Dodge Plant (Action Powers)

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Main article: Dodge (Action Powers)

Bending Reed

Trigger Action (Defense)

Use this when attacked. Increase your Dodge by +3 for the current shot, and you will not take a Damage Setback unless the damage of the attack equals or exceeds your Reflexes +10.



You have all the mental sensitivity of a block of wood.

You are immune to stunts and powers targeting your Charm or Impress. You are also unable to use these skills. If a stunt using either of these skills is made so that it would still reasonably affect you, you can use Dodge as your defense. You also ignore Psychic Damage.

Entangling Embrace

Trigger Action (Defense)

When you are attacked, you can use this power to surround yourself in deflecting and entangling vines. Increase your defensive Dodge by +3 for the current shot. If the target hits you with a in Melee attack, he loses one shot from his shot counter. An unnamed target instead loses his next action.

Heart of Oak

Basic Action

Add your Mind to your soak attribute against Neurotoxin damage for the rest of the scene. You are normally assumed to do this at the beginning of each scene, but sometimes you may want to not do it to be more inconspicuous.

Plant Support

Trigger Action (Focus)

When completely supported by living plants you can focus. Grass and undergrowth that cannot carry your weight does not count, but climbing on trees, vines, or brambles does.

Resist Disruption

Basic Action

Add your Mind to your soak attribute against Disruption damage for the rest of the scene. You are normally assumed to do this at the beginning of each scene, but sometimes you may want to not do it to be more inconspicuous.



You root yourself to the ground. Any attacks or Stunts designated to move or throw you automatically fail, with no effect whatsoever; you cannot lose shots from physical Stunts when rooted. Against attacks enhanced by or including movement, such as Charge or Flying Strike, you can substitute your Dodge for your Toughness.

You move one multiple less of your Move while this stance is in effect, removing the move that usually accompanies a Basic Action. You have to take some action that includes extra movement, such as the Full Move action, to move at all.