Tech Guide (Dragonstar)
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Your guide to the technology of the Dragon Empire.
Energy weapons are the norm for military operations. Special Ammunition make ballistic weapons very versatile, so they still see some use, even if they cannot match the destructive power of energy weapons.
Blasters are commonly used by civilians and police since they can be set to stun and reduce the risk of collateral damage. On many worlds, blasters are the only weapons civilians can legally own.
Blasters inflict half damage against objects, vehicles and walls. A blaster set to stun inflicts electrical sub dual damage, and has no effect on objects, vehicles and walls. Changing setting is a free action.
Weapon Modifications
A number of weapon modifications are listed in Imperial Supply. Check with a DM if you are interested. We will add rules for the mods we like.
Adamantine is rarely used in armor, as composites are much cheaper, easier to work with and nearly as effective. Adamantine is primarily used to make armor-piercing weapons and ammunition, see Special Ammunition. Nearly any weapon can be made of adamantine.
A weapon made from adamantine reduces the targets hardness by 10. This is a change from the rules on page 283 in the DMG.
Mithral is used in armor, but it is not as effective when incorporated into high-tech armor, which is already made of lighter materials. Mostly, it is used for vital components in starships.
Mithral added to heavy armor or power armor reduces weight by 25%, increases maximum dexterity bonus by +1 and reduces the armor penalty by -2. The cost is 9,000 for heavy armor and 16,000 for power armor. Mithral armor is considered masterwork armor, but the masterwork modifier is already included in the above figures.
A weapon made from mithral weights half as much as a normal weapon of it's type.