Joramy (Greyhawk Action)

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Greyhawk Action!

Chaotic Good

Joramy the Shrew is the power of righteous rage and fiery temper in the Suel pantheon. She is also a goddess of flame and volcanoes. Her rage is generally just, but tends to burn everything in its way.

Joramy (JOR-um-ee) is a hot-tempered but generally good-natured goddess. Shown as a nondescript woman with fiery hair and one fist raised, Joramy argues for the sake of arguing, and uses emotional arguments when rational ones fail. She is on good terms with nonevil gods who enjoy her aggressive side, but disdains emotionally distant beings such as Delleb, Rao, and her estranged lover Zodal. Her holy symbol is a stylized volcano or pillar of flame.

The dance of a flame and the twisting patterns of molten rock are the most beautiful sights in the world, representing fire's argument with earth. Let your passions burn as hot as these things in all arguments, and never back down when you have the opportunity to convert someone to your perspective. Ideals and opinions forms and shapes a person, and not defending with all your effort what you hold in your heart to be the truth is a betrayal to yourself and your ideals. Any rival opinion is a challenge—answer that challenge with the same fervor that you would a physical threat.

Clerics of Joramy make good political leaders and revolutionaries. They are willing to defend their ideals to the death and have a gift for inspiring others to do the same. Many work as diplomats for small but aggressive nations, where their tendency to escalate talks into heated arguments makes their parent nation appear stronger than it is. They go adventuring to find new people to argue with and new causes to champion.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Weapon: Quarterstaff

Pathfinder Domains

Destruction (Rage), Fire, Glory (Heroism), Liberation (Revolution), War.

Pathfinder Traits

Action Domains

Earth, Fire, Flux, Life, Spiritual.