Sun Lodge (Greyhawk 4E)
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Symbol: A sun circled by trees. Often symbolized with a single standing stone in a grove. As a badge it is a sun disc or symbol of Pelor surrounded by a wreath.
Background, Goals, and Dreams: A combination church of Pelor and druid lodge, the Sun Lodge is dedicated to the well-being of the City of Sasserine and to maintaining the city in harmony with nature and nearby tribes. Supported by the Knowlern family and the church of Pelor in the city, the center of the lodge is in Standing Stone Park in the Sunrise district, tough there are numerous other holy sites in the area.
Enemies and Allies: The Sun Lodge opposes irresponsible farming and logging and tries to make sure the concerns of the natives are taken seriously. Still, druids who find the city expands too fast and despoils the wilderness disdain the lodge as too soft, and expansive capitalists find them an obstacle to progress. Despite their otherwise humble demeanor, the Sun Lodge values gold jewelry and ornamentation, this makes them seem richer than they are and makes them the victims of thieves.
Secrets: There is a natural conflict between druidic and clerical members of the lodge, which the lodge exists to bridge. Several times in its history the lodge has been very close to breaking apart. The current paladin-priest of Pelor has alienated some of the more radically chaotic members.
Classes: Favors clerics and druids, but everyone is welcome. The lodge sponsors the Evangelist prestige class.
Type: Temple
Scale: 8, City, outliers, and nearby area.
Capital: 8. Gp limit 18,800. Assets 150,400.
Affiliation Score Criteria: Almost anyone is welcomed at services, but regular membership requires either devotion or charitable work.
Criterion | Affiliation Score Modifier | |
Character level | +1/2 levels | |
Acquired | 7 | |
Has the Student of Nature feat | +1 | |
5 or more ranks in Knowledge (Nature) | +1 | |
Able to cast body of the sun, fire shield, or flame strike | +1 | |
5 or more ranks in Diplomacy | +1 | |
Knows three of these languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic, Olman, Suel, Sylvan | +1 | |
Work | 3 | |
Continuously donates 1 day/week to lodge duties or charities | +1 | |
Donate 100 gp/level to charity at each equinox or solstice | +1 | |
Create a public work, such as a statue, park, shrine, or orphanage (5000gp) | +1 | |
Adventure | 1 | |
Resolve a conflict through diplomacy and negotiation | +1 | |
Find a way for people to prosper in harmony with nature | +2 | |
Save a druidic site, pristine wilderness, or sun shrine from harm | +1 | |
Prevent civil war | +2 | |
Prevent the lodge from breaking up | +4 | |
Penalties | 3 | |
Is evil | -4 | |
Cause strife | -4 | |
Wanton destruction | -2 |
Titles, Benefits, and Duties
As you progress in the lodge, you become more and more famous as a keeper of the peace and doer of good deeds.
Affiliation Score | Title: Benefits and Duties |
3 or lower | Lay Member: Can attend rituals and apply for charities |
4-10 | Initiate: As a recognized charitable worker you get a +2 bonus on Gather Information checks wherever the lodge is known. |
11-20 | Flamen: As a respected negotiator of peace, you gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks wherever the lodge is known. You also gain a +2 bonus on Animal Empathy and turn undead checks everywhere. |
21-29 | Gold Flamen: Expected to always dress ostentatiously. As a recognized philanthropist you get a +2 bonus on all Charisma checks and skills, including Animal Empathy and turn undead. You can purchase spell services and mundane goods at 3/4 price from members and sympathizers. |
30 or higher | Sun Flamen: Practically a living saint, you get a +4 bonus on all Charisma checks and skills, including Animal Empathy and turn undead. |
Executive Powers: Beatify, harvest, holiday
Player Members
Jenniki's Standing.
Critereon | Affiliation Score Modifier |
Three affiliations | -3 |
Character level | +6 |
Has the Student of Nature feat | +1 |
5 or more ranks in Knowledge (Nature) | +1 |
Able to cast body of the sun or fire shield | +1 |
5 or more ranks in Diplomacy | +1 |
Knows three of these languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic, Olman, Suel, Sylvan | +1 |
Continuously donates 1 day/week to lodge duties or charities | +1 |
Save a druidic site, pristine wilderness, or sun shrine from harm (Stormdancers) | +1 |
Resolve a conflict through diplomacy and negotiation (Bullywug Gambit) | +1 |
Resolve a conflict through diplomacy and negotiation (Rana Mor) | +1 |
Initiated cleansing of evil site | +1 |
Donated 400 gp at new year's eve Year 1 (C.Y. 593) | +1 |
Donated 700 gp at the Spring Festival Year 2 (C.Y. 594) | +1 |
Resolve a conflict through diplomacy and negotiation (Dragonhunters) | +1 |
Save a druidic site, pristine wilderness, or sun shrine from harm (Fogmire) | +1 |
Prevent civil war in Mora (Torrents of Dread) | +2 |
Resolve a conflict through diplomacy and negotiation (Farshore election) | +1 |
Find a way for people to prosper in harmony with nature (Great Kingdom Exiles & Terror Birds) | +2 |
Create a public work, such as a statue, park, shrine, or orphanage (Stone Circle at Farshore) | +1 |
Save Farshore | +2 |
Donated 1000 gp at the Midsummer Festival Year 2 (C.Y. 594) | +1 |
Resolve a conflict through diplomacy and negotiation (Emrag the Glutton) | +1 |
Resolve a conflict through diplomacy and negotiation (Barbas, Mongrel folk) | +1 |
Investigate Noltus Innersol | +2 |
Donated 1300gp | +1 |
Donated 1300gp | +1 |
Donated 1300gp | +1 |
Donated 1300gp | +1 |
Sum | 34 |
Cinnamon's Standing.
Critereon | Affiliation Score Modifier |
Two affiliations | -2 |
Character level | +6 |
5 or more ranks in Diplomacy | +1 |
Resolve a conflict through diplomacy and negotiation (Bullywug Gambit) | +1 |
Resolve a conflict through diplomacy and negotiation (Rana Mor) | +1 |
Initiated cleansing of evil site | +1 |
Donated 400 gp at new year's eve C.Y. 593 | +1 |
Donated 700 gp at the Spring Festival Year 2 (C.Y. 594) | +1 |
Resolve a conflict through diplomacy and negotiation (Dragonhunters) | +1 |
Knows three of these languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic, Olman, Suel, Sylvan | +1 |
Save a druidic site, pristine wilderness, or sun shrine from harm (Fogmire) | +1 |
Prevent civil war in Mora (Torrents of Dread) | +2 |
Resolve a conflict through diplomacy and negotiation (Farshore election