devotion ability.
Genie Power (Su)
At 16th level, a genie summoner's eidolon gains additional abilities based on the summoner's elemental focus. Spell-like abilities function as outlined under genie magic, above.
Fire focus: Wall of fire (sp) 3 times/day as a sorcerer of a level equal to the eidolon's Hit Dice.
Earth focus: Stone Curse. This allows the eidolon to trap creatures in stone like the shaitan stone curse ability. The DC to resist or break free of the stone curse is 10 + 1/2 the eidolon's Hit Dice + the eidolon's Strength bonus.
Air focus: Whirlwind (1/10 minutes, 10–50 ft. tall, doing slam damage, save DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon's Hit Dice + the eidolon's Strength bonus) as the monster ability.
Water focus: Vortex (1/10 minutes, 10–50 ft. tall, doing slam damage, save DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon's Hit Dice + the eidolon's Strength bonus) as the monster ability.
This replaces merge forms.
Grant Earthly Wish (Sp)
At 20th level, a genie summoner's eidolon gains the ability to grant most earthly desires. Once per week, the eidolon can use resplendent mansionUI (sp). This replaces twin eidolon.
Plant caller
Publisher: Everyman Gaming.
A plant caller summons plant creatures and forges a bond with an eidolon with a plant body. This archetype used to be called wild caller; the name was changed to distinguish it from another archetype of the same name. That archetype is included below as the wild caller. The plant caller archetype can be combined with the monster ally archetype, even tough the archetypes modify the same abilities.
The plant eidolon cannot really be translated into an unchained eidolon without using Everyman Unchained: Eidolons. If not using Everyman Unchained: Eidolons, use the original (not unchained) eidolon with the modifications given in the original archetype.
Terrain | Base Form |
Desert | Cactus |
Forest | Conifer or tree |
Jungle, swamp | Tree |
Mountain | Conifer |
Swamp, underground | Mushroom |
If using Everyman Unchained: Eidolons, plant callers must choose a plant eidolon and use the rules from that book, ignoring the rules in the original plant caller archetype.
In either case, the eidolon gains the ability to change its base form depending on terrain. When the eidolon is summoned in an environment matching one of these base forms on Table: Plant Eidolon Base Forms, the plant caller can choose to change the eidolon's base form to the matching form.
Plant Summons
What appears to be summoned animals are really plants in the form of animals. Add the plant copycat simple template to any creature of the animal type the first worlder summons:
Simple Template: Plant Copycat
A copycat plant is a plant that has the form and behavior of an animal, but is still recognizable as a plant. Copycat plants can subsist on water, but prefer blood, implanting blood-sucking tendrils with each attack.
This simple template can be applied to any animal. An plant copycat's CR increases by 1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Type: gains the plant type, this does not change base attack bonuses, saves, or skill points; Defensive Abilities gains DR as noted on the table below; Special Attacks The natural attacks of a plant copycat creature inflict bleed as noted on the table below. Bleed from multiple attacks does not stack.
Hit Dice | DR | Bleed |
1–4 | — | 1d4 |
5–10 | 5/slashing | 1d8 |
11+ | 10/slashing | 3d6 |
Summon Nature's Ally I (Sp)
A plant caller can cast summon nature's ally as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. At levels where a regular summoner would gain access to a new level of summon monster as a spell-like ability, the plant caller instead gains the equivalent summon nature's ally spell. At level 19, he gains gate (sp) like the normal summoner.
Remove all summon monster spells from the plant caller's spell list and add the corresponding summon nature's ally spells.
This ability otherwise functions like the standard summoner's summon monster ability (all levels) and replaces that ability.
Fey Friend (Ex)
At 10th level, the plant caller gains a +4 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks against fey.
God Caller
Works with unchained summoners.
Leshy Caller
Works with unchained summoners.
Master Summoner
Master summoner works with unchained summoners.
Morphic Savant
This archetype works as given.
Naturalist works with the unchained summoner.
I see no reason why this should lose spellcasting abilities.
Can be easily converted to another set of elements, one primary (fire in the original) and one secondary (earth in the original, see the heart of earth and fire ability). Air primary would give vulnerability to acid. Earth primary would give vulnerability to electricity.
