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| {{Apath}} | | {{Apath}} |
− | ''The noble magician belongs to a rich and influential family. She never had to kowtow to any master, studying whatever magic she wanted with the assistance of well-paid mentors. Her mind has thrived on this freedom, rewarding her with awesome arcane powers—if not quite the respect she wants from her magical peers. | + | ''The eldritch noble studied arcane lore at her own initiative. She never had to kowtow to any master, learning whatever magic she wanted with the assistance of well-paid mentors or by appeasing spirits using her family's resources. Her mind has thrived on this freedom, rewarding her with awesome arcane powers—if not quite the respect she wants from her magical peers, who tend to see her as a dilettante. |
| | | |
| == Class Information == | | == Class Information == |
− | This is a [[Prestige Archetypes (Apath)|prestige archetype]]. The noble magician is rich witch without hexes. | + | This is a [[Prestige Archetypes (Apath)|prestige archetype]]. The eldritch noble is a rich wizard free to explore her abilities without relying on a school of magic. |
| | | |
| '''Prestige Class:''' [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/n-r/noble-scion Noble Scion] from Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Paths of Prestige. | | '''Prestige Class:''' [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/n-r/noble-scion Noble Scion] from Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Paths of Prestige. |
| | | |
− | '''Build Class:''' [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch Witch]. | + | '''Build Class:''' [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard Wizard]. |
| | | |
− | '''Role:''' A noble magician is a master of the arcane, but also a cultivated socialite with connections and wealth. | + | '''Role:''' An eldritch noble is a mistress of the arcane, but also a lady of wealth and standing. |
| | | |
− | '''Alignment''': Any. A noble magician might be a philanthropist godmother or a sinister plotter, but in either case she hides it behind a cultured facade. | + | '''Alignment''': Any. An eldritch noble might be a philanthropist godmother or a sinister plotter, but in either case she hides it behind a cultured facade. |
| | | |
| '''Hit Die:''' d6. | | '''Hit Die:''' d6. |
| | | |
| === Class Skills === | | === Class Skills === |
− | The noble magician's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are | + | The eldritch noble's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (All) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), and Spellcraft (Int). |
− | Appraise (Int), | |
− | Bluff (Cha),
| |
− | Craft (Int), | |
− | Diplomacy (Cha),
| |
− | Disguise (Cha),
| |
− | Fly (Dex), | |
− | Intimidate (Cha), | |
− | Knowledge (all) (Int), | |
− | Perception (Wis),
| |
− | Perform (Cha), | |
− | Profession (Wis), | |
− | Ride (Dex),
| |
− | Sense Motive (Wis), and
| |
− | Spellcraft (Int). | |
| | | |
| '''Skill Ranks at Each Level:''' 2 + Int modifier. | | '''Skill Ranks at Each Level:''' 2 + Int modifier. |
| | | |
| == Class Features == | | == Class Features == |
− | The noble magician has all the class features of the witch, except as follows:
| + | These are all the class features of the eldritch noble. |
| + | |
| + | === Weapon and Armor Proficiency === |
| + | Eldritch nobles are proficient with the club, dagger, quarterstaff, and sword cane but not with any type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with an eldritch noble's movements, which can cause her spells with somatic components to fail. |
| | | |
| === Spells === | | === Spells === |
− | At first level, the noble magician must decide to learn and prepare spells like a wizard or a witch. If she chooses wizard, she has a spellbook just like a wizard. If she chooses witch, she has either a [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch#TOC-Witch-s-Familiar-Ex- witch's familiar], or a bonded that can learn and teach spells just like a witch's familiar. See [[#Arcane Bond | arcane bond]] below. | + | At first level, the eldritch noble must decide to cast, learn, and prepare spells like either a wizard or a witch. |
− | | |
− | A noble magician that prepares spells like a witch has kept her knowledge of magic secret from the world at large and even most of her close relatives. A noble magician who prepares spells like a wizard is generally known to be a spellcaster.
| |
− | | |
− | In either case, she casts arcane spells drawn from the [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/spell-lists-and-domains/spell-list---witch witch spell list].
