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The Drop

You are good at getting the drop on people, and always see to it that you can get in the first shot. Whatever the situation, you always seem to have a gun pointed in the right direction, and this readiness is obvious to everyone.

Just as a fight is about to start, you always manage to get of an extra shot before the highest first shot rolled. This applies as long as you are not surprised. You must either have a gun drawn or zero draw time (see Fast Draw) to use The Drop. This schtick combines well with Hair Trigger Neck Hairs.

You do not get this bonus if action which triggered the scene is not a direct attack nor in a fast-draw duel or similar situation. It is also possible to make you lose your advantage through interaction.

When characters on both sides have The Drop, only the one with the highest initiative get to use it. As long as no character on the opposing side has beaten you initiative score, you can use The Drop, even if other characters on your side used The Drop with a higher initiative score.

Starfox | Home | T3 | Guns
Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Page downloaded times. Last update Mon, May 1, 2000.