Lesser Goblin (Dragonstar)
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One of the sub races of the Imperial Goblins, Lesser goblins always refer to themselves as goblins, plain and simple, refusing to acknowledge any lesser status. At least until Hobgoblin officers or Bugbear bullies show up and start pushing them around.
Goblins have little individuality. Many even lack individual names, being refereed to as "gobbo" or "stupid" even by other goblins. They live in extended families, sleeping, eating and living out their lives in communal areas. Even in civilization, they prefer to keep up this lifestyle, as it is very chap and allows them to work as little as possible. Goblins only work as much as they have to survive, goofing around or taking up madcap hobby projects to fill their time.
Goblins are only barely civilized. They can take on the trappings of civilization without actually adopting civilized lives. A goblin can hold a job, but it takes harsh discipline to ensure that they show up on a schedule. On the other hand, most taskmasters (including other goblinoids) care little which goblin does what work, as long as some goblin does. That way, a facility run by goblin can have a stable work force while each individual goblin only works occasionally. Goblins demand immediate pay or other satisfaction for whatever they do; things like monthly salaries or contractual obligations are incomprehensible to them.
Personality: Goblins are a cowardly lot, and prefer trickery and deceit to direct conflict. But their cowardice is not a sense of self-preservation - they are willing to take hilarious risks - but rather they are easily cowed and lose their spirit when poorly motivated. At the same time, they are easily enthused and can become fanatically devoted to a task, however silly or insignificant. This can make them dangerous if their projects run into conflict with the interests of other races - there is simply no denying a goblin project.
Physical Description: Goblins have flat faces, broad noses, pointed ears, wide mouths, and small, sharp fangs. Their foreheads slope back, and their eyes are usually dull and glazed, varying in color from red to yellow. They walk upright, but their arms hang almost to their knees. Goblins' skin color ranges from green over yellow through any shade of orange to red; usually all members of a single clan have about the same color. They wear the castoff clothing of other races, wich is usually too big and patched together in a haphazard fashion.
Relations: In a goblinoid society, the Lesser Goblin occupies the lowest rung. Smaller than their kin, easily cowed and less combative, they fall in line with little problem. Among other races, the Lesser Goblin is the only goblinoid race easily able to adapt, becoming servile and quiet when cowed by a display of strength. This mollifies the attitudes of most halflings, humans and various half-breed races, allowing goblins to avoid destruction and perform more mischief another day. Dwarves never accept this attitude and generally try to eradicate goblins, while gnomes accept them in the short run, but inevitably find that goblins share their own enthusiasm, but are too stupid and destructive to risk having around. Elves despise the environmental damage goblins cause, but tolerate them if they stay out of elven lands.
Alignment: Goblins tend to be cruel, selfish and shortsighted, which marks most of them as neutral evil in alignment. Exceptional goblins break this stereotype, striving for good or remaining ethically neutral, but few devote themselves to either law or chaos.
Goblin Lands: Goblin lands are usually the leftovers remaining after the more successful and disciplined races have had their pick. Eternal vagabonds, goblins are pushed into the hinterlands. Even if they did manage to grab a good piece of land, they would despoil it and ruin it after a few short years. The goblin ideal of a perfect land is quite close to a scrap yard; filled with nice puddles full of rats and grubs and with plenty of scrap lying about to make new stuff from.
Religion: Goblins are not terribly religious. Some worship ancestors, idols or spirits, while others turn to The Reaper or The Destroyer. But they are far from pious. Most are willing to kneel down to any god or spirit that promises them a short-term gain.
Language: Goblins speak goblin, and their leaders usually know common as well. Goblins living near other races often learn to understand their speech in order to understand orders or spy on their neighbors, but speak such languages poorly.
Names: Not all goblins have names, and those that exist are usually short and descriptive, possibly with an unusual feature or significant deed added as a sort of honorific. There is no distinction between male and female names. Typical examples include Albug, Beerwart, Big-wrench, Blue-nose, Gob, Kiff, Nob, and Yb. The names of goblin extended families follows the same pattern, but are usually longer and more descriptive, with typical examples including Andrablush, Bigfire, Butt-Blaster, Glopglogg, Quicksteal, and Sharpneedle.
Adventurers: Most goblins would like to be adventurers, and their recklessness makes many of them try the adventuring life. Most are not very successful, however, and either die or are turned down by their prospective adventuring companions. Those that make it are usually exceptional individuals, able to overcome many of the typical goblin shortcomings.
Goblin Racial Traits
- -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma. Goblins are quick and nimble, but their small size limits their physical might. Their personalities are also lacking in many ways.
- Small: as small-sized creatures, goblins enjoy a +1 size bonus on Armor Class and attacks, and a +4 size modifier on Hide checks. However, they may not use as large weapons as humans do, and their carrying and lifting capacity is 3/4 that of a medium-size creature.
- Base speed 30 ft. Goblins are very fast for their size.
- Darkvision up to 60 ft.
- +4 racial bonus on all Move Silently and Pilot checks. However, goblin pilots abuse their vehicles heavily, making riding with them extremely uncomfortable for all but other goblinoids.
- Automatic Languages: common and goblin. Bonus languages: draconic, giant , gnome, halfling, orc, undercommon, and worg.
- Favored Class: Rogue
Race Guide | Imperial Goblins | Hobgoblin | Bugbear