Hell Knight Paragon (Apath)
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Hell knight paragons are the most favored hell knights, those seen as most likely to advance and enjoying most favor with the orders' infernal sponsors. They are also the ones watched most closely for any sign of abyssal or celestial influence.
Class Information
This is a prestige archetype, a disciplined warrior in service of unyielding order.
Prestige Class: Hellknight from Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide.
Build Classes: Paladin.
Role: Hell knights stand as a bulwark against the forces of chaos, protecting the status quo and spreading the influence of lawful institutions over new lands. In a team, the hell knight naturally takes to the front, protecting her group and smiting chaotic monsters and rebels.
Alignment: Lawful evil only. Hell knights are paragons of hell and must remain lawful evil, but generally carefully cultivate a public facade of devotion to law and society. A hell knight has a code that seems like a perversion that of a paladin; they must never lie (but are encouraged to deceive), must never commit a good act, and if the cooperate with good or chaotic creatures they must manipulate events so that these enemies do not profit from the cooperation, and preferably end up dead, corrupted, or enslaved.
Hit Die: d10.
Class Features
These are all the class features of the hell knight.
Class Skills
The Hellknight’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Hell knights are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), and with all shields (including tower shields). They also gain proficiency with the favored weapon of their order even if that is an exotic weapon.
Aura of Law (Ex)
The power of a hell knight’s aura of law (see the detect law spell) is equal to his total character level.
Bonus Languages
A hell knight adds Infernal (the language of lawful evil outsiders) to their list of bonus languages. This is an addition to the bonus languages available to the character because of her race.
Detect Chaos (Sp)
This ability functions like a paladin's detect evil ability, save that it detects chaos.
A character must choose one hell knight order to join. The choice of order determines what disciplines the character gains access to.
The hell knight serves the order, must follow order policy, and must obey orders from superiors within the order. Player character hell knights often serve semi-independently, acting as agents of the order in the world or on some special task or quest, but must still follow the rules. Failure to do so results in becoming wanted by the order and put on trial. If found wanting, the hell knight is on probation, and put under the direct supervision of other hell knights, which usually spells the end for a hell knight's adventuring career or makes him a fugitive, hunted by all hell knights worldwide.
Details for each order are found here.
Smite Chaos (Su)
This ability functions as the paladin's smite evil ability, but against chaotic-aligned creatures. This ability is twice as effective against outsiders with the chaotic subtype, chaotic-aligned aberrations, and fey.
Force of Will (Ex)
At 2nd level, a hell knight gains a +2 bonus on Will saves against spells with one of the following descriptors: charm, compulsion, glamer, fear, figment, pattern, or phantasm.
At 6th level, the hell knight chooses another subschool or descriptor to gain a +2 bonus on his Will save against, and the bonus provided by his first selection increases to +4.
At 10th level, he chooses from the list again, and both previous selections increase by +2, so that he has a +6, a +4, and a +2 bonus, respectively, against the three different effects.
At 14th level, he chooses from the list again, and all previous selections increase by +2, so that he has a +8, a +6, a +4, and a +2 bonus, respectively, against the four different effects.
At 18th level, he chooses from the list again, and all previous selections increase by +2, so that he has a +10, a +8, a +6, a +4, and a +2 bonus, respectively, against the four different effects.
Order of Evil
At 2nd level, a superior of the hell knight in the same order can tell him to fight against either good or chaos for one day as a full-round action when adjacent to the hell knight. All abilities that normally target chaotic creatures instead target the selected type. This affects detect chaos, smite chaos, aura of justice, lawbringer (damage becomes evil instead of lawful), and hell's knight.
At 6th level, the tyrant can change what kind of foe he has a bonus against with a 1-minute dedication ritual.
Weapon Focus
At second level, the hell knight gains Weapon Focus in his hell knight order's preferred weapon(s) as bonus feats.
