Dodge Force (Action Powers)

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Main article: Dodge (Action Powers)

Bronze Bell Block

Trigger Action

Create a protective sphere of energy around you when you take damage. Gain an Armor bonus of +8 for this shot only, increasing your Toughness to Body +8 if it is currently lower than that. Does not combine with any other armor.

Kinetic Focus


You can focus when you take Physical damage. The attack need not hit, cause a Hit, or otherwise have any effect on you.The damage must come from the environment or from an enemy to let you focus - attacking yourself or having a friend attack does no good. It is ok to set up a situation where you take environmental damage.

Force Shield

Trigger Action (Defense)

You create a shield of force to block attacks. For this shot and until you take your next action of any type (including a trigger action), you gain a Dodge bonus of +3. Any actions you take in the shot when you use this power does not end the defensive bonus.

Force Skin


You create an armor of force. This appears as a field of refraction, visible at close range (effectively Medium sized), but clearly visible when it resists impacts. You gain 3 points of armor, giving you a Toughness equal to your Body +3.

Personal Force Field


You surround yourself with a personal force field, a glowing bubble with a diameter slightly larger than you are tall. Add your Mind to your Dodge and to any skill used to resist a Power. You are also protected from hostile environments. You can move around unhindered by the field. The Personal Force Field does not float in water, catch the wind, or otherwise interact with the environment more than you normally would yourself. While inside this field, you can converse and observe but not physically interact with the surroundings. Using a Powers against or physically interacting with something outside the Personal Force Field immediately brings it down. At your option, you can expand the field to cover the area immediately around you (on a grid, this is the hexes or squares adjacent to you), as long as all the creatures there are willing to be encased in the field. Such a field protects everyone inside from everyone outside and vice versa, but is immobile.

Resist Impact

Basic Action

Add your Mind to your soak attribute against Impact damage for the rest of the scene. You are normally assumed to do this at the beginning of each scene, but sometimes you may want to not do it to be more inconspicuous.