Feats (Apath)
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Feat Rules
Merging Combat Maneuver Feats
Let’s face it, there are hundreds of combat feats that enable fighters to perform nearly every act of violence imaginable. Even with fighter bonus feats, some option-enabling feats simply are too expensive to consider seriously. The following optional game rule is intended for fighter. At the GM’s discretion, this rule can be expanded to other classes.
Under this option, combat maneuver feats are grouped in sets. Taking any of the feats in a set gives all the other feats in each set for free. This enables characters to learn a set of related feats together, allowing more options in combat. It also allows characters to selectively avoid certain prerequisites—only the prerequisites of the feat actually picked need to be fulfilled. The following sets are suggested:
- Improved Bull Rush—Improved Overrun
- Improved Drag—Improved Reposition—Improved Trip
- Improved Dirty Trick—Improved Steal
- Improved Disarm—Improved Sunder
- Greater Bull Rush—Greater Overrun
- Greater Drag—Greater Reposition—Greater Trip
- Greater Dirty Trick—Greater Steal
- Greater Disarm—Greater Sunder
As a further optional rule, when a combat maneuver enhanced by a feat from these lists succeeds with a margin of 10, the fighter can choose to apply the effect of another feat in the same feat set. For example, a highly successful sunder can also disarm, and a highly successful trip can also reposition. Doing so, you only get a minimal result (as if you exactly matched the difficulty) on each maneuver, and targets only trigger one attack of opportunity, even with the greater version of the combat maneuver feats.
New Feats
Advanced Deed (Grit)
You focus your development on certain deeds.
Prerequisites: Deed class feature.
Benefits: Select one deed with a level requirement higher than your level in the class the deed belongs to. Reduce the level requirement of this deed by two.
Special: You can take this feat several times, the benefits can stack or you can select different deeds to apply the benefit to. When you have achieved the level required to use the selected deed without this feat, you can select another deed to apply this feat to. At level 19, trade all instances of this feat for Signature Deed.
Combat Prudence (Combat)
You take the time to defend before going on the offense.
Publisher Purple Duck Games.
Prerequisite: Intelligence 13.
Benefit: You can choose to take a -4 penalty on initiative checks. If you do, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class for the current combat or until initiative is rolled again, whichever comes first.
Special: This feat counts as Combat Expertise for prerequisites and using this feat counts as using Combat Expertise.
Combat Stamina (Combat)
You stop at nothing to drive your attack home.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +5, any 4 combat feats
Benefit: You gain a stamina pool (see Pathfinder Unchained) equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum zero). For each combat feat you learn (including this one), you gain an additional point to your stamina pool.
After you make an attack roll with a manufactured weapon, unarmed strike, or natural weapon attack with which you are proficient, but before results are revealed, you can spend up to 5 stamina points. If you do, you gain a competence bonus on the attack roll equal to the number of stamina points you spent. If you miss with the attack, the stamina points you spent are still lost.
Dropping to 0 stamina points causes you to become fatigued until you have 1 or more points in your stamina pool. You can continue to spend stamina points while your stamina points are at zero, but any stamina points you spent are instead subtracted from your daily maximum of stamina points, reducing the number of stamina points you can recover later in the day. If your daily stamina points drop to zero, you are exhausted and cannot spend any more stamina points.
Your stamina pool refreshes after 5 minutes of rest. Your daily stamina maximum resets to normal after a meal and a night's rest.
Special: Since you have a stamina pool, you can spend your stamina points to use any combat tricks associated with combat feats you possess.
Cosmopolitan Kitsune (General)
You can imitate any humanoid species whose language you know.
Prerequisite: Kitsune, Linguistics 1 rank.
Benefit: When using the kitsune racial ability to change shape, you can assume the form of any species of humanoid whose language you know. You get a +10 bonus on Disguise checks to appear as someone of the chosen species, but you assume the same shape each time you change into a certain species, and this shape resembles your human form. Observers familiar with your human form get the same Perception bonus as those familiar with someone you impersonate ordinarily would based on their familiarity to you.
The benefit combines with other improvements on change shape, such as the Realistic Likeness feat, tough that feat overcomes the resemblance to your ordinary form.
Normal: Kitsune can only assume the form of humans.
Cursed (General)
Some event has left you with a permanent curse, but also gives you advantages as your power grows.
