Fey Form Description (Action Powers)

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Main article: Powers (Action)

Fey live by their own rules, that seem weird to ordinary folk but has as much power as any set of natural laws.

Alternate Names: Geas, Custom, Old Ways.


Skill : Dodge
Attribute : Reflexes
Sense : Dream
Mood : Bewildered, fascinated, in rapport

Gifts Cantrips

Basic Action

You can make your eyes (or other significant part of your anatomy) glow, providing illumination for a scene or until you use this power again to shut the light off.

You can detect if someone else is a power-user as soon as you sense them. As you get within Mind meters, you can compare one of your own skills to that of another power user, noticing if they are stronger, within 1 point of you, or weaker than you. The result is quite obvious and instinctively understood by all onlookers. It is brusque but not rude, like two beasts evaluating each other for dominance. It can be repeated for different skills. Often used to establish a dominance chain between monsters and sometimes between other gifted. A creature can pretend to be weaker than they are to fool you with an opposed Charm check.