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'''Special Abilities'''<br>
'''Special Abilities'''<br>
In addition to the listed powers, you have access to these special abilities.
In addition to the listed powers, you have access to these special abilities.
* '''Beast of Burden''' Increase a normal or heavy load by two items. You can spend points of load on items from another player's list but you can only use such items if they show you how. The character whose item list you used can use the item normally. You cannot take this if you have Unusual Size: Small. If you have Unusual Size: large you increase the load bonus to four items.
* '''Casual Blaster:''' When you use a power to make an attack that is fine and/or potent, you can opt to remove these qualities. For each quality you choose not to use, the stress cost and die requirement of the power use is each reduced by one.
* '''Casual Blaster:''' When you use a power to make an attack that is fine and/or potent, you can opt to remove these qualities. For each quality you choose not to use, the stress cost and die requirement of the power use is each reduced by one.
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: ☐ Simple disguise that avoids attention as long as you lie low.
: ☐ Simple disguise that avoids attention as long as you lie low.
: ☐ A fine weapon adapted to your size and abilities.
: ☐ A fine weapon adapted to your size and abilities.
: ☐, ☐ A gimmick that allows you to avoid worsening position when threatened by multiple opponents.
: ☐ A pouch of specially prepared scent, food, or trinket that draws out creatures (including other monsters). Gives increased effect when trying to locate or lure someone or something that is not sapient.
: ☐-☐ Fine climbing gear.
: ☐ A comfort item that gives you +1d on Consort rolls in social situations and on Resolve resistance rolls.

Revision as of 21:45, 24 August 2024

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Powers (FiD)Fox in the Dark logo

A monster is not sapient. A monster cannot understand the complex social relations in a society. A monster resembles a very intelligent animal, it can solve problems and is even capable of rudimentary speech, but needs a guide and interpreter to interact with many people at once. In terms of the Mind power, a monster is intelligent rather than sapient .

Trauma Condition - Non-Sapient Your powers cone very natural to you and are triggered by simple gestures and natural exertions such as breathing. What is difficult to you is understanding society. You can deal with up to half a dozen creatures at once without major effort, but beyond that you get anxious and annoyed. Having you anxious and annoyed is dangerous, so you place your trust in a sentient creature to be your guide. This a member of your crew who you trust and who's ques you follow in a social situation. This person understand you better than most others.

Your use of the Consort action is limited to other monsters of your own kind, your crew and to using powers. Consort also has another use to you, it is the Action you use to remain rational in pressing social situations. Success allows you to act rationally, but consequences causes some monstrous behavior: in escalating order grunts, growls, roaring, demonstrations of power. A failure means you don't act except as consequences dictate. A fumble will cause you to run of or rage.

Special Abilities
In addition to the listed powers, you have access to these special abilities.

  • Beast of Burden Increase a normal or heavy load by two items. You can spend points of load on items from another player's list but you can only use such items if they show you how. The character whose item list you used can use the item normally. You cannot take this if you have Unusual Size: Small. If you have Unusual Size: large you increase the load bonus to four items.
  • Casual Blaster: When you use a power to make an attack that is fine and/or potent, you can opt to remove these qualities. For each quality you choose not to use, the stress cost and die requirement of the power use is each reduced by one.
  • Enhanced Action:. Choose a single action. Your outcome when using this action is increased. This is similar to and stacks with using fine equipment.
  • Invulnerability: You are highly resistant to damage. When you take physical harm, make a Wreck roll. 1-3: Nothing. 4-5: Reduce level of harm by one. 6: Reduce level of harm by two. Crit: Negate all harm and recover 1 stress. This stacks with the basic skirmish ability of many powers to absorb damage when both are relevant.
  • Natural Weapons: You have one or more fine and potent natural weapons, such as monstrous claws, a mighty bite, a crushing hug, a powerful stomp and such. Select abilities appropriate to your form.
  • Special Movement: You have some unusual movement ability, such as flight, amazing leaps, rapid swimming and the ability to breathe water, very fast running, and the like. You gain +1d and additional outcome on Prowl actions using this movement.
  • Unusual Size: You are either much smaller or much larger than typical, less than half a meter or more than three meters in height. In either case, you suffer one less level of physical harm either by rolling with blows or simply being tough. A large creature can use Wreck with additional outcome but has less effect on Prowl actions, a small creature is the opposite. If you plan to take this special ability but don't have the special ability picks to spend, you can start off with this size but gain no benefits until you take the ability.

Powers Air, Animal, Barrier, Darkness, Death, Earth, Electricity, Fire, Ice, Flux, Illusion, Kinesis, Life, Light, Metal, Mind, Order, Plant, Space, Time, Water.

Dramatic Encounters

˄ ˅ Casey, a carnie
˄ ˅ Alex, a child
˄ ˅ Pete, a police officer
˄ ˅ Jordan, a survivalist
˄ ˅ Riley, a scientist


☐ Drug that turns a failed Consort roll in a social situation into a success. One use.
☐ Simple disguise that avoids attention as long as you lie low.
☐ A fine weapon adapted to your size and abilities.
☐ A pouch of specially prepared scent, food, or trinket that draws out creatures (including other monsters). Gives increased effect when trying to locate or lure someone or something that is not sapient.
☐ A comfort item that gives you +1d on Consort rolls in social situations and on Resolve resistance rolls.


  • Every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action's attribute.

At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or an attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times.

  • You addressed a challenge using powers or in a one-on-one confrontation.
  • You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background.
  • You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the session.

Starting Actions

Wreck 2
Command 1
4 points by choice, no higher than 2 in any one