Shadow Caller
The shadow caller archetype works as given. As written, it is only open to fetchlings.
Shaitan Binder
This used to be a racial archetype for oreads only, but has been developed into an archetype for all races and elements. See the new genie binder archetype.
Spirit Summoner
Storm Caller
Story Summoner
Publisher: Everyman Gaming.
Story summoners rely on the harrow to weave the paths they walk, turning their tales into reality. They channel magic through their harrow decks to influence the strange extraplanar beings they summon, bringing familiar and fateful characters to life. Some focus on the more whimsical figures of the harrow, while others bring its darkest icons into the real world.
Storykin Eidolon
Storykin are outsiders of the storykin subtype, forever tied to the cards of the harrow deck. Storykin eidolons follow all the normal rules for eidolons. Only story summoners can have storykin eidolons. This modifies the eidolon ability.
Storykin Eidolons Storykin Eidolons The origin of storykin is uncertain; certain story summoners claim they are ancient, existing before the creation of the world, others claim they are ancestors or that they came into existence with the first deck of divination cards. Some claim storykin are not one spirit, but separate spirits tied to each card. What is real and what is fable might not matter; what matters is that these mercurial spirits can be summoned as eidolons. A storykin eidolon appears as an amalgam of shifting cards until the eidolon draw ability is used, then it changes into an appearance based on the card drawn.
Alignment: Neutral. Storykin eidolons can change alignment abruptly, see the eidolon draw ability, but in their natural state, they are of neutral alignment. A story summoner of any alignment can have a storykin eidolon.
Base Form: Biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs], claws).
Base Evolutions: Starting at 1st level, storykin eidolons gain the flight evolution. They also gain a +4 bonus on saves against petrification and polymorph effects and gain immunity to bleed. Unlike most eidolons, a story summoner’s eidolon cannot touch or attack creatures warded by protection from evil and similar effects that prevent contact with summoned creatures of the story eidolon's subtype or alignment.
At 4th level, storykin eidolons gain the magic attacks evolution. The summoner chooses one of dancing lights, daze, detect magic, or mage hand, the eidolon can use the selected spell at will as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to the eidolon's HD. This choice can be changed each time the summoner advances in level.
At 8th level, storykin eidolons gain the spell resistance evolution and can choose an additional spell-like ability from the level 4 list.
At 12th level, storykin eidolons gain DR 5/slashing and can choose an additional spell-like ability from the level 4 list. They gain the shapchanger subtype and lose the +4 bonus on saves against petrification and polymorph effects and gain immunity to petrification and polymorph effects.
At 16th level, storykin eidolons gain the blindsense evolution and can choose an additional spell-like ability from the level 4 list.
At 20th level, storykin eidolons gain the blindsight evolution.
Harrowed Eidolon (Su)
As a standard action while his eidolon is summoned, the story summoner can draw a random card from a complete harrow deck he owns. For a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the summoner’s class level (minimum 1), the eidolon’s alignment changes to match that of the harrow card drawn, and the eidolon gains a +4 enhancement bonus on the ability score linked to the drawn card’s suit. The eidolon continues to follow its summoner’s orders regardless of its alignment, but interprets orders based on its current alignment. The story summoner can use this ability at will, repeated uses replace earlier results. By expending one use for the summon monster ability, the story summoner can select a card for this ability, rather than drawing a random card.
Summon Arcana (Su)
At 2nd level, a story summoner can use a complete harrow deck he owns as an additional focus component for his summon monster spell-like ability. When he does so, the summoner draws a random card from the deck and applies a simple template to the summoned monster based on the card’s alignment: celestial (any good), fiendish (any evil), resoluteB2 (any lawful), or entropicB2 (any chaotic). If a card has more than one alignment—such as a lawful evil or chaotic good card—the story summoner can choose which template to apply to the summoned creature. If the card has the true neutral alignment, the summoned creature gains no template. This ability replaces bond senses.
Publisher: Everyman Gaming.
Rather than summon an eidolon to serve by his side, the synthesist fuses his eidolon’s essence to his own. Instead of two creatures, the synthesist is a fusion of the summoner and eidolon into a single being.
