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Melee Weapons

A list of melee weapons and the maneouvers that go with each of them. Anyone with a Martial Arts skill of 10 can use these weapons as outlined here, no schtick required.

It is possible to design custom variant weapons with extra Weapon Master Maneuvers, by getting the Game Master's approval and paying an extra Item schtick for each added maneuver.

Swords | Off-Hand | Pole Arms | Ax/Mace | Flexible | Special | Throwing

Swords and Daggers Hands Conceal Damage Tech    Maneuvers
Dagger 1 hand Jacket +2 Ancient Close, Impale, Throw

Dirk 1 hand Jacket +2 Blacksmith Close, Impale, Beak
Short Sword 1 hand Jacket +3 Blacksmith Charge, Impale, Close
Broadsword 1 hand Trenchcoat +4 Blacksmith Charge, Impale, Great Blow
Scimitar 1 hand Trenchcoat +4 Blacksmith Charge, Swipe, Great Blow
Great Sword 2 hands Unconcealable +5 Blacksmith Swipe, Great Blow

Smallsword 1 hand Jacket +3 Clockwork Impale, Parry, Riposte
Longsword 1 hand Trenchcoat +4 Clockwork Impale, Charge, Riposte
Saber 1 hand Trenchcoat +4 Clockwork Charge, Swipe, Riposte
Zweihander 2 hands Unconcealable +4 Clockwork Riposte, Parry, Great Blow, Disarm
Katana 1 hand Trenchcoat +4 Clockwork Charge, Swipe, Draw, Great Blow
Wakisashi 1 hand Jacket +3 Clockwork Charge, Draw, Impale, Close
No-Dachi 2 hands Unconcealable +5 Clockwork Charge, Swipe, Great Blow

Off-Hand Weapons Hands Conceal Damage Tech Maneuvers
Small Shield offhand Trenchcoat +2 Ancient Parry, Unbalance
Large Shield offhand Unconcealable +1 Ancient Block, Entangle, Charge
Off-hand Club offhand Trenchcoat +2 Ancient Lock
Off-Hand Ax offhand Trenchcoat +3 Ancient Lock

Off-Hand Dirk offhand Jacket +2 Blacksmith Lock, Impale, Beak
Off-Hand Sword offhand Jacket +3 Blacksmith Lock, Impale

Swordbreaker offhand Jacket +2 Clockwork Lock, Disarm, Beak, Impale

Pole Arms Hands Conceal Damage Tech Maneuvers
Quarterstaff 2 hands Unconcealable +2 Ancient Parry, Entangle, Great Blow, Butt Strike
Javelin 1 hand Unconcealable +3 Ancient Charge, Impale, Throw
Great Spear 2 hands Unconcealable +3 Ancient Charge, Receive, Reach, Impale

Spear 1 hand Unconcealable +3 Blacksmith Charge, Impale, Great Blow, Butt Strike
Trident 1 hand Unconcealable +3 Blacksmith Disarm, Parry, Great Blow
Pike 2 hands Unconcealable +3 Blacksmith Receive, Reach (even vs other Reach)
Lance 1 hand Unconcealable +4 Blacksmith Set to Charge, Charge, Impale

Man Catcher 2 hands Unconcealable +1 Clockwork Reach, Entangle
Halberd 2 hands Unconcealable +4 Clockwork Great Blow, Disarm, Parry, Beak, Butt Strike
Naginata 2 hands Unconcealable +4 Clockwork Reach, Swipe, Impale, Great Blow, Butt Strike

Ax/Mace Hands Conceal Damage Tech Maneuvers
Club 1 hand Jacket +3 Ancient Parry, Charge, Throw
Mace 1 hand Trenchcoat +4 Ancient Bash, Beak, Great Blow
Maul 2 hands Unconcealable +5 Ancient Bash, Beak, Great Blow
Hand Ax 1 hand Jacket +3 Ancient Charge, Bash, Throw, Great Blow
Battle Ax 1 hand Trenchcoat +4 Ancient Charge, Bash, Great Blow
Great Ax 2 hands Unconcealable +5 Ancient Throw, Bash, Great Blow

Flexible Weapons Hands Conceal Damage Tech    Maneuvers
Lariat 1 hand Jacket +0 Ancient Charge, Disarm, Entangle, Throw, Retrieve, Set to Charge
String 1 hand Pocket +1 Ancient Reach, Disarm, Retrieve, Entangle, Throw, Great Blow
Nunchaka 1 hand Jacket +1 Ancient Precision, Great Blow
Grappling hook 1 hand Jacket +2 Ancient Reach, Entangle, Throw, Great Blow
Whip 1 hand Jacket +2 Ancient Disarm, Reach, Unbalance, Entangle, Great Blow
Chain 1 hand Trenchcoat +3 Ancient Reach, Entangle, Great Blow
Flail 1 hand Trenchcoat +4 Ancient Great Blow, Deceptive

Special Weapons Hands Conceal Damage Tech Maneuvers
Garrote 2 hands Negligible +0 Ancient Precision, Close, Unbalance
Net 1 hand Trenchcoat +0 Ancient Entangle, Throw, Deceptive
Tiger Claws 1 hand Pocket +2 Ancient Close
Gauntlet 1 hand Jacket +2 Ancient Unbalance
Rock 1 hand Pocket +2 Ancient Throw, Great Blow
Sap 1 hand Negligible +2 Ancient Unbalance, Throw
Cestus 1 hand Jacket +3 Ancient Unbalance

Punch Dagger 1 hand Jacket +4 Blacksmith Beak

Throwing Weapons Hands Conceal Damage Tech Maneuvers
Bola 1 hand Jacket +0 Ancient Throw, Entangle
Dart 1 hand Jacket +3 Ancient Throw

Shuriken 1 hand Negligible +2 Blacksmith Throw
Sha-Ken 1 hand Pocket +2 Blacksmith Throw, Deceptive
Shakram 1 hand Trenchcoat +3 Blacksmith Throw, Retrieve, Disarm
Boomerang 1 hand Trenchcoat +3 Blacksmith Throw, Retrieve, Deceptive
Mongwanga 1 hand Trenchcoat +4 Blacksmith Throw, Great Blow
Throwing Weapons cannot be used in normal melee combat, they can only be thrown.

Swords | Off-Hand | Pole Arms | Ax/Mace | Flexible | Special | Throwing

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Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Page downloaded times. Last update Sun, May 26, 2002.