Aura of Will (Su)
At 3rd level, a hell knight can expend one uses of his smite chaos ability to grant his force of will ability to all allies within 10 feet for one minute per class level, conferring his force of will bonuses to each ally. Using this ability is a free action. Chaotic creatures gain no benefit from this ability.
Fitness of Hell (Ex)
At 3rd level, a hell knight is immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases, including mummy rot. At 9th level, this immunity extends to poison.
Hell Knight Armor (Ex)
At 3rd level, a hell knight paragon earns the right to wear hell knight armor. While wearing this armor, the hell knight reduces the armor check penalty by 1, increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by 1, and does not suffer a movement reduction from his armor. For every 4 levels beyond level 3, these effects increase by one point each, to a maximum of 5 at level 20.
Hell knight armor is distinctively adorned masterwork full plate armor costing 2,000 gp. Decorations are specific for each order.
Discern Lies (Sp)
At 5th level, a hell knight can use discern lies as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 plus his Charisma modifier. His caster level equals his total character level.
This is the same as the paladin's divine bond ability, except as noted.
A hell knight's bonded weapon can gain the following abilities, instead of those listed for paladins: Axiomatic, brilliant energy, flaming burst, flaming, keen, menacing, speed, throwing, unholy, vicious.
At 11th level, a hell knight's bonded creature gains the fiendish advanced template instead of the celestial template.
At 8th-level hell knight gains access to his first discipline, the one that is associated with his specific hell knight order.
At 11th, 14th, 17th and 20th level, the hell knight gains another discipline. He can choose any discipline with the exception of Pentamic Faith. This replaces the bonus feats gained at 12th and 18th level.
When applicable, the save DC to resist a discipline’s effect is equal to DC 10 + ½ the Hell knight’s level + the Hell knight’s Charisma modifier. The Hell knight can use any one discipline a number of times per day equal to the total number of disciplines he has access to, so at 8th level he may use his discipline once per day. At 11th level, he may use each of his two disciplines twice per day each. At 11th level, he may use all three of his disciplines three times per day, and so on.
Disciplines are described in the section on hell knight orders.
Aura of Justice (Su)
At 11th level, a hell knight can expend two uses of his smite chaos ability to grant the ability to smite chaos to all allies within 10 feet, using his bonuses. Allies must use this smite chaos ability by the start of the hell knight's next turn and the bonuses last for 1 minute. Using this ability is a free action. Chaotic creatures gain no benefit from this ability.
Lawbringer (Ex)
At 12th level, a hell knight’s attacks are treated as lawful for overcoming damage reduction.
Infernal Armor (Su)
As long as he wears hell knight armor, a 15th-level hell knight gains a +2 bonus on all Charisma-related checks made while interacting with non-good lawful creatures. In addition, he gains the ability to see perfectly in darkness of any kind, resistance to fire 30, and resistance to acid 10 and cold 10 as long as he is wearing hell knight armor.
Hell’s Knight (Su)
At 20th level, a hell knight becomes a conduit for the power of hell itself. She gains DR 10/chaotic. Whenever she uses smite chaos and successfully strikes a chaotic outsider, the outsider is also subject to a banishment, using his hell knight level as the caster level (his weapon and unholy symbol automatically count as objects that the subject hates). After the banishment effect and the damage from the attack is resolved, the smite immediately ends. The hell knight also becomes immune to fire while wearing hell knight armor.
