Blast Time (Action Powers)

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You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.

Lift damages foes by causing them to fall upwards, then come crashing down. It does not matter if there is a roof above, as the effect is the same from one impact with the floor or two impacts from floor and ceiling. Flying creatures are affected normally, as the disruption of gravity disrupts their spatial sense. A flier that takes any damage ends up on the floor. It does concussion damage.

Reverse Gravity

Limit Break

You can blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders.

Reverse Gravity Lift damages foes by causing them to fall upwards, then come crashing down. It does not matter if there is a roof above, as the effect is the same from one impact with the floor or two impacts from floor and ceiling. Flying creatures are affected normally, as the disruption of gravity disrupts their spatial sense. A flier that takes any damage ends up on the floor. It does concussion damage.


Basic Action, Limit Break, or Trigger Action (Finisher)

Make a roll of Shoot vs. Dodge, on a success the target's Reflexes suffers a penalty of -1 until the end of the scene. This can be increased by various factors, and the target loses as many shots as the penalty.

  • If performed as a Limit Break, the penalty is increased by two.
  • If the attack scores an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes, the penalty is increased by two.
  • If performed as a Finisher, the penalty is increased by two and the effect is a Curse - including any previous Slow results.

Time Cell

Limit Break

This effect is mostly for non-player characters to use on players. GMs are encouraged use this as a plot device; players can use it at the GMs whim, but it is generally much less interesting for them.

You wrest your target out of the time stream. He now exists in a pocket of time, an empty bubble with a diameter equal to your Magic in meters. He stays there until some set event causes the Time Cell to collapse, whereupon he is restored to his original position in time.

Time Cells are not very stable, their existence are tied up to specific events or objects. You can prepare the cell in advance, putting a bound supernatural creature, maze, trap or similar inconvenience in the Time Cell. When this obstacle has been overcome, by force, guile or other means, the cell collapses. If two or more people are put into the cell, it lasts until all living people in the cell agree to depart.

The most common combat use of this effect is to place a monster or deathtrap in the time cell beforehand, then banish your opponents into it. For players, this might be played out, but for NPCs it's usually made as an abstract roll. In general, it takes an opposed skill check against whatever skill you used to create the trick to open a time cell; each failed roll indicates an hour is lost or that the victim takes a hit (depending on how the trap is built). A time cell can also be dispelled as a Curse.

A time cell can also be used as a retreat for study, healing and other activities you don't want interrupted. Characters in a time cell do not need to eat or drink and never run out of air. Time passes at the same rate inside and outside the cell, and it is possible to see out dimly.

Time Tomb

Trigger Action (Finisher)

Time Tomb puts the target into suspended animation, removing him from the time stream until the effect collapses. He either ceases to exist in the meantime, or stands about still as a statue, impervious to all. Time Tomb is normally permanent, but can be broken as a Curse.