| |
− | | |
− | === Affluent (Ex) ===
| |
− | At each level, a noble magician gains a stipend worth a number of gold pieces equal to 750 multiplied by her class level. (She gains 750 gp at 1st level, an additional 1,500 gp at 2nd level, and so on.) This replaces the level 1 hex.
| |
− | | |
− | === Arcane Bond ===
| |
− | This is the same as the wizard's [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard#TOC-Arcane-Bond-Ex-or-Sp- arcane bond] class feature. A noble magician that casts spells like a witch can use a bonded item just like a familiar to prepare spells and can cast any spell contained in the item once per day, like a wizard does. This replaces witch's familiar.
| |
− | | |
− | === Patron Spells ===
| |
− | The noble magician has a highly individual curriculum, and can decide on her own what magic to study.
| |
− | | |
− | This is the witch's [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch#TOC-Patron-Spells patron spells] ability, except that it is the result of magical study rather than supernatural favor.
| |
− | | |
− | At 8th, 12th and 16th level, a noble magician can pick another area of personal study, and gains the benefit of the [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch#TOC-Patron-Spells patron spells] from another patron of her choice. If she already knows a spell learned in this manner, there is no refund. This replaces the patron ability, the level 12 hex, major hex, and grand hex.
| |
− | | |
− | === Prestigious Influence (Ex) ===
| |
− | At 2nd level, a noble magician can use her influence to receive special treatment, favors, and other services. She effectively has a pool of virtual gold pieces equal to 150 gp plus 10 gp per class level to spend on services and non-material goods. This pool replenishes at the beginning of every week.
| |
− | | |
− | Services and nonmaterial goods available to a noble magician include:
| |
− | * Pay for lodgings, stabling, taxes, and tolls.
| |
− | * Improve her lifestyle quality.
| |
− | * Hire entertainers, messengers, mounts, servants, transport, workers, and so on.
| |
− | * Obtain invitations to exclusive events, or entry into privileged locations.
| |
− | * Spread rumors or start a whispering campaign.
| |
− | * Purchase spellcasting services.
| |
− | * Employ an expert hireling to make a skill check with a check bonus of +10 plus her class level (50 gp).
| |
− | | |
− | A noble magician cannot permanently gain goods or wealth from this ability; boons attainable from this ability are generally only available in settlements of 5,000 people or more. The exact benefits available in a location are subject to GM discretion. This replaces improved spell combat. This replaces the level 2 hex.
| |
− | | |
− | === Aristocratic Erudition (Ex) ===
| |
− | At 3rd level, a noble magician gains a bonus equal to 1/3 her class level on Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), and Knowledge (nobility) checks. This ability also reduces the DCs of Diplomacy and Knowledge (local) checks others make to gather publicly known information about the noble magician by the same amount. This replaces the level 18 hex.
| |
− | | |
− | === Servitor (Ex) ===
| |
− | At 4th level, a noble magician gains a faithful NPC servitor of the same level as a cohort granted by the Leadership feat. This servitor can only have levels in NPC classes and comes equipped with gear appropriate for a character 1 level lower than the servitor's actual level. The servitor does not follow the noble magician as would a cohort or follower, but instead can run various errands for her master while the noble magician is adventuring, such as delivering messages or maintaining the scion's manor in her stead. This replaces the level 4 hex.
| |
− | | |
− | === Regional Expertise (Ex) ===
| |
− | At 5th level, and again at 10th and 14th level, a noble magician gains a bonus feat from one of the lists below, depending on where she is from. These feats must be taken from the same list at each level (except for feats under the “general” category, which can be taken by nobles from any region). A noble magician need not meet the prerequisites for these feats. At their discretion, GMs may add other feats to these regions or create lists for other regions. This replaces the level 6, 10, and 14 hexes.
| |
− | | |
− | '''The Dwarf Fastness:''' Deepsight, Fortified Armor Training, Hammer The Gap, Skill Focus (Knowledge [engineering]), Weapon Focus (any axe or hammer).