Table: Hell Knight
Level | Base Attack Bonus | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Special |
1st | +1 | +2 | +0 | +2 | Aura of law, detect chaos, order, smite chaos 1/day |
2nd | +2 | +3 | +0 | +3 | Force of will 1, order of evil (superior), Weapon Focus |
3rd | +3 | +3 | +1 | +3 | Aura of will, fitness of hell, Hellknight armor 1 |
4th | +4 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Smite chaos 2/day |
5th | +5 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Discern lies, hellbond |
6th | +6/+1 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Force of will 2, order of evil (1 minute) |
7th | +7/+2 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Hellknight armor 2, smite chaos 3/day |
8th | +8/+3 | +6 | +2 | +6 | Discipline 1 |
9th | +9/+4 | +6 | +3 | +6 | Fitness of hell (poison) |
10th | +10/+5 | +7 | +3 | +7 | Force of will 3, smite chaos 4/day |
11th | +11/+6/+1 | +7 | +3 | +7 | Aura of justice, Discipline 2, Hellknight armor 3 |
12th | +12/+7/+2 | +8 | +4 | +8 | Lawbringer, |
13th | +13/+8/+3 | +8 | +4 | +8 | Smite chaos 5/day |
14th | +14/+9/+4 | +9 | +4 | +9 | Discipline 3, Force of will 4 |
15th | +15/+10/+5 | +9 | +5 | +9 | Hellknight armor 4 |
16th | +16/+11/+6/+1 | +10 | +5 | +10 | Smite chaos 6/day |
17th | +17/+12/+7/+2 | +10 | +5 | +10 | Discipline 4 |
18th | +18/+13/+8/+3 | +11 | +6 | +11 | Force of will 5 |
19th | +19/+14/+9/+4 | +11 | +6 | +11 | Smite chaos 7/day |
20th | +20/+15/+10/+5 | +12 | +6 | +12 | Discipline 5, hellknight armor 5, hell’s knight |
Hell Knight Orders
Hell knights are organized in orders. Each order is an independent organization, but they share many ideals and often cooperate. At other times they are at war, sometimes over what to outsiders seem trivial matters of doctrine.
There are numerous orders of hell knights. Each has its own agenda, distinctive style of hell knight armor, one or more weapons that it favors over others, and a discipline that it regards as most important and teaches first. Only hell knight chargers and hell knight paragons have access to disciplines.
Each hell knight begins in one order and most stay with that order for all of their life. A hell knight cannot change his order without undertaking a lengthy process to dedicate himself to a new cause. When this choice is made, he immediately loses all of the benefits from his old order. He must then follow the edicts of his new order for one entire level without gaining any benefits from that order. He must also find acceptance by the new order. Once accomplished, he gains all of the bonuses from his new order.
The hell knight serves the order, must follow order policy, and must obey orders from superiors within the order. Player character hell knights often serve semi-independently, acting as agents of the order in the world or on some special task or quest, but must still follow the rules. Failure to do so results in becoming wanted by the order and put on trial. If found wanting, the hell knight is on probation, and put under the direct supervision of other hell knights, which usually spells the end of the hell knight's adventuring career or makes him a fugitive, hunted by all hell knights worldwide.
The Order of the Chain
“All men lift themselves up upon the backs of others.”
The Order of the Chain enforces the natural order of master and servant, dually punishing rebellious or escaped slaves as well as criminal slave-owners.
Favored weapon: Flail.
Shackle (Su; Order of the Chain): When the hell knight uses smite chaos on a creature, he can impede its mobility. The creature can negate this effect with a Will save; otherwise, it is affected as if by a slow spell for 1d4 rounds.
The Order of the Gate
“Judgment in the face of depravity.”
Renowned for the unparalleled number of signifers among its members, the Order of the Gate also specializes in dealing and bargaining with devils and other fiends.
Favored weapon: Dagger.
Summon Devil (Sp; Order of the Gate): The hell knight may use summon monster V as a spell-like ability to summon 1 bearded devil.
At 11th level, this spell-like ability is replaced by summon monster VI, allowing him to summon 1d3 bearded devils, or 1 erinyes.
At 14th level, this spell-like ability is replaced by summon monster VII, allowing him to summon 1d4+1 bearded devils, 1d3 erinyes, or 1 bone devil.
At 17th level, this spell-like ability is replaced by summon monster VIII, allowing him to summon 1d4+1 erinyes, 1d3 bone devils, or 1 barbed devil.