Benefit: You gain an oracle's curse or a doomed warrior's doom. Your curse level (the level at which your curse operates) is equal to your Hit Dice, with a maximum of 14. You gain new abilities from your curse as your curse level advances.
Special You can take this feat twice, If you do, there is no longer a limit to your maximum curse level.
Equipment Trick (Combat)
You understand how to use equipment in combat.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefits: Choose a piece of equipment for which equipment tricks are available. You may use any equipment tricks relating to the item if you meet the appropriate trick requirements. If the item would normally be considered an improvised weapon, you may treat it as a normal weapon or an improvised weapon, whichever is more beneficial for you. Many equipment tricks are listed at the end of this book, more are available in other publications.
Special: You can gain Equipment Trick multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of equipment.
Evil of Undeath (Combat)
You have a deep understanding of the alien and evil nature of undead.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast divine spells.
Benefits: Undead creatures are treated as outsiders of the evil and extra-dimensional subtypes native to the plane of shadow for the purpose of your divine spells. This changes the effect of spells like holy smite and dismissal.
Special: This is an additional classification; the creatures are still treated as undead of any subtypes they have. If there is a conflict of effects, treat creatures as undead first and outsiders second.
Expert Trainer (General)
Prerequisite: Mount or animal companion class feature or equivalent.
Benefit: You learn to use Handle Animal to domesticate and train creatures with speed. You can reduce the time needed to tame an creature, teach a creature a new trick, or train a creature for a general purpose to 1 day per 1 week required by increasing the DC by +5. You can also handle more than one creature without taking more time, although each creature after the first adds +2 to the DC.
Special: This is the same as the cavalier class ability of the same name. The cavalier specifies mounts, while this ability refers to creatures in general, but that difference is superficial. When using the expanded domestication rules, the cavalier ability applies to domestication.
Extra Skill Tricks (General)
Benefit: Gain an additional skill trick from the list available to the kingpin. You must possess 1 rank in the skill the skill trick is related to, and it must be a class skill.
Special: If you already possess a skill trick, you instead gain two new skill tricks. This feat may be taken multiple times, each time gaining new Skill tricks.
Extra Stamina (Combat)
You can push yourself to higher limits.
Prerequisite(s): Combat Stamina.
Benefit(s): Your stamina pool increases by a number of points equal to your Constitution bonus (minimum 1), plus the one additional point for taking a combat feat (this one).
Special: You can select this feat several times. The effects stack.
Fast Skirmisher (Combat)
Publisher: Purple Duck Games.
You can double move and attack.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, and either Shot on the Run or Spring Attack.
Benefit: When you use Shot on the Run or Spring attack, you can move up to your speed both before and after making your attack.
Grappling Charge (Combat)
You can make a rush and grab a foe.
Publisher: Purple Duck Games.
Prerequisites: Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: You can combine a charge with a grapple combat maneuver, gaining a +2 bonus on the CMB to grapple, but suffering a -2 penalty on your Armor Class and CMD until the beginning of your next round.
Immediate Retreat (Combat)
Publisher: Purple Duck Games.
You can retreat from charging enemies.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility.
Benefit: When an enemy declares a charge against you, you can take an immediate action to move your speed in a straight line away from the charging enemy. The enemy then attempts to charge you, and must move so that he can attack you or its full charge distance, whichever is further. The AC penalty for charging applies even if the enemy cannot attack you at the end of its movement.
Improved Body Shield (Combat)
You cover behind those you grapple.
Publisher: Purple Duck Games.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Body Shield, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9.
Benefit: While grappling or being grappled you gain two benefits. You gain cover against opponents not involved in the grapple and you do not suffer a penalty to Armor Class or combat maneuver checks when you are prone.
Improved Brace (Combat)
You can rapidly brace a weapon against a charge.
Publisher Purple Duck Games.
Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes, proficient with spear.
Benefits: You must wield a weapon with the brace quality to use this feat. A charging enemy moving into a space you threaten triggers an attack of opportunity that deals double damage. When an enemy triggers an attack of opportunity by moving from a space in your threaten into a space adjacent to you, you do double damage on that attack of opportunity. Finally, you can wield a spear as a one-handed weapon.
Improved Rile (Combat)
You know how to make an opponent want to attack you.
Benefit: When you Bluff to taunt or Intimidate to defy an enemy and make them riled for 2 rounds or more, that opponent is antagonized for half that time.
