d20 Modern


The six Basic Classes ([Strong Hero](Classes/Basic.html#strong /Basic), [Fast Hero](Classes/Basic.html#fast /Basic), [Tough Hero](Classes/Basic.html#tough /Basic), [Dedicated Hero](Classes/Basic.html#dedicated /Basic), [Smart Hero](Classes/Basic.html#smart /Basic), and [Charismatic Hero](Classes/Basic.html#charismatic /Basic)) are unchanged, except for having access to more talent trees.

Advanced Classes

The advanced classes from the d20 Modern rulebook are all available. These are Bodyguard, Daredevil, Field Medic, Field Scientist, Gunslinger, Infiltrator, Investigator, Martial Artist, Negotiator, Personality, Soldier, and Techie.

New Advanced Classes

Class Setting Notes
Berserker SLA, Fantasy Raging warrior (barbarian)
FluxAdept SLA "Psychic" SLA style
FluxWarrior SLA "Psychic" warrior SLA style
Mage Urban magician

Cainite Disciplines

There is a vampiric class for (nearly) every attribute. Talent trees emulate disciplines. In general, these classes are open only to Cainite and Ghoul. With some refinement, most of them could be adapted to demons and the like.

Class Attribute Includes Disciplines
UndeadPotence Strength Potence
UndeadCelerity Dexterity Celerity
UndeadFortitude Constitution Fortitude
Thaumaturgy Intelligence Chimerstry, Mortis, Necromancy
UndeadInsight Wisdom Animalism, Auspex, Obfuscate
UndeadInfluence Charisma Dementation, Dominate, Presence
UndeadMorphing None Obtenebration, Protean, Vicissitude, Serpentis

Garou Auspices

Every Garou is born into an auspice, an aspect of the moon goddess Luna. For each such auspice, there is a class. Only Garou of the proper auspice can get levels in one of these classes, but they don't have to.

Class Attribute Description
GarouAhroun Strength Raging warrior.
GarouGaillard Charisma Bardic warrior.
GarouPhilodox Intelligence Harsh judge.
GarouTheurge Wisdom Mage-priest.
GarouRagabash Dexterity Trickster scout.

Mapping gifts to feats and talents will be hell, but the above remains a workable solution.


Ebb, flux, and techno-magic are modeled using psionics and/or high-tech. Traditional Mages use a variety of the normal magic system.

Specialised mage types such as MagicalGirl and DemonHunter exist, though not in all settings. These are fairly ordinary advanced classes, but with a slightly more "magical" flavour to their abilities.