| |
− | | |
− | '''Land of the Fallen Dragon Kings:''' Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dueling sword), Flanking Foil, Step Up, Weapon Focus (dueling sword).
| |
− | | |
− | '''The Empire of Devils:''' Careful Speaker, Enforcer, Intimidating Prowess, Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes]).
| |
− | | |
− | '''The Land of the Ten-Thousand Gods:''' Improved Unarmed Strike, Skill Focus (Perform [dance]), Voice of the Sibyl, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike).
| |
− | | |
− | '''The Elven Forest Kingdom:''' Agile Maneuvers, Breadth of Experience, Skill Focus (Knowledge [nature]), Weapon Focus (longbow).
| |
− | | |
− | '''The Shadow Kingdom:''' Blind-Fight, Diehard, Shadow Strike, Stealthy.
| |
− | | |
− | '''The Kingdom of Pharaohs:''' Exotic Weapon Proficiency (khopesh), Self-Sufficient, Skill Focus (Knowledge [history]), Weapon Focus (khopesh).
| |
− | | |
− | '''The Satrapy of the Desert:''' Animal Affinity, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Appraise), Weapon Focus (scimitar).
| |
| | | |
− | '''The River Nations:''' Improved Dirty Trick, Improved Steal, Ironguts, Skill Focus (Knowledge [local]).
| + | If she chooses wizard, she has a spellbook and adds spells to it just like a wizard does. She casts spells from the wizard spell list. |
| | | |
− | '''The Fallen Empire:''' Dazzling Display, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (falcata), Skill Focus (Bluff ), Weapon Focus (falcata).
| + | If she chooses witch, she also gains the witch's familiar and patron spells abilities as a witch of her eldritch noble level and uses the witch spell list. An eldritch noble that casts spells like a witch often keeps her magic secret. |
− | | + | {{ : Affulent (Apath)}} |
− | '''The Gothic Kingdoms:''' Combat Reflexes, Focused Discipline, Skill Focus (Knowledge [nobility]), Stoic. | + | === Cantrips === |
− | | + | Eldritch nobles can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Eldritch Noble under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. |
− | '''General:''' Acrobatic, Additional Traits, Alertness, Antagonize, Athletic, Cosmopolitan, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Fleet, Improved Initiative, Persuasive, Prodigy, Rhetorical Flourish, Run, Scholar.
| + | {{ : Noble Paragon (Apath)}}{{ : Prestigious Influence (Apath)}}{{ : Fame And Fortune (Apath)}}{{ : Servitor (Apath)}}{{ : Leadership (Apath)}}{{ : Greater Leadership (Apath)}}{{ : Peerless Patrician (Apath)}} |
− | | |
− | === Leadership (Ex) ===
| |
− | At 7th level, the noble magician gains Leadership as a bonus feat. This replaces the level 8 hex.
| |
− | | |
− | === Greater Leadership (Ex) ===
| |
− | At 13th level, a noble magician can recruit a cohort up to one level lower than herself and doubles the number of followers. At 19th level, she can recruit a cohort of her own level and quadruples the number of followers. This replaces the level 16 and 20 hexes.
| |
− | | |
− | === Peerless Patrician (Ex) === | |
− | At 20th level, once per round a noble magician can roll twice on any Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (nobility), or Sense Motive check and take the better roll. Once per day, instead of rolling one of these skill checks, she can assume the roll resulted in a natural 20. This replaces the level 20 hex.