Improvised Instrument (General)
You can use most objects as musical instruments.
Publisher: Purple Duck Games.
Benefit: You can use any object of hardness 5 or more as a percussion instrument. You can use a bow or sling as a sting instrument. You can have any shafted or bladed object modified into a wind instrument at a cost of 10 gp. Such an instrument is only usable by someone with this feat. If the object you are using as an instrument has an enchantment bonus of +1 or more, it counts as a masterwork musical instrument when you use it. When you use bard or virtuoso abilities that require somatic or visual components, a hand holding an improvised instrument is considered a free hand.
Lasting Shape (Metamagic)
You can make your shape changing last for hours.
Benefit: You extend the duration of a transmutation (polymorph) spell you cast on yourself with a duration of 1 minute/level or more to 1 hour/level.
Level Increase: +2 (a lasting shape spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell's actual level.)
Lasting Summons (Metamagic)
You can make your summons last for hours.
Benefit: You extend the duration of a summoning spell with a duration of 1 round/level or more to 1 hour/level.
Creatures summoned this way avoid combat if possible but defend themselves if attacked; if they attack, the remaining duration of the spell changes from 1 hour per level to 1 round per level (so if the spell had 5 full hours left, the creature(s) remain in combat for 5 rounds before the spell ends).
Level Increase: +1 (a lasting summons spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.)
You can use Lasting Summons to summon a creature that will act as a normal summoned creature, but this increases the level increase of the feat to +3.
Special: A summoner can use this to affect his summon monster spell-like ability, reducing the numeral of the summoning ability instead of increasing the effective spell level.
Leadership (General)
Benefit: You have built a close relationship with a cohort during play, to the point where they are devoted to you and will serve you full-time or in dangerous situations, including accompanying you on adventures. They still take secondary positions and might not always be available, acting as agents, guards, lookouts, and support more than heroes. Such a cohort has a stat block (15 point build, no PC bonuses like traits or extra feat, but they do gain full hp at level 1), which is the player's responsibility to maintain, and come equipped with gear to normal NPC wealth levels, at no cost to you.
The situational modifiers for cohorts and followers are not used. If you have a cohort of the same class you are and followers in the same general career (temple, fighting school, mage college, thieves guild, etc), you can use your highest attribute score instead of Charisma when calculating your leadership score.
Special This can be a monstrous cohort or mount, and if you have the animal companion or mount class feature, you can exchange that class feature for this feat with a monstrous companion filling a similar role to what you had. In general, a monster cohort count as having an effective character level equal to its challenge rating +1 + any class levels it has. Monster cohorts are equipped based on their class level only.
Normal All characters can use the Leadership feat (without the level restriction) to recruit a cohort and followers during play, within the limitations of the original feat. While such cohorts and followers are loyal to you, they still mostly live their own lives, and work for your character within the limits of their normal activities. You can employ these characters and expect loyalty. They will act as your agent, craft for you at cost, and take reasonable risks in the pursuit of this role. They are not heroic and will not engage in obviously dangerous actions. They will specifically not follow you on adventures except as dictated by the GM. Normal cohorts and followers generally don't need a detailed stat block.
Limb Grab (Combat)
You can grapple a foe if you are in that foes natural reach.
Publisher Purple Duck Games.
Prerequisites: Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +12.
Benefit: When you are within the natural reach of an opponent, you can make a grapple combat maneuver against that opponent according to the normal rules, even if the opponent is out of your reach. If successful, you move adjacent to the opponent without spending movement or triggering attacks of opportunity.
Limb Twist (Combat)
You twist your opponent asunder from the inside.
Publisher Purple Duck Games.
Prerequisites: Strength 13+, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9.
Benefit: You ignore damage reduction when inflicting unarmed damage with a successful grapple check. A target immune to critical hits is immune to Limb Twist.
Multiclass Deeds (Grit)
You learn the deeds of someone of your Hit Dice.
Prerequisites: Deeds class feature, multiclass levels or racial Hit Dice.
Benefit: Increase your effective level in a class that gains deeds by four for the purpose of learning and using deeds. You must have at least one level in the selected class. This increased level can never be higher than your number of Hit Dice. If you have several classes that give deeds, you must choose one of these classes to apply this feat to.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. The effect does not stack. You must select a different class each time.
Pavise (Combat)
Publisher: Purple Duck Games.
