Melee weapons (Action)

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Heroic Action Role-Play

This is a list of Melee weapons for Action. Ranged weapons with the Throw property can also be used with the Melee skill.

Weapon Hands Size Tech Range Damage Type Properties
Baton 1H Small Ancient Melee +1 Blunt Improvised, Stun
Battleaxe 1H Large Ancient Melee +4 Cutting Great Blow
Cudgel 1H Medium Ancient Melee +1 Blunt Great Blow, Improvised, Parry, Stun
Flail 1H Medium Ancient Melee +4 Blunt Great Blow, Unreliable
Garrote 2H Tiny Ancient Melee +1 Cutting Improvised, Entangle
Gauntlet 1H Medium Ancient Melee +1 Blunt Offhand Strike, Stun
Great Axe 2H Large Ancient Melee +5 Cutting Great Blow, Stowed, Throw
Great Spear 2H Large Ancient Reach +4 Piercing Intercept, Stowed
Hand Axe 1H Medium Ancient Close +3 Cutting Offhand Strike, Throw
Javelin 1H Medium Ancient Close +3 Piercing Throw
Shield (large) 1H Large Ancient Melee +1 Blunt Block, Stowed
Mace 1H Medium Ancient Melee +4 Blunt
Maul 2H Large Ancient Melee +5 Blunt Great Blow, Stowed
Net 1H Medium Ancient Close +0 Blunt Entangle, Throw, Offhand Strike
Nunchaka 1H Small Ancient Melee +3 Blunt
Quarterstaff 2H Large Ancient Melee +3 Blunt Double Strike, Improvised, Parry, Stowed
Rock 1H Small Ancient Close +1 Blunt Great Blow, Improvised, Throw
Shuriken 1H Tiny Ancient Close +1 Piercing Improvised, Throw
Shield (small) 1H Medium Ancient Melee +1 Blunt Improvised, Stun, Parry, Stowed
Spear 1H Large Ancient Close +3 Piercing Butt Strike, Throw, Intercept, Stowed
Torch 1H Small Ancient Melee +0 Blunt Improvised, Elemental, Great Blow, Stowed
Whip 1H Medium Ancient Reach +0 Blunt Disarm, Entangle, Stun
Iron Knuckles 1H Medium Blacksmith Melee +2 Blunt Offhand Strike
Glaive 2H Large Blacksmith Melee +4 Cutting Butt Strike, Great Blow, Intercept, Stowed
Broadsword 1H Medium Blacksmith Melee +4 Cutting or Piercing Parry
Bastard Sword 1H Large Blacksmith Melee +4 Cutting or Piercing Great Blow, Parry
Dagger 1H Tiny Blacksmith Close +2 Piercing Offhand Strike, Throw
Falchion 1H Small Blacksmith Melee +4 Cutting Great Blow, Improvised
Katar 1H Small Blacksmith Melee +2 Piercing Armor Defeating, Offhand Strike
Lance 1H Large Blacksmith Reach +3 Piercing Charge, Stowed
Lajatang 2H Large Blacksmith Melee +4 Cutting Double Strike, Parry, Stowed
Short Sword 1H Small Blacksmith Melee +4 Piercing Parry
Two-Handed Sword 2H Large Blacksmith Melee +5 Cutting Great Blow, Parry, Stowed
Trident 1H Large Blacksmith Melee +2 Piercing Entangle, Intercept, Parry, Stowed
Fighting Fan 1H Small Clockwork Melee +2 Cutting Disarm, Offhand strike, Parry, Slick
Greatsword 2H Large Clockwork Melee +5 Cutting Disarm, Great Blow, Parry, Stowed
Halberd 2H Large Clockwork Melee +4 Cutting| Disarm, Great Blow, Parry, Stowed
Chain 1H Small Clockwork Reach +3 Blunt Entangle, Great Blow, Improvised, Offhand Strike
Chain Whip 2H Medium Clockwork Reach +2 Blunt Double Strike, Entangle, Intercept
Man Catcher 2H Large Clockwork Reach +2 Blunt Entangle, Intercept, Stun, Stowed
Katana 1H Medium Clockwork Melee +4 Cutting Armor Exploiting, Great Blow
Smallsword 1H Medium Clockwork Melee +3 Piercing Great Blow, Intercept, Parry
Rapier 1H Large Clockwork Melee +4 Piercing Great Blow, Intercept
Swordbreaker 1H Medium Clockwork Melee +3 Blunt Disarm, Offhand Strike
Warhammer 1H Large Clockwork Melee +3 Blunt Great Blow, Armor Defeating
Executioner’s Kiss 1H Small Coal Melee +2 Piercing Armor Defeating, Elemental, Offhand Strike, Slow
Blowtorch 1H Medium Coal Melee +5 Fire Improvised
Chain Saw 2H Large Combustion Melee +7 Cutting Great Blow, Improvised, Static, Stowed
Cattle Prod 1H Medium Combustion Melee +1 Blunt Armor Exploiting, Elemental, Stun
Hand Taser 1H Small Electronic Melee +2 Electricity Armor Exploiting, Elemental, Stun
Hedgecutter 1H Medium Electronic Melee +5 Cutting Great Blow, Improvised
Afflox 1H Medium Fusion Reach +4 Blunt Great Blow, Entangle, Intercept
Charge Mace 1H Medium Fusion Melee +6 Blunt Great Blow
Karatand 1H Tiny Fusion Melee +2 Blunt Disarm, Offhand Strike, Parry
Power Fist 1H Large Fusion Melee +7 Blunt Armor Defeating, Great Blow, Offhand Strike, Stowed
Thunder Hammer 1H Large Fusion Melee +8 Blunt Armor Defeating, Great Blow, Loud
Beam Sword 1H Small Hyperspace Melee +5 Energy Armor Defeating, Disarm, Intercept, Parry
Light Shield 1H Small Hyperspace Melee +4 Energy Block, Offhand Strike
Light Staff 2H Medium Hyperspace Melee +6 Energy Armor Defeating, Disarm, Great Blow, Double Strike, Parry
Light Sabre 1H Small Hyperspace Melee +7 Energy Armor Defeating, Disarm, Great Blow