Troubadour of the Stars (D&D balance)

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Unofficial rules compendium

Base Class: Bard

Entry Point
Level 10-14 -2

Relative Cost

5 ranks of skills -1
Each feat or selective class ability -1

Class Abilities
Level-developing ability (turn undead, companion, AC bonus etc) -2
Each entry in the special section of the class progression table +9
+1 level of bard, cleric or druid spellcasting -5††


†† Double these costs for a three-level prestige class and increase the cost by 50% for a five-level class.

Base Class: Sorcerer

Entry Point
Level 7-9 -1

5 ranks of skills -1
Each feat or selective class ability -1

Class Abilities
+2 skill points/level +4
+1 hit point/level (one increment of hit dice) +2
Each category increase to base attack bonus (2/4 -> 3/4 -> 4/4) +2
One extra good save category +2
Bardic Music +6
Arrested familiar/companion development -2
Each entry in the special section of the class progression table +9††
+1 level of sorcerer/wizard spellcasting -15


†† Double these costs for a three-level prestige class and increase the cost by 50% for a five-level class.