A pavise is an freestanding tower shield, commonly used in sieges.
Prerequisite: Proficiency with tower shield.
Benefit: You can position a tower shield in your square. An emplaced tower shield is called a pavise. Positioning or picking up a pavise is a move action. If you move to another square without first picking up the pavise, it falls flat as if you dropped it. Another creature adjacent to the pavise can cause it to fall flat as a move action. If you are outflanked while using pavise, the tower shield falls flat automatically.
You continue to get all benefits and penalties from the tower shield, except that you need not use a hand to hold it.
Pavise, Improved (Combat)
Publisher: Purple Duck Games.
You have mastered the use of the freestanding tower shield.
Prerequisite: Base attack +6, proficient with tower shield, Pavise.
Benefit: Positioning or picking up a pavise is now a free action.
Perform Voice (General)
You can use a single voice as if it was a performance.
Publisher: Purple Duck Games.
Benefit: You learn a single voice from a virtuoso theme as a bardic performance. You count as a lesser theme virtuoso of your level in the class that grants bardic performance for the purpose of qualifying for voices. You use this voice as if it was a bardic performance. This means you cannot use the voice in the same round you use another bardic performance.
Special: You can learn Voice Performance multiple times, each time selecting a new voice.
Precision Shot (Combat)
Publisher: Purple Duck Games.
You can place your shots where they hurt the most
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Focus
Benefit: When using a firearm or crossbow you have Weapon Focus with, you gain a bonus on damage rolls equal to your Dexterity modifier with that weapon. You cannot add any Strength bonus to damage when you do this.
Special:': If another ability allows you to apply your Strength or Dexterity bonus to damage, the damage bonus does not stack.
Quick Sheathe (Combat)
Publisher: Purple Duck Games.
You can change weapons faster than most.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1, Quick Draw.
Benefit: You can sheathe a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action.
You can share your grit with allies.
Prerequisite: Grit class feature or feat ability, Sense Motive 3 ranks.
Benefit: As a free action, you can expend a point of grit and give it to an ally within 30 ft. The beneficiary cannot exceed his maximum grit pool this way. Characters that lack a grit (or similar) pool cannot benefit from this.
Signature Skill (General)
Your ability with a particular skill is the stuff of legends, and you can do things with that skill that others cannot.
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in the chosen skill.
Benefit: Choose one skill. Your can use skill unlocks with this skill. You also gain a number of virtual skill ranks equal to half your Hit Dice in this skill. These virtual skill ranks are not restricted by Hit Dice and their only function is to calculate the abilities of skill unlocks
Special: Rogues get this as a class feature at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter. In addition to the normal benefits of this feat, a rogue adds half her class level to checks with that skill.
Spellbook Craftsman (General)
Prerequisite: Arcane spellcaster or Use Magic Device 2 ranks
Benefit: You can use your Hit Dice as your caster level when creating magic items and learning item creation feats.
You can use spells in a spellbook you have access to during item crafting as prerequisites for creating magic items, just as if you were able to cast those spells. You need not know these spells, but must have deciphered them. In order to use a spell in item creation, you must have (or use Use Magic Device to emulate) an Intelligence equal to the spell's level +10.
This feat does not make it any easier for you to use magic items, including items you created.
Strike The Weapon (Combat)
You can strike a foe's weapon if you are in that weapon's reach.
Publisher Purple Duck Games.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When you are within the reach of an opponent, you can make a disarm or sunder combat maneuver against that opponent according to the normal rules, even if the opponent is out of your reach.
Summon Dream (General)
Publisher: Everyman Games.
Prerequisites: Summon monster spell or ability, chaotic alignment.
Benefit: Add the following creatures to the list you can summon with summon monster spells. Spell-like abilities with a duration other than instantaneous used by summoned dreams are dispelled when the summon effect ends.
Summon natures ally I
Summon natures ally II
Summon natures ally III
Summon nature's ally IV flail snailB3, fukujin kami, karkadannB5,
Summon nature's ally V ahuizotlB3, boroboroton tsukumogamiB5, dandasuka rakshasaB3, hypnalisB4, lunar nagaB3, amanusya rakshasaB3, saguaroiB4, shambling mound, wood giantB2.
Summon nature's ally VI bakuB3, gynosphinx, kirinB3, marai rakshasaB3, water nagaB3.
