Grimlock (Dragonstar)
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Grimlocks are savage humanoids usually living in dark caves far beneath the earth. In the Dragon Empire, grimlocks are rare, but hold positions as prospectors and workers in dark subterranean colonies on hostile worlds or in the dark and mist-shrouded cities favored by House Noros.
Grimlocks are found on several planets in the galaxy, but rarely in large numbers. Agoraphobic and xenophobic to a fault, they do not mix well with other species in the open air, but tend to form their own communities.
Grimlocks in the empire have learned to coexist with other races in order to survive. But they still do not feel fully accepted. Unable to use such conveniences as writing or television, they feel prejudiced against and see themselves as outsiders. This has fostered a secretive pride among them; they have their own language and writing (similar to Braille) and keep their culture and traditions secret. Since it is rumored that these traditions include the eating of sentient flesh, this has made them less than popular with the civilized races of the empire.
Personality: Grimlocks are secretive and quiet, and generally avoid talking to strangers. Sounds distract their blindsight, and they prefer quiet, and might go so far as to threaten others who make bothersome sounds - such as music. This makes them seem rude, uncommunicative and sullen to other races. Even when highly exited, grimlocks remain silent, which can be downright upsetting.
Physical Description: As humanoids with thick, gray, scaly skin and no visible eyes, Grimlocks appear like muscular humans with oversize heads, wedge-shaped bloated ears and wide mouths full of sharp fangs. Their hands and feet are coarse and clawed. They rarely wear much clothing in their own societies, and prefer jockstraps or mottled gray coveralls when they absolutely have to wear clothing.
Relations: Elves and the goblinoid races are usually very noisy, which makes grimlocks try and avoid them. Dwarfs and gnomes agree with the grimlocks love of the deep and of silence, but when their machines start up, they bring light and noise, which the grimlocks detest.
Alignment: Grimlocks are naturally evil, and their own societies reflect this. But once they get away from that insular culture, they can have any alignment, from grimly lawful to lonely chaotics. Few grimlocks are truly good, and the ones that are usually have trouble communicating this fact to others.
Grimlock Lands: Grimlocks have no real lands of their own, only small colonies. They prefer to live in natural caverns far beneath the ground, preferably filled with deep mist. The sub-levels of cities and dark, abandoned industrial installations, filled with dark smog, are also to their liking.
Religion: Grimlocks worship an amalgam of The Reaper and The Destroyer which grants them the domains of Earth, Evil, Destruction, and Trickery. Those inclined towards technology often turn to The Smith, while others turn to The Magus as the lord of quiet and secrecy.
Language: Grimlocks have their own language, which is spoken very softly and hard for others to even hear (Listen DC 15 even if standing right next to the speaker). When casting spells, they must still speak out loud, which makes spellcasters less than popular among them. Most grimlocks also speak undercommon.
Names: Grimlocks have secret names in their own language, which translates to descriptive terms like whisperer, quiet gust and glutton. Outsiders often give them names in their own language, which the grimlocks do not seem to mind.
Adventurers: Grimlocks are sought as scouts and explorers by those wishing to delve in areas of darkness or deep mist. Tribal grimlocks rarely follow this lure, but grimlocks who have been assimilated into the empire often do - being a member of a small group of people who learn to respect the grimlock's love of silence is preferable to enduring the bustle of normal life. And if the grimlock's companions take care of all dealing with outsiders, so much better.
Grimlock Racial Traits
- +4 Strength, +2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Wis, -4 Cha. Grimlocks are robust, but insensitive and have a hard time dealing with people.
- Medium-size. Grimlocks gain no special advantages or disadvantages from their size.
- Blindsight (Ex): Grimlocks can ascertain all foes within 40 feet as a sighted creature would. Beyond that range, they treat all targets as totally concealed. Grimlock senses are susceptible to distracting sounds and odors, and must use Scent or make Listen rolls to pinpoint opponents who are not obvious. Negating a grimlock's sense of smell or hearing reduces this ability to normal Blind-Fight (as the feat). If both are negated, the grimlock is effectively blinded. Incorporeal creaturees are naturally invisible to grimlocks.
- Base speed 30 ft.
- Monstrous Humanoid Traits (ex): Grimlocks are monstrous humanoids, and as such are not subject to spells targeting humanoids, such as 'hold person'.
- Immunities (ex): Grimlocks are immune to gaze attacks, visual effects, blinding attacks, visual illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight.
- Scent (ex): Grimlocks have the scent ability, but cannot track by smell. They automatically sense whenever a creature comes within 30 ft., and can automatically pinpoint such creatures as a standard action. The range of this ability is doubled upwind and halved downwind. Incorporeal creatures cannot normally be detected by smell.
- Camouflaged hide (ex): A grimlock's dull gray skin helps it hide in its native terrain, conferring a +10 circumstance bonus to Hide checks when in mountains or underground.
- Natural Armor: Grimlocks have a natural armor bonus of +4.
- Armor Limitations: If the grimlock is wearing extensive clothing or any armor, its camouflage ability is negated. If wearing a helmet or heavy armor, this negates its ability to use its hearing for blindsight, while an environmental suit or gas mask negates its sense of smell. In a vacuum suit or power armor, a grimlock is blinded.
- Blindness (ex): A grimlock has no sense of sight. It cannot read normal text, and everything beyond the 40 ft. range of its blindsight has total concealment from the grimlock. Since most computer equipment is made with a visual interface, grimlocks suffer a -10 circumstance penalty on Pilot and Use Device rolls to use equipment not specifically ádjusted for them (at an added cost of cr. 200).
- Automatic Languages: grimlock and undercommon. Bonus languages: common, draconic, dwarf, elf, gnome, orc, terran.
- Favored Class: Imperial Ranger. Imperial Ranger levels do not count when deteriming if a grimlock suffers multiclass penalties to experience points (see chapter 3 of the PH). Grimlocks in the empire have abandoned the wild savagery of their ancestors and focused more on stealth and exploration.
- Level Equivalent: +1