| |
− | | |
− | == Table: Noble Magician ==
| |
− | {|class="wikitable"
| |
− | |rowspan=2|''' Level'''||rowspan=2|''' Base Attack Bonus'''||rowspan=2|''' Fort Save'''||rowspan=2|''' Ref Save'''||rowspan=2|''' Will Save'''||rowspan=2|''' Special'''||colspan=10 align=center|'''Spells per Day'''
| |
− | |-
| |
− | ||0|||1st|||2nd|||3rd|||4th|||5th|||6th|||7th|||8th|||9th
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 1st ||valign="top"| +0 ||valign="top"| +0 ||valign="top"| +0 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| Affluent, arcane bond, Cantrips, patron spells||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 2nd ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +0 ||valign="top"| +0 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| Prestigious influence ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 3rd ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| Aristocratic erudition +1 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 4th ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| Servitor ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 5th ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| Regional expertise ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 6th ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| Aristocratic erudition +2 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 7th ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| Leadership ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 8th ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| Patron spells ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 9th ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| Aristocratic erudition +3 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 10th ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +7 ||valign="top"| Regional expertise ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 11th ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +7 ||valign="top"| ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 12th ||valign="top"| +6/+1 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +8 ||valign="top"| Patron spells ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 13th ||valign="top"| +6/+1 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +8 ||valign="top"| Greater leadership ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 14th ||valign="top"| +7/+2 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +9 ||valign="top"| Regional expertise ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 15th ||valign="top"| +7/+2 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +9 ||valign="top"| Aristocratic erudition +5 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| —
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 16th ||valign="top"| +8/+3 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +10 ||valign="top"| Personal study ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| —
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 17th ||valign="top"| +8/+3 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +10 ||valign="top"| ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 18th ||valign="top"| +9/+4 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +11 ||valign="top"| Aristocratic erudition +6 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 19th ||valign="top"| +9/+4 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +11 ||valign="top"| Greater leadership ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3
| |
− | |-
| |
− | |valign="top"| 20th ||valign="top"| +10/+5 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +12 ||valign="top"| Peerless patrician ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4
| |
− | |}
| |
| | | |
| == Summary of Changed Class Abilities == | | == Summary of Changed Class Abilities == |
| These abilities of the original class are lost or modified in this archetype: | | These abilities of the original class are lost or modified in this archetype: |
| * Class Skills | | * Class Skills |
− | * Hex (all) | + | * Arcane Bond |
− | * Witch’s Familiar | + | * Arcane School |
− | * Major Hex | + | * Scribe Scroll |
− | * Grand Hex | + | * Bonus Feats |
| | | |
− | == Summary of Lost Class Abilities ==
| |
− | These abilities of the original class are lost or modified in this archetype:
| |
− | * Class Skills
| |
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Unofficial rules compendium
The eldritch noble studied arcane lore at her own initiative. She never had to kowtow to any master, learning whatever magic she wanted with the assistance of well-paid mentors or by appeasing spirits using her family's resources. Her mind has thrived on this freedom, rewarding her with awesome arcane powers—if not quite the respect she wants from her magical peers, who tend to see her as a dilettante.
Class Information
This is a prestige archetype. The eldritch noble is a rich wizard free to explore her abilities without relying on a school of magic.
Prestige Class: Noble Scion from Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Paths of Prestige.
Build Class: Wizard.
Role: An eldritch noble is a mistress of the arcane, but also a lady of wealth and standing.
Alignment: Any. An eldritch noble might be a philanthropist godmother or a sinister plotter, but in either case she hides it behind a cultured facade.
Hit Die: d6.
Class Skills
The eldritch noble's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (All) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Class Features
These are all the class features of the eldritch noble.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Eldritch nobles are proficient with the club, dagger, quarterstaff, and sword cane but not with any type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with an eldritch noble's movements, which can cause her spells with somatic components to fail.
At first level, the eldritch noble must decide to cast, learn, and prepare spells like either a wizard or a witch.
If she chooses wizard, she has a spellbook and adds spells to it just like a wizard does. She casts spells from the wizard spell list.
If she chooses witch, she also gains the witch's familiar and patron spells abilities as a witch of her eldritch noble level and uses the witch spell list. An eldritch noble that casts spells like a witch often keeps her magic secret.
Affluent (Ex)
At each level, a noble scion gains gold pieces equal to 750 multiplied by her character level as stipend. (She gains 750 gp. at 1st level, an additional 1,500 gp. at 2nd level, and so on.) This is the noble's private spending money, a result of the increase in standing her level advancement brings.