Summon nature's ally VII abaiaB4, ahoolB5, androsphinxB3, couatl, guardian naga, rakshasaB3, spirit naga, tikbalangB4, zuishin kamiB3,
Summon natures ally VIII amarokB5, avatarana rakshasaB5, baku dreamweaverOB, calikangISWG, loreleiB4, lukwataB3, royal nagaB3,
Summon nature's ally IX azruverdaB3, cherufeB5, ghorazaghB3.
Summon Fey Ally (General)
Prerequisites: Summon nature's ally spell or ability, non-lawful alignment.
Benefit: Add the following creatures to the list you can summon with summon nature's ally. Spell-like abilities with a duration other than instantaneous used by fey allies are dispelled when summon nature's ally ends.
Summon nature’s ally I: grimple (gremlin)B4, fuath (gremlin)B3, jinkin (gremlin)B2, grigB2 (no fiddle), haniver (gremlin) B4, spriteB3, primordial weasel.
Summon nature’s ally II: atomieB3, brownieB2, corby (dire)B3, faunB3 (no pipes), grindylowB2, gathlainB4, zoogB3.
Summon nature’s ally III: forlarrenB2, jack-o'-lanternB4, nixieB3, nuglub (gremlin)B2, pookaB4, seps (juveline)B4, slurkB2.
Summon nature’s ally IV: adaroB3, amphisbaenaB2, fey giant toadB3, living topiaryB4, quicklingB2, perytonB2, twigjackB2.
Summon nature’s ally V: bagiennikB5, blodeuweddAP33, lampadB4, leucrottaB2, manticore, pixie, redcapB2, swan maidenB4.
Summon nature’s ally VI: encantadoB5, hangman treeB2, oceanidB4, remorhaz, sangoiB5, veelaB5 (air, earth, fire, water).
Summon nature’s ally VII: adletB3, aurumvoraxB2, giant flytrap, ijiraqB4, nuckelaveeB3, nymph, rukhB4, sargassum fiendB3.
Summon nature’s ally VIII: catoblepasB2, frost wormB2, lukwataB3, sepsB4, sleipnirB3.
Summon nature’s ally IX: akhlutB3, ankouB4, seaweed sirenB4, viper vineB2.
Summon Giant (General)
Publisher: Everyman Games.
Prerequisites: Summon nature's ally spell or ability.
Benefit: Add the following creatures to the list you can summon with summon nature's ally. Spell-like abilities with a duration other than instantaneous used by summoned creatures from this list are dispelled when the summoned creature disappears.
Summon natures ally I orc.
Summon natures ally II half-ogre THC.
Summon natures ally III thawn PA31.
Summon nature's ally IV ogre, firbolgB5.
Summon nature's ally V cave giantB3, river giantB4, wood giantB2.
Summon nature's ally VI hill giant, slag giantB4, stone giant.
Summon nature's ally VII cliff giantB4, desert giantB3, fire giant, frost giant, jungle giantB3.
Summon nature's ally VIII ash giantB3, cloud giant, taiga giantB2.
Summon nature's ally IX ocean giantB4, storm giant.
Summon Guardian Ally (General)
Prerequisites: Summon nature's ally spell or ability, non-chaotic alignment.
Benefit: Add the following creatures to the list you can summon with summon nature's ally. These creatures can only be summoned in a location or situation typical of its kind, tough summoned guardians are less picky than a normal creature of its type. Spell-like abilities with a duration other than instantaneous used by guardian allies are dispelled when summon nature's ally ends.
Summon natures ally I badger, goatB3, gourd leshyB3, great horned owlB3, primate (baboon)B2, skunkB3, swan (trumpeter)B4.
Summon natures ally II almirajB4, axe beak (diatryma)B3, amoeba (giant)B2, leaf rayB4 (no seed), ningyoB4, ramB2, reefclawB2.
Summon natures ally III blink dogB2, foo dogB3, fungus leshyB3, hippogriffB2, kappaB3, shikigami kamiB3, shocker lizard.
Summon nature's ally IV flytrap leshyB5, foo lionB3, gargoyle, griffon, hydra, seaweed leshyB3, tanuikiB3.
Summon nature's ally V divine guardian hydraB4, kodama kamiB3, lotus leshyB5, hypnalisB4, lunar nagaB3, mudlordB4, shambling mound.
Summon nature's ally VI cerynitisB5, dosojin kamiAP52, gorgon, grey render, gynosphinx, stymphalidiesB3, water nagaB3.
