Dodge Tech (Action Powers)

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Main article: Dodge (Action Powers)

Balance Wires


Cybernetic enhancements for the inner ear and enhanced neural receptors for spatial awareness give you the ability to roll with the hardest of punches and dance on razor wires. You get a +2 bonus to Dodge and Maneuver until you fail a roll or an opponent succeeds on an opposed roll involving either of these skills. These skill bonuses do not stack with other skill bonuses.

Cyborg Armor


Your skin in replaced with an armored exoskeleton. Your body becomes hard and rigid, tough you retain full mobility. This can be hidden under bulky clothes. You gain 6 points of armor, giving you a Toughness equal to your Body +6.

Cyborg Metabolism


This replaces your vital organs, lungs and intestines with cybernetic equivalents. You also add shielding to your eyes and other sensitive surfaces. It makes you immune to inhaled or ingested poisons, and allows you to operate without food, water, air, and in hostile environments such as underwater or in a vacuum. You can eat and drink anything with no adverse effect on your metabolism.

Exo Link


Used to operate cybernetic exoskeletons or power armors. You can always ignore any first-time skill use penalties when using an exo link. If you have an appropriately cybered power armor, you can ignore the Reflex penalties of the armor.

Machine Mind Immunity


You are immune to stunts and powers targeting your Charm or Impress. You are also unable to use these skills. You are vulnerable to Spurious Logic.

Mind Backup

Basic Action

You back up your mental state into protected hardware memory, and in an emergency you can run on this backup and reboot your wetware memory, ignoring some mental damage.

Add your Body to your Mind attribute when soaking psychic damage for the rest of the scene. You are normally assumed to do this at the beginning of each scene, but sometimes you may want to not do it to be more inconspicuous.

Phat Armor


Modifies the layer of fat under your skin to become shock absorbent. This is almost impossible to discern except trough very invasive body scans. You gain 2 points of armor, giving you a Toughness equal to your Body +2.

Subdermal Armor


A weave of protective fibers is implanted under your skin. This can be hidden under clothes but can be noticed on a strip search. You gain 4 points of armor, giving you a Toughness equal to your Body +4.