Fused Eidolon
A synthesist summons the essence of a powerful outsider to meld with his own being. The synthesist wears the eidolon like translucent, living armor. The eidolon mimics all of the synthesist’s movements, and the synthesist perceives through the eidolon’s senses and speaks through its voice, as the two are now one creature. The synthesist can choose any eidolon with a biped base form (or whatever base form best represents his own body for non-humanoid synthesists), but the eidolon must match his alignment exactly. The eidolon must be at least the same size as the synthesist.
Neither the synthesist nor his eidolon can be targeted separately, as they are fused into one creature. The synthesist and eidolon cannot take separate actions. While fused with his eidolon, the synthesist can use all of his own abilities and gear, except for his armor. The eidolon must have limbs for the synthesist to cast spells with somatic components.
While fused with his eidolon, the synthesist retains his own ability scores, modified by the eidolon's ability score increases from increasing Hit Dice, evolutions, and the Str/Dex bonuses from Table: Eidolon Base Statistics. A synthesist's eidolon has restrictions on its mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma). It cannot apply ability score increases or the ability increase evolution to mental ability scores or the skilled evolution to skills with mental key attributes. The synthesist gains the eidolon’s armor and natural armor bonuses.
The synthesist-eidolon combination uses the eidolon's base attack bonus and saving throw bonuses, except that it can use the synthesist's bonus on Will saving throws. The synthesist also gains access to the eidolon’s special abilities and the eidolon’s evolutions. The synthesist is still limited to the eidolon’s maximum number of natural attacks. The eidolon has no skills or feats of its own, but the synthesist can use his own proficiencies, feats, skill ranks, and class skills, modified by the eidolon's ability and size modifiers.
The synthesist gains the eidolon’s hit points as temporary hit points. When these hit points reach 0, the eidolon is killed and sent back to its home plane. The eidolon’s temporary hit points can be restored with rejuvenate eidolon spells and other effects that specifically restore eidolon hit points, but not by other means such as natural rest or cure spells. The temporary hit points can never exceed the eidolon's initial maximum. A slain synthesist eidolon summoned the next day starts with half its maximum temporary hit points. Healing can restore the synthesist's hit own points even when the eidolon is present.
While fused, the synthesist counts as both his original type and as the type and subtype of his eidolon for any effect related to type. Any effect affecting the synthesist when he summons his eidolon is transferred to the composite synthesist-eidolon. Any effect on the synthesist-eidolon composite is transferred to the synthesist when the eidolon is dismissed, except that effects that could affect the composite because it was an outsider or extraplanar, but cannot affect the synthesist in his own form immediately end. Effects such as banishment or dismissal work normally on the eidolon, but the synthesist is unaffected.
In all other cases, this ability functions as the summoner’s normal eidolon ability (for example, the synthesist cannot use his summon monster ability while the eidolon is present). This modifies the eidolon ability and replaces bond senses and life bond.
Fused Link (Su)
Starting at 1st level, the synthesist forms a close bond with his eidolon. Whenever the temporary hit points from his eidolon would be reduced to 0, the synthesist can, as a free action, sacrifice any number of his own hit points. Each hit point sacrificed this way prevents 1 point of damage done to the eidolon (thus preventing the loss of the summoner’s temporary hit points), preventing the eidolon from being killed and sent back to its home plane. This ability replaces life link.
Shielded Meld (Ex)
At 4th level, whenever the synthesist is fused with his eidolon, he gains a +2 shield bonus to his Armor Class. This replaces shield ally.
Transfusion (Su)
At 6th level, when the synthesist is at full hit points and would recover hit points beyond his normal maximum, he can transfer these hit points to his eidolon, thus restoring the temporary hit points he gains from the eidolon. The eidolon must to be present, but the synthesist can transfer natural healing to his eidolon by summoning it first thing after he rests. This replaces maker’s call.
Maker’s Jump (Sp)
At 8th level, when the synthesist is fused with his eidolon, the synthesist can cast dimension door as a spell-like ability using his caster level. This ability only affects the fused synthesist and eidolon. The synthesist can use this ability once per day at 8th level, plus one additional time per day for every four levels beyond 8th. This replaces transposition.
