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The Acrobatics skill replaces Balance, Escape Artist, and Tumble. It is a catch-all skill for full-body dextrous movement.
Acrobatics (Dex; Armor Penalty)
In addition to the specific options listed below, you can use Acrobatics to perform typical tumbling, flipping, or gymnastic maneuvers.
Avoid Falling Object (DC 15): If you are struck by a falling object, you can make an Acrobatics check to take half damage.
Balance (DC 10): You may move along a narrow surface such as a ledge or wire (up to two size categories smaller that you) at half your normal speed. The DC increases by +5 for each size category that the surface is smaller than the minimum above, and increases a further +5 if the surface is uneven, angled or slippery. A failed check means you fall prone and must make a DC 15 Acrobatics check to catch the narrow surface.
Cross Difficult Terrain (Trained Only; DC 15): You can move across difficult terrain without penalty.
Escape From A Grapple (Opposed, Grapple Check): With a successful Acrobatics skill check opposed by your opponent’s grapple check, you can escape from a grapple as a standard action.
Escape From A Net (DC 15): With a successful Acrobatics skill check, you can escape from a net as a full round action.
Escape From Manacles (Trained Only; DC 25): With a successful Acrobatics skill check, you can escape a pair of manacles over the course of one minute.
Escape From Ropes (Trained Only; Opposed, Dex Check+10): With a successful Acrobatics skill check opposed by your opponent’s Dex check +10, you can escape from ropes over the course of one minute.
Fall Prone (Trained Only; DC 15): You can fall prone as a free action, rather than a swift action.
Land Softly (Trained Only; DC 15): You can make an Acrobatics check when falling. If the check succeeds, treat the fall as if it were 10 feet (2 squares) shorter when determining damage. For every 10 by which you beat this DC, you can ignore a further 2 squares. If you make your check and take no damage, you land on your feet.
Performance (Varies): You can use Acrobatics as if it were the Perform skill to impress an audience.
Squeeze Through A Tight Space (DC 20): With a successful Acrobatics skill check, you can squeeze through a tight space as a full round action.
Stand Up from Prone (Trained Only; DC 15): You can stand up from prone as a swift action rather than as a move action.
Tumble (Trained Only; DC 20): With a successful Acrobatics skill check, you can move through a space occupied by an opponent or obstacle (moving over, under, or around) at half speed. A failed roll means you don’t get past the obstacle. The DC for this skill check increases by +2 for every additional opponent after the first.
Special: While balancing, the character is flat–footed, unless the character has Acrobatics as a trained skill. If the character takes damage, he or she must make an Acrobatics check again to remain standing. Moving twice in a round requires two checks, one for each move action.
A character with a Skill Focus in Acrobatics gains a +4 dodge bonus to Reflex defense (instead of the normal +2) when fighting defensively, and a +8 dodge bonus (instead of the normal +4) when engaging in Total Defense.
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