Talk:Tiefling (Greyhawk)
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Theiflings are humanoids who have been infused with chaotic or evil planar forces. Some are descended from half-fiends, others merely have the bad luck to be exposed to planar energies.
Theiflings are not well known or understood in Greyhawk. Common people might mistake them for half-fiends, fauns, or other fey. They are often met with curiosity or fear. They are most common close to the Empire of Iuz and former Great Kingdom, and these are also the lands where they are the least feared.
Theiflings do not have a heritage from a specific group of infernal creatures. All theiflings have the same ability modifiers: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom.
Theiflings have a heritage from a humanoid race. Pick one humanoid race for your heritage. Theiflings resemble creatures of this race, tough it is generally obvious they are not members of that race. If the theifling's racial heritage is from a Small race, the theifling is Small in size. This is the only actual game effect the theifling's ancestry has.
Cultural Traits
Curious, Opportunistic, Self-victimizing.
Real-World Models
People with visible birth defects or associated with bad luck, like Hiroshima victims in Japan.
Theiflings are touched by planar forces of chaos and evil, and if brought up under such conditions find it easy to fit into chaotic and evil societies. But thieflings are not inherently evil and can be good if brought up under better conditions. They are rarely lawful and do not fit well into a hierarchical society.
Domination, Inter-species sex, Prostitution.
Variable. Theiflings are rarely born to their own case, instead appearing as spontaneous mutations in other races. Proximity to chaotic and evil energies and creatures increases the risk of such a birth, including having extra-planar ancestry. Few thieflings are the actual children of fiends or half-fiends tough, the taint is usually more subtle.
Theiflings conform to local family customs when allowed to. They can procreate with humanoids of their racial heritage (see rules above), in which case the offspring is generally of the partner's race. Theifling couples are just barely fertile, and generally birth theifling children.
Theiflings have magic in the blood, and make excellent sorcerers, oracles, and summoners. They rarely have the patience for wizardry or clerical service.
Theiflings do not have their own pantheon, they either worship whatever localk god will accept them or seek out a fiendish or anarchic lord to serve. Some turn away from all religion, feeling their very existence is a betrayal by the powers.
External Links
- Theifling at
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