Summon nature's ally VII couatl, guardian naga, kapreB4, spirit naga, treant, zuishin kamiB3, water ormB2.
Summon natures ally VIII amarokB5, cat lordB3, loreleiB4, lukwataB3, royal nagaB3, sea serpent, thunderbirdB2.
Summon nature's ally IX azruverdaB3, charybdisB2, cherufeB5, ghorazaghB3, red reaver, wakandagiB5, zuijin kamiAP52.
Summon Mount (General)
Publisher: Everyman Games.
Prerequisites: summon monster or summon nature's ally spell or ability.
Benefit: Add the following creatures to the list you can summon with summon monster and summon nature's ally spells. Spell-like abilities with a duration other than instantaneous used by summoned mounts are dispelled when the summoning ends. You can summon a creature (not only the creatures on these lists, although the GM may judge some creatures unsuitable as mounts) into the space occupied by an ally. When you do so, the summoned creature is considered combat trained as a mount, appears with any required saddle and tack, and if the ally is of a smaller size category than the summoned creature, the ally can mount the creature as a free action that does not require a Ride check.
Summon natures ally I dolphin, horse (common), horse (pony).
Summon natures ally II axe beak (diatryma)B3, camelB2, dog (riding), elkB3, giant beeB2, horse (heavy).
Summon natures ally III axe beakB3, giant black widow spiderB2, giant seahorseB4, hippogriffB2, monitor lizard, seps (juveline)B4.
Summon nature's ally IV black bear, giant chameleon lizardB3, giant eagle, giant locustB4, pegasus, unicorn.
Summon nature's ally V blink dogB2 (can blink and dimension door with rider), hieracosphinxB3, giant owlB3, manticore shadow mastiff (evil), wyvern.
Summon nature's ally VI behir, cerynitisB5, elephant, criospinxB3, gorgon, kirinB3,
Summon nature's ally VII abaiaB4, androsphinxB3, couatl, dragon horseB4, roc, water ormB2.
Summon natures ally VIII amarokB5, frost wormB2, sea serpent, sepsB4, thunderbirdB2.
Summon nature's ally IX emperor kirinB3, sleipnirB3.
Summon Quick Ally (General)
Type | Prerequisite |
Animal | Wild Empathy |
Fey | Resist nature's lure |
Humanoid | A thousand faces |
Magical Beast | Beast shape III |
Outsider | Elemental body III |
Plant | Woodland stride |
Vermin | Wild empathy usable with vermin |
Prerequisite: Ability to cast summon nature's ally, animist class feature or a another class feature, see table.
Benefit: Choose one creature type from Table: Quick Allies that you fulfill the prerequisite for. When you cast a summon nature's ally spell to summon a creature of this type, the casting time of the spell becomes 1 standard action. This does not work on creatures that have a template.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time, select a different type of creature.
Summon Souleater Monster (General)
Prerequisite Ability to cast summon monster I, neutral evil alignment.
Benefit: Add the following creatures to the list you can summon with summon monster.
Summon monster III: cacodemon B2, vargouille (no kiss ability).
Summon monster IV: ceustodaemon B2, lacridaemon BoD3, vulnadaemon B2, yeth hound (no bay ability).
Summon monster V: genthodaemonAP71, nightmare, shadow mastiffB3, venedaemon BoD3.
Summon monster VI: hydrodaemon B2, sangudaemon BoD3, soul eater B2, suspiridaemon BoD3.
Summon monster VII: leukodaemon B2, piscodaemon B2, night hag.
Summon monster VIII: cauchemar erodaemon BoD3, meladaemon B2.
Summon monster IX: derghodaemon B2, thanadaemon B2, temerdaemon BoD3.
Summon Spirit of Awakening (General)
You can summon spirits to possess mundane objects.
Prerequisites: summon monster or summon nature's ally spell or ability.
Benefit: Add the following creatures to the list you can summon with summon monster and summon nature's ally spells. Using this ability requires a separate focus item for each creature, a miniature replica of the object the summoned creature looks like. You get to select any ability options each creature has, like the construction points of animated objects. This not include any additional options or add-on abilities exceptional creatures of this type might have. You can only give a summoned creature alignment or domain specific abilities if you have that alignment or domain. Spell-like abilities with a duration other than instantaneous used by summoned creatures from this list are dispelled when the summoned creature disappears. Abilities usable on a weekly or longer basis are unavailable to creatures summoned this way.
