Move Death (Action Powers)

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Main article: Powers (Action)

Mystic Disappearance

Limit Break

You can disappear at will, seemingly being gone forever, only to reappear later at an opportune time.

You spend a 3-shot action to dematerialize, effectively disappearing from the story. You go wherever it is you spend your time "off", and cannot be affected in any way, except possibly with Summon powers.

You reappear at the gamemaster's discretion, usually at the end of the scene or fight when you dematerialized, tough sometimes the away time can be months or even years. You have no direct control over when and how you reappear, though you can specify an anchor when you purchase the power; an event, place, person or item that acts to draw you back. Examples include avenging ghosts that appear at the scene of a rape or to haunt the wearer of a sword.

Mystic Disappearance can be used to overcome travel obstacles for monsters: it is hard for a golem to walk onto an airplane, but when your pals go to New York city, you can dematerialize and then conveniently materialize when they arrive. You can only appear as directed by the story, but as long as you are willing to surrender control to your gamemaster, this is a sort of teleportation.

Where you spend the time between materializations is largely irrelevant. Perhaps you go to the underworld, perhaps you become astral or step out of the time flow. The GM might design special scenarios in this off-world, but don't count on it. It can be cool to role-play the effects this in-between place has on you - it might be scary, paradisaical or just weird.



Use this when you are knocked out. You die, only to reappear later at the same spot at the end of the round. For each time you've died this day, you start out with three hits taken - if you start with enough wounds you do not rise. An unnamed creature can only has a 50% chance to succeed at this power; if the roll fails the creature is out of action normally.

If you are attacked while "dead" Immortality immediately kicks in. This does not apply to area attacks.

This power always have some unique nemesis, and if this method or item is used to kill you or anoint your body, Immortality will not work. This can be cutting off the head, staking the heart, or some similar maneuver. It generally takes a Setback on a stunt or an attack at a -2 penalty to do, once the proper method is known.

If you have Mystic Disappearance, you can chose to not return immediately, instead using that power to return later, possibly in another place.

Soul Transfer

Trigger Action (Finisher)

You kill your the target (which can be yourself) and send the soul looking for a new body to inhabit. A host needs to be of the same species the target of the power was when alive, and recently dead. If the initial target is Undead, the corpse need not be fresh. Decide on a location; the power will locate the closest suitable host and present it to the soul to accept or reject. If it is rejected, the power locates the second closest one and so on. The target gets a vision of each host as it is found. There is a delay of 1d6 hours between each vision. Any new potential hosts appearing in the area can also appear as candidates, and it is possible to spend up to a year and a day looking for a suitable host.

To any onlookers, it seems as if the corpse animated itself or the newly dead creature suddenly recovered. Initially, use the physical attributes Body and Reflexes of the host body, but these attributes revert to their usual values at the rate of one point per hour. The basic appearance (modified by attribute changes), gender, and age of the host remains.