Greater Shielded Meld (Ex)
At 12th level, whenever the synthesist is fused with his eidolon, he gains a +4 shield bonus to his Armor Class. This ability replaces greater shield ally.
Split Forms (Su)
At 16th level, as a swift action, the synthesist and his fused eidolon can split into two creatures: the synthesist and the eidolon. The eidolon functions as a normal summoner's eidolon, using the statistics of the synthesist-eidolon combination. The the eidolon now has its own hit points instead of granting the synthesist temporary hit points. It uses the synthesist's feats and skill ranks, but its own ability modifiers and class skills. The synthesist emerges in a square adjacent to the eidolon, or squeezing in the eidolons space if not possible. All items, effects, and spells currently targeting the fused synthesist-eidolon affect both the synthesist and the eidolon. The synthesist can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to his summoner level. He can end this effect at any time as a free action.
At level 20, the synthesist can instead use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to his summoner level. This time need not be continuous, but must be spent in one-minute intervals. This replaces merge forms and twin eidolon.
Twinned Summoner
Unwavering Conduit
Wild Caller
Publisher: Everyman Gaming.
There used to be two summoner archetypes named wild caller; one racial archetype for half-elves and one that deals with plants. This is the archetype for half-elves, the plant archetype has been renamed plant caller (above) to avoid confusion. The wild caller calls eidolons that take more natural and savage forms and summons from nature rather other planes. Wild caller was originally open only to half-elves. The wild caller archetype works well with the monster ally archetype from this book, despite both modifying the eidolon and summon monster abilities.
Savage Eidolon
The eidolon of a wild caller tends to take more natural and more savage forms than other summoners' eidolons. A wild caller gains 1/4 his class level as bonus evolution points in his eidolon's evolution pool, but his eidolon cannot take any supernatural or spell-like evolutions, as well as any of the following evolutions:
Forbidden 1-point evolutions: Skilled (while the eidolon can select this evolution, it can only do so with the following skills: acrobatics, climb, escape artist, fly, intimidate, perception, survival, and swim);
Forbidden 2-point evolutions: Acidic gout†, weapon training;
Forbidden 3-point evolutions: Acidic†, frightful presence;
Forbidden 4-point evolutions: All-around vision†, blood drain†, brain consumption†, entrap†, paralysis†, spell resistance.
If the eidolon would gain one of these evolutions from its subtype, or any other supernatural or spell-like abilities, it loses these abilities gains a single evolution point for each evolution or ability it cannot have.
Evolutions marked † are from Everyman Unchained: Eidolons, ignore these choices if not using that book. If using Everyman Unchained: Eidolons, a wild caller cannot have an outsider eidolon and must choose from the following types: Magical beast or monstrous humanoid.
This is a modification of the eidolon class feature.
Summon Nature's Ally I (Sp)
Starting at 1st level, a wild caller can cast summon nature's ally I a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier.
At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the power of this ability increases by one spell level, allowing him to summon more powerful creatures (to a maximum of summon nature's ally IX at 17th level). Furthermore, at 19th level, the wild caller can use either summon elder wormUM or summon froghemothUM instead of gate.
Remove all summon monster spells from the wild caller's spell list and add the corresponding summon nature's ally spells.
This ability otherwise functions like the standard summoner's summon monster I ability and replaces that ability.
Appendix: Creature Templates
Simple Template: Aerial Creature (CR +0 or +1)
Hit Dice |
DR | Elemental Resistance |
Elemental Damage |
1–4 | — | 10 | 1 point |
5–10 | 3/— | 15 | 1d6 |
11+ | 5/— | 20 | 2d6 |
Aerial creatures are native denizens of the Elemental Planes of Air, and they possess unique adaptations to help them survive there.
This template can be applied only to a non-outsider with none of the subtypes that follow: air, cold, earth, fire, or water. An aerial creature's CR increases by 1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Type gains the air subtype; Senses gains darkvision 60 ft.; Defensive Abilities gains DR and resistance to electricity as noted on Table: Simple Elemental Creature; Speed gains a fly speed equal to its highest speed with perfect maneuverability (maximum fly speed of 10 feet per HD); Attacks gains bonus electricity damage as noted on Table: Simple Elemental Creature on attacks with natural weapons and metal weapons.