Summon Monster or Summon Nature's Ally I
- animated object (tiny),
- homunculus (poison effect ends when the creature disappears),
- leaf rayB4 (no seed),
- gourd leshyB3,
- poppet (small)AA2,
- xtabayB2.
Summon Monster or Summon Nature's Ally II
- animated object (small) (no construction points or hardness),
- celedonB5,
- jack o' lanternB4,
- gourd leshyB4,
- gluttongrassB6,
- leaf rayB4 (no seed).
Summon Monster or Summon Nature's Ally III
- animated object (small),
- foo dogB3,
- fungus leshyB3,
- koto-furunishiB5,
- raktavarna rakshasaB3,
- shikigami kamiB3,
- soulbound dollB2,
- waxwork humanHA (no regeneration).
Summon Monster or Summon Nature's Ally IV
- animated object (medium),
- foo lionB3,
- guardian scrollB5,
- flytrap leshyB5,
- gargoyle,
- kasa-obake tsukumogami,
- scarecrowB2,
- seaweed leshyB3,
- taxidermic grizzly bearB5.
Summon Monster or Summon Nature's Ally V
- animated object (large),
- boroboroton tsukumogamiB5,
- graven guardianB3,
- kodama kamiB3,
- lotus leshyB5,
- skinstitchB4,
- terra cotta soldierB3.
Summon Monster or Summon Nature's Ally VI
- animated object (huge),
- treant (cannot animate trees),
- soulbound mannequinB4,
- urannagB5,
- cephalophoreB4,
- tupilaqB3,
Summon nature's ally VII
- animated object (gargantuan),
- cryptguardB6,
- kapreB4,
- tophetB3,
- tiberolithB4,
- zuishin kamiB3.
Summon Monster or Summon Nature's Ally VIII
- animated object (colossal),
- bonethornB6,
- juggernautB4,
- soulbound shellB4,
- taotiehB3.
Summon nature's ally IX
Summoning Concentration (General)
Publisher: Everyman Gaming.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast a summon monster or summon nature's ally spell.
Benefit: When you cast a conjuration (summoning) spell with a duration of 1 round/level, that spell gains a duration of concentration + 1 round/level.
Special: This can be used with the summoner's summon monster class feature, giving it a duration of concentration + 1 minute/level.
Vocalized Instrument (General)
You can vocalize to imitate musical instruments.
Publisher: Purple Duck Games.
Benefit: You can emulate musical instruments using your voice. This allows you to use Perform (sing) as if it was Perform (keyboard, percussion, string, wind) without having a musical instrument. If you are using bard or virtuoso spells or abilities you can replace somatic components with verbal components.
Special: You cannot use Perform (sing) as Perform (keyboard, percussion, string, wind) with the bard's versatile performance ability.
Weapon Bind (Combat)
Benefit: You can make a weapon bind maneuver without triggering an attack of opportunity. This works as a disarm maneuver, and gains any bonuses that apply to a disarm, but the results are different. Instead of disarming your opponent, you bind the opponent’s weapon (or one weapon of choice against an opponent using several weapons). This maneuver works against opponents using natural weapons or otherwise immune to disarm, and a locked glove or weapon cord provides no defense. If you have Greater Disarm, trapping a weapon causes the opponent to trigger an attack of opportunity just as a successful disarm would.
If you succeed you ensnare a weapon of your choice, preventing your foe from using that weapon until the end of your next turn. If your CMB check exceeds the CMD of the target by 10 or more, two of the targets limbs are entangled. A foe can take a standard action to free its weapon(s).
Weapon Block (Combat)
Your blocking weapon is like a flexible shield.
Publisher Purple Duck Games.
Prerequisite: Proficient with one or more weapons with the blocking special feature.
Benefit: You gain the +1 shield bonus offered by a blocking weapon when fighting defensively, using the full defense action, or using Combat Expertise.
When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and for every 4 points of base attack thereafter, increase the shield bonus from a blocking weapon by one.
Weapon Grapple (Combat)
Fighting is a lot like fishing.
Publisher Purple Duck Games.
Benefit: When you hit a target with a weapon with the grapple weapon feature, you can attempt a grapple combat maneuver, just as if you had scored a critical hit with the weapon. This does no additional damage.
See Also
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