A multiclass character only gets this stipend when increasing in level as a noble scion, not when increasing her level in any other class. The amount received is based on her character level, not class level. So a wizard 3 who takes a level of scheming noble gains 3,000 gp (750 times her new character level of four).
Eldritch nobles can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Eldritch Noble under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.
Noble Paragon (Ex)
In order to impress commoners and peers alike, the noble scion is brought up to be a paragon of her culture. At 1st level, the noble scion selects a culture she has been brought up in and three class skills. If a particular skill already a class skill, the scion instead gains a +1 trait bonus on that skill.
Prestigious Influence (Ex)
At 2nd level, a noble scion can use her influence to receive special treatment, favors, and other services. She effectively has a pool of virtual gold pieces equal 25 gp per class level to spend on services and non-material goods. This represents the wealth of her house, but also connections; naturally the theatre will offer their best tickets for free to honor their great sponsor and beneficiary who just happens to be the noble characters uncle. This pool replenishes at the beginning of every week. Unspent resources are lost and do not accumulate.
Services and nonmaterial goods available to a noble scion include:
- Pay for lodgings, stabling, taxes, and tolls.
- Pay off bandits or pay ransom.
- Pay for social gifts and bribes.
- Improve her lifestyle quality.
- Hire entertainers, messengers, mounts, servants, transport, workers, and so on.
- Obtain invitations to exclusive events, or entry into privileged locations.
- Gather information, spread rumors, or start a whispering campaign.
- Purchase spellcasting services.
- Employ an expert hireling to make a skill check with a check bonus of +10 plus half her class level at a cost of 50 gp.
The noble can spend some of these funds on her companions, but spending more than half your allowance on your friends could be seen as overly egalitarian. A noble scion cannot permanently gain goods or wealth from this ability. Boons attainable from this ability are generally only available in settlements of 500 people or more. The exact benefits available in a location are subject to GM discretion.
When in the home territory of her noble house, the scion has access to luxurious lodging at the manors or town houses of her family, and can use such facilities to throw parties, lodge her companions in comfort, or otherwise use the properties of her family to advantage. When traveling, she can expect at least modest accommodation with other nobles, and a noble visitor is often the occasion of parties and other entertainment. The backside is of course that the scion is expected to attend all these social functions, which can hinder her other activities.
Fame And Fortune (Ex)
At third level a noble scion gains a bonus equal to 1/3 her class level on Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (local), and Knowledge (nobility) checks. This ability also reduces the DCs of Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), and Knowledge (nobility) checks others make to gather information about the noble scion by the same amount.
Servitor (Ex)
At 4th level, a noble scion gains a faithful NPC servitor of the same level as a cohort granted by the Leadership feat (minimum 1st level). This servitor is of the expert NPC class and comes equipped with gear appropriate for a non-heroic NPC of the servitor's level. The servitor does not fight for the noble scion as would a cohort or follower, but instead can set up camp, act as a valet or maid, and otherwise provide food and comforts. The servitor can also run various errands while the noble scion is adventuring, such as delivering messages or maintaining the scion's interests.
Leadership (Ex)
At 7th level, the noble scion gains Leadership as a bonus feat. The cohort and followers come with equipment appropriate for their level. Pay and upkeep is provided by the noble scion's house. Followers serve their noble leader, but their ultimate loyalty is to the land and holdings; they may report unusual activities to others in the house and refuse orders that they perceive to be dangerous to the clan as a whole.
Greater Leadership (Ex)
At 13th level, a noble scion can have a cohort up to one level lower than herself and the level of all her followers increases by one. At 19th level, she can recruit a cohort of the same level she is and the level of her followers increases by two. This also improves the noble scion's servitor.
Peerless Patrician (Ex)
At 20th level a noble scion can roll twice on any Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (nobility), or Sense Motive check and take the better roll. Once per day, instead of rolling one of these skill checks, she can assume the roll resulted in a natural 20.
Summary of Changed Class Abilities
These abilities of the original class are lost or modified in this archetype:
- Class Skills
- Arcane Bond
- Arcane School
- Scribe Scroll
- Bonus Feats
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