Simple Template: Aqueous Creature (CR +0 or +1)
Aqueous creatures are native denizens of the Elemental Planes of Water, and they move with a unique grace underwater. This template can be applied only to a nonoutsider that has none of the following subtypes: air, cold, earth, fire, or water. An aqueous creature's CR increases by 1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Type gains the water subtype; Senses gains darkvision 60 ft.; Defensive Abilities gains DR and resistance to cold as noted on Table: Simple Elemental Creature; Speed gains a swim speed equal to its highest speed + 10 ft.; Attacks gains bonus cold damage as noted on Table: Simple Elemental Creature on attacks with natural weapons and metal weapons.
Simple Template: Chthonic Creature (CR +0 or +1)
Chthonic creatures are native denizens of the Elemental Planes of Earth. They produce acid, which they use to help them burrow quickly through the dense rock of their homes. This template can be applied only to a nonoutsider that has none of the following subtypes: air, cold, earth, fire, or water. A chthonic creature's CR increases by 1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD. Rebuild Rules: Type The creature gains the earth subtype; Senses gains darkvision 60 ft.; Defensive Abilities gains DR and resistance to acid as noted on Table: Simple Elemental Creature; Speed gains a burrow speed equal to half its highest speed (its tunnels always collapse behind it, and never leave behind a usable passage); Attacks gains bonus acid damage as noted on Table: Simple Elemental Creature on attacks with natural weapons.
Simple Template: Fiery Creature (CR +0 or +1)
Fiery creatures are native denizens of the Elemental Planes of Fire, and act as conduits to the burning energies of their home plane. This template can be applied only to a nonoutsider that has none of the following subtypes: air, cold, earth, fire, or water. Creatures with a swim speed can't be fiery creatures. A fiery creature's CR increases by 1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Type gains the fire subtype; Senses gains darkvision 60 ft.; Defensive Abilities gains DR as noted on Table: Simple Elemental Creature; Attacks gains bonus fire damage as noted on Table: Simple Elemental Creature on attacks with natural weapons and metal weapons.
Simple Template: Plant Creature (CR +0 or +1)
Hit Dice |
Damage Reduction |
1–4 | — |
5–10 | 5/slashing |
11+ | 10/slashing |
Plant creatures are plants with the form of ordinary creatures, of planar origin or the result of plant infestation. A plant creature's CR increases by 1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Type The creature’s type changes to plant. Do not recalculate the creature’s Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saves, or skill points; Defensive Abilities plant traits, gains DR/slashing as noted on Table: Plant Creature Damage Reduction; Attacks The creature's natural attacks cause targets to be entangled. A Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the plant creature's HD + the plant creature's Constitution modifier) is allowed when hit and on each of the plant creature's turns to end the effect. Multiple uses do not stack. Special Qualities Woodland Stride The creature can move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at its normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect it.
Simple Template: Primordial Creature (CR +0 or +1)
Hit Dice |
Damage Reduction |
Spell-Like Abilities |
1–4 | — | Dancing lights |
5–10 | 5/cold iron | Faerie fire |
11+ | 10/cold iron | Confusion |
Primordial creatures are magical precursors or echoes of creatures from the Material Plane. A primordial creature's CR increases by 1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD.
Rebuild Rules: Defensive Abilities gains DR as noted on the table below; SR gains SR equal to its new CR + 6; Speed gains a +10-ft. bonus to all speeds; Attacks the damage dice for one primary natural weapon increases as if the creature were one size larger (if the creature has more than one primary attack, the increased damage is applied to the first attack type it has from this list: bite, claw, slam, gore, talon, sting); Spell-Like Abilities gains spell-like abilities listed on the table below according to its Hit Dice (including all the spell-like abilities of lower-Hit Die primordial creatures), each available 1/day. The DCs of any saves against these abilities are equal to 10 + the primordial creature's Charisma bonus + spell level.
Appendix: Feats
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Section 15: Copyright Notice: Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Summoner’s Handbook © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, Tyler Beck, Anthony Li, Luis Loza, David N. Ross, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.