Wealth (Shackled City)
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This is the rules for wealth as used in the campaign. See Mutants & Masterminds 2nd edition page 132.
Wealth (Optional)
The Mutants & Masterminds game, like the comics, doesn’t pay much attention to money. A character’s wealth has little or no impact on the game. However, some may prefer to keep track of character wealth and resources, in which case the following system may be used.
Every character has a Wealth bonus which reflects buying power — a composite of income, credit rating, and savings. A character’s Wealth bonus serves as the basis for a wealth check, used to purchase equipment and services.
Wealth Bonus
A character’s base Wealth bonus is +8. The Benefit feat (see page 59) provides a +4 Wealth bonus per rank. The Profession skill (see page 53) grants a bonus to Wealth, +2 for 5 or more ranks in a Profession. Decreases to base Wealth grant power points, like decreasing an ability score: 1 point for a Wealth bonus of +4, 2 points for a Wealth bonus of +0.
Over the course of play, your Wealth bonus decreases as you purchase expensive items.
A character’s Wealth bonus can never fall below +0, and there is no limit to how high Wealth bonus can climb. If your Wealth bonus is +0, you don’t have the buying power to purchase any item or service with a purchase DC of 10 or higher, and you can’t take 10 or take 20 on Wealth checks.
WEALTH BONUS FINANCIAL CONDITION +0 Impoverished +1 to +4 Struggling +5 to +10 Middle class +11 to +15 Affluent +16 to +20 Wealthy +21 to +30 Rich +31 or higher Filthy rich
Making purchases
Wealth bonus reflects your buying power. Every item and service has a purchase Difficulty Class based on how expensive it is. To purchase something, make a Wealth check against the purchase DC. As a general guideline, the equipment purchase DC equals 10 + the equipment’s point cost. The GM sets the Wealth check DC for any particular purchase.
ITEM PURCHASE DC Flashlight 4 Restaurant meal 4 Common household item 4-5 Casual clothing 8 Cell phone 9 Professional services 10 + skill rank Weapon 10 + point cost Expensive clothing 12-15 Tool kit 13 Plane ticket 14 New computer 22 New automobile 28 House 30 Mansion 36
The Wealth check
A Wealth check is a d20 roll plus your current Wealth bonus. Wealth bonus is fluid; it increases as you gain Wealth and decreases as you make purchases.
If you succeed on the Wealth check, you purchase the item. If you fail, you can’t afford the item at this time. If your current Wealth bonus is equal to or greater than the DC, you automatically succeed.
If you successfully purchase an item with a purchase DC higher than your current Wealth bonus, your Wealth bonus decreases by 1 point for every 5 points the purchase DC is higher than your current Wealth bonus (1 point for 1–5 points higher, 2 points for 6–10 points higher, etc.). Lost Wealth bonus returns at a rate of 1 point per month.
Try again
You can try again if you fail a Wealth check, but not until the character has spent an additional number of hours shopping equal to the purchase DC of the object or service.
Taking 10 and Taking 20
You can take 10 or take 20 when making a Wealth check. Taking 20 requires 20 times as long as normal. (You’re shopping around for the best price.)
Shopping and time
Buying less common items generally takes a number of hours equal to the purchase DC of the item, reflecting the time needed to locate the item and close the deal. Getting a license or buying a legally restricted item also increase the time needed to make purchases.
Financial aid
You can make an aid attempt (DC 10) to help someone else purchase an item. If the attempt is successful, you provide the purchaser with a +2 bonus on the Wealth check. If you aid a Wealth check for an item with a purchase DC higher than your current Wealth bonus, it decreases as normal.
Wealth and inventing
Gamemasters may wish to add a Wealth check to the inventing process (see page 131). Once the inventor has come up with a design for the device, make a Wealth check to obtain the necessary components (DC = device’s point cost). A failed check means you can’t afford the materials. Spending a hero point to jury-rig the device out of materials at hand allows you to skip the Wealth check.
Equipment list
Magic items are not available for purchase. Equipment lists in True20 and Warriors & Warlocks can be used. True20 in particular has plenty of mundane items of interest to adventurers.
Todo: Price lists will probably be added to the Wiki at a later date.