Druid Spell List Additions (Apath)

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Druid Spell List Additions

Used by the animist and druid to level 9 and the hunter to level 6.

Level 0 benign dispel, bleeding wound, [[Spells_(Apath)#Burst_of_Flame | burst of flame], crack, fireflies, ground mist, paroxysm, stall flight (lesser), summon zero, touch of vertigo.

Level 1 cure light wounds, mature plant, resistance (greater).

Level 2

Level 3 creeping mist, fey gold, stall flight, trial by fire.

Level 4 scent of sight.

Level 5 transfer enchantment, wall of thorns.

Level 6 x-ray eyes.

Level 7 true seeing.

Level 8 teleport beacon.

Level 9

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