Mutation (FiD)

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Starfox's Blades in the Dark fan page
Powers (FiD)Fox in the Dark logo

Mutants possess innate powers either from birth or acquired through extraordinary circumstances, encompassing superheroes and individuals with extraordinary abilities.

Trauma Condition - Focus Power As a mutant you require bodily movement to activate powers. Your powers have a unique visual signature recognizable to those familiar with your abilities. Your first acquired power becomes your signature power, all powers you later gain are somehow derived from signature power and creates side affects appropriate to that power.

You are considered a creature with powers with regard to effects targeting creatures associated with your focus power. This includes barrier, attune, command, and sway powers, and possibly more depending on your specific focus power.

Special Abilities
In addition to the listed powers, you have access to these special abilities.

  • Adaptation: You may expend your special armor to reduce harm from a power or to push yourself using your signature power.
  • Casual Blaster: When you use a power to make an attack that is fine and/or potent, you can opt to remove these qualities. For each quality you choose not to use, the stress cost and die requirement of the power use is each reduced by one.
  • Daredevil: When you roll a desperate action, you get +1d to your roll if you also take -1d to any resistance rolls against consequences from your action.
  • Enhanced Action:. Choose a single action. Your outcome when using this action is increased. This is similar to and stacks with using fine equipment.
  • Invulnerability: You are highly resistant to damage. When you take physical harm, make a Wreck roll. 1-3: Nothing. 4-5: Reduce level of harm by one. 6: Reduce level of harm by two. Crit: Negate all harm and recover 1 stress. This stacks with the basic skirmish ability of many powers to absorb damage when both are relevant.
  • Natural Weapons: You have one or more fine and potent natural weapons, such as monstrous claws, a mighty bite, a crushing hug, a powerful stomp and such. Select abilities appropriate to your form.
  • Special Movement: You have some unusual movement ability, such as flight, amazing leaps, rapid swimming and the ability to breathe water, very fast running, and the like. You gain +1d and additional outcome on Prowl actions using this movement.

Powers A mutant is born with a link to their first power, see the trauma condition. Air, Animal, Barrier, Darkness, Death, Earth, Electricity, Fire, Ice, Flux, Illusion, Kinesis, Life, Light, Metal, Mind, Order, Plant, Space, Time, Water.

Dramatic Encounters

˄ ˅ Yogalin, a misunderstood monster
˄ ˅ Haga Haga, a mentor
˄ ˅ For-step Joe, a mutant
˄ ˅ Kakali, agent of the genetics board
˄ ˅ Yogun, a bounty hunter


☐ Drug that reduces the stress cost of activating a power by 4, but inflicts level 1 harm: mutating. This consequence cannot be resisted.
☐ A costume that shows your identity or affiliation, made to work with your powers. This gives you a pool of three points of stress that can only be used to pay for power use. ☐☐☐
☐ A disguise that hides your identity.
☐, ☐ A gimmick that allows you to avoid worsening position when threatened by multiple opponents.
☐-☐ Fine climbing gear.


  • Every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action's attribute.

At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or an attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times.

  • You addressed a challenge using powers or in a one-on-one confrontation.
  • You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background.
  • You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the session.

Starting Actions

Command 1
Wreck 2
4 points by choice, no higher than 2 in any one