Melee (Action)
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Heroic Action Role-Play |
Melee is the skill to kick butt - with or without weapons.
Unskilled Use
Melee skill defaults to Body. An outcome matching this attribute on a stunt directed against Melee will often result in a Setback.
Use in Action
This is a primary combat skill, it is used with Weapons, Schtiks, and Powers to make attack rolls. As such, the rules are fairly detailed and precise.
You know the history of your school or gang, and of its great masters of the past and present. You know the philosophy or code of your group, both as it pertains to fighting and to life in general. If it has an oral or written code of conduct, you have memorized all of it. You have a basic grasp of the histories and teachings of rival schools and gangs. You know by reputation the great fighting masters of your time. You know others in you neighborhood who can fight, either as colleagues or rivals. You can identify a good fighter, even if you cannot name his style. And you instinctively understand the many unwritten codes of fighting, when it is all right to use weapons, when single combat is appropriate and so on.
You know other practitioners and teachers of your style. You know members of rival groups, who may be your enemies. You know people involved in martial competitions, from judges to fans to patrons. You know street people involved in fights: ring managers, bar owners, gang members and little-old-ladies-with-sharp-eyes-in-need-of-protection.
Trigger Action
When an enemy not adjacent to you moves into contact with you and then tries to move away again as a part of the same action, you can make a Melee roll against the target's Maneuver. If you succeed that enemy is forced to halt in front of you.
Basic Melee Attack
Basic Action
You make an attack roll against your target's Dodge and inflicting damage equal to your Body plus relevant modifiers for the weapon used. A basic unarmed attack like a fist or kick does Body Blunt damage and has the Stun ability, while a dedicated natural attack like claws or jaws does Body +1 Cutting damage. Weapons, powers, and schticks can greatly enhance these values.
Basic Action
You run a distance up to your Move in a straight line and make a Basic Melee Attack. This is in addition to the normal movement for a basic action.
Find Weakness
Limit Break
Make a Melee attack against which the target cannot use Resist powers; targets do not get to add their Mind to their Action to soak damage from this attack.
Strength Push
Basic Action
The Body and Mass table shows what kinds of loads can be lifted depending on Body. Handling such loads does not require an action or roll. Handling greater loads is done with a stunt and takes a basic action. Make a Melee roll; for every 4 points you score on this roll, your effective Body is increased by one. A roll of 4 allows lifting at +1 Body, 8 allows +2 Body, 12 allows +3, 16 allows +4 and so on. The effect of the stunt lasts for the three shots it takes to take the action and for three short after that, allowing the next basic Action you make to benefit from this stunt.
Limit Break
You make a trip or tackle as a Melee attack against your target's Dodge and inflicting Concussion damage equal to your Reflexes. Concussion damage is soaked using Reflexes.