Melee weapons (Action)

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Heroic Action Role-Play

This is a list of melee weapons for Action.

Weapon Hands Size Tech Range Damage Type Properties
Baton 1H Small Ancient Melee +1 Blunt Improvised, Stun
Battleaxe 1H Large Ancient Melee +4 Cutting Great Blow
Cudgel 1H Medium Ancient Melee +1 Blunt Great Blow, Improvised, Parry, Stun
Flail 1H Medium Ancient Melee +4 Blunt Great Blow, Unreliable
Garrote 2H Tiny Ancient Melee +1 Cutting Improvised, entangle
Gauntlet 1H Medium Ancient Melee +1 Blunt Offhand Strike, Stun
Great Axe 2H Large Ancient Melee +5 Cutting Great Blow, Throw
Great Spear 2H Large Ancient Reach +4 Piercing Intercept
Hand Axe 1H Medium Ancient Close +3 Cutting Offhand Strike, Throw
Javelin 1H Medium Ancient Close +3 Piercing Throw
Shield (large) 1H Large Ancient Melee +1 Blunt Block
Mace 1H Medium Ancient Melee +4 Blunt
Maul 2H Large Ancient Melee +5 Blunt Great Blow
Net 1H Medium Ancient Close +0 Blunt entangle, Throw , Offhand Strike
Nunchaka 1H Small Ancient Melee +3 Blunt
Quarterstaff 2H Large Ancient Melee +3 Blunt Double Strike , Improvised, Parry
Rock 1H Small Ancient Close +1 Blunt Great Blow, Improvised, Throw
Shield (small) 1H Medium Ancient Melee +1 Blunt Improvised, Stun, Parry
Spear 1H Large Ancient Close +3 Piercing Butt Strike , Throw , Intercept
Torch 1H Small Ancient Melee +0 Blunt Improvised , Elemental, Great Blow
Whip 1H Medium Ancient Reach +0 Blunt Disarm, entangle, Stun
Iron Knuckles 1H Medium Blacksmith Melee +2 Blunt Offhand Strike
Glaive 2H Large Blacksmith Melee +4 Cutting Butt Strike , Great Blow, Intercept
Broadsword 1H Medium Blacksmith Melee +4 Cutting or Piercing Parry
Bastard Sword 1H Large Blacksmith Melee +4 Cutting or Piercing Great Blow, Parry
Dagger 1H Tiny Blacksmith Close +2 Piercing Offhand Strike, Throw
Katar 1H Small Blacksmith Melee +2 Piercing Armor Defeating, Offhand Strike
Lance 1H Large Blacksmith Reach +3 Piercing Charge
Lajatang 2H Large Blacksmith Melee +4 Cutting Double Strike , Parry
Short Sword 1H Small Blacksmith Melee +4 Piercing Parry
Two-Handed Sword 2H Large Blacksmith Melee +5 Cutting Great Blow, Parry
Trident 1H Large Blacksmith Melee +2 Piercing entangle, Intercept, Parry
Greatsword 2H Large Clockwork Melee +5 Cutting Disarm, Great Blow, Parry
Halberd 2H Large Clockwork Melee +4 Cutting Butt Strike , Disarm, Great Blow, Parry
Chain 1H Small Clockwork Reach +3 Blunt entangle, Great Blow, Improvised, Offhand Strike
Chain Whip 2H Medium Clockwork Reach +2 Blunt Double Strike , entangle, Intercept
Man Catcher 2H Large Clockwork Reach +2 Blunt entangle, Intercept, Parry, Stun
Katana 1H Medium Clockwork Melee +4 Cutting Armor Exploiting, Great Blow
Smallsword 1H Medium Clockwork Melee +3 Piercing Great Blow, Intercept, Parry
Rapier 1H Large Clockwork Melee +4 Piercing Great Blow, Intercept
Swordbreaker 1H Medium Clockwork Melee +3 Blunt Disarm, Offhand Strike
Warhammer 1H Large Clockwork Melee +3 Blunt Great Blow , Armor Defeating
Executioner’s Kiss 1H Small Coal Melee +2 Piercing Armor Defeating, Elemental, Offhand Strike , Slow
Blowtorch 1H Medium Coal Melee +5 Fire Improvised
Chain Saw 2H Large Combustion Melee +7 Cutting Great Blow, Improvised , Static
Cattle Prod 1H Medium Combustion Melee +1 Blunt Armor Exploiting, Elemental, Stun
Hand Taser 1H Small Electronic Melee +2 Electricity Armor Exploiting, Elemental, Stun
Hedgecutter 1H Medium Electronic Melee +5 Cutting Great Blow, Improvised
Afflox 1H Medium Fusion Reach +4 Blunt Great Blow, entangle, Intercept
Charge Mace 1H Medium Fusion Melee +6 Blunt Great Blow
Karatand 1H Tiny Fusion Melee +2 Blunt Disarm, Offhand Strike, Parry
Power Fist 1H Large Fusion Melee +7 Blunt Armor Defeating, Great Blow, Offhand Strike
Thunder Hammer 1H Large Fusion Melee +8 Blunt Armor Defeating, Great Blow, loud
Beam Sword 1H Small Hyperspace Melee +5 Energy Armor Defeating, Disarm, Intercept, Parry
Light Shield 1H Small Hyperspace Melee +4 Energy Block , Offhand Strike
Light Staff 2H Medium Hyperspace Melee +6 Energy Armor Defeating, Disarm, Great Blow, Double Strike , Parry
Light Sabre 1H Small Hyperspace Melee +7 Energy Armor Defeating, Disarm, Great Blow