At 20th level, this spell-like ability is replaced by summon monster IX, allowing him to summon 1d4+1 bone devils, 1d3 barbed devils, or one ice devil.
The Order of the Godclaw
“Righteousness by obedience.”
The leaders of the Order of the Godclaw preach the unique doctrine of the most lawful deities.
Favored weapon: Morningstar.
Pentamic Faith (Ex; Order of the God Claw only): This ability allows the hell knight to select one of the following domains: Artifice, Glory, Knowledge, Law, Magic, Nobility, Protection, Rune, Strength, Travel, and War. The hell knight gains all of the granted powers (but not domain spells) of that domain, treating his hell knight levels as Cleric levels -7 to determine what domain abilities he has access to. This ability is only available to hell knights of the order of the godclaw.
The Order of the Nail
“Savagery must be quelled, in the land, home, and mind.”
Hellknights of the Order of the Nail focus their efforts on crushing savages and brigands.
Favored weapon: Lance or halberd.
Onslaught (Su; Order of the Nail): Once per day as a free action, a hell knight increases his base speed by +10 feet and gains a +4 bonus to his Strength for 1 round. If the hell knight is mounted, these bonuses also apply to his mount.
The Order of the Pyre
“Reason's flame consumes the shadow of corruption.”
The members of the Order of the Pyre zealously hunt heathen worshipers of false gods.
Favored weapon: Glaive.
Brand (Sp; Order of the Pyre): The hell knight can use mark of justice as a spell-like ability.
The Order of the Rack
“The venoms of the mind poison the body.”
Hellknights of the Order of the Rack seek to eradicate revolutionary idealisms.
Favored weapon: Longsword or whip.
Censor (Su; Order of the Rack): When the hell knight uses challenge or smite chaos on a creature, he can strike the creature mute for 1d4 rounds unless it makes a successful Will save. A mute creature cannot speak, nor can it cast spells that have verbal components or use language-dependent effects
The Order of the Scourge
“Without culpability, chaos reigns.”
The ever-watchful Order of the Scourge seeks to ensure no crime goes unpunished, especially premeditated or more far-reaching acts of organized lawbreaking.
Favored weapon: Heavy mace or whip.
Vigilance (Su; Order of the Scourge): The hell knight gains low-light vision (this effect is constant). In addition, as a full-round action, the hell knight can see through up to 5 feet of stone, wood, or similar barriers as if they didn’t exist. Metal or denser barriers block this effect. Each use of this ability lasts as long as the hell knight concentrates, up to a number of rounds equal to the hell knight’s level.
Common Abilities
These abilities can be taken by any hell knight at level 11 and above.
Fearsomeness (Ex; any order): A hell knight who uses the Intimidate skill to cause a creature within 10 feet to become shaken can instead cause that creature to become frightened. .
Tracker (Sp; any order): The hell knight can summon a creature to aid him, either in battle or to track an enemy, as if using a summon monster spell, save that the summoned creature lingers for 1 hour before vanishing. All animals summoned this way have the fiendish template.
An 8th-level hell knight can summon either an eagle, a riding dog, a wolf, or a leopard.
An 11th-level hell knight can summon either a dire wolf or a hell hound.
A 14th-level hell knight can instead opt to summon a pack of 1d4+1 riding dogs or wolves or a single cerberus or dire bat.
A 17th-level hell knight can summon either a pack of 1d4+1 dire wolves or hell hounds, or a single dire lion or shadow mastif.
A 20th-level hell knight can instead opt to summon a pack of 1d4+1 cerberi or dire bats, or a single dire tiger or invisible stalker.
Wrack (Su; any order): The hell knight may make a touch attack as a standard action to cause a creature to suffer incredible pain. The creature touched takes 1d6 points of damage + the hell knight’s Charisma modifier, and must make a Will save to avoid being staggered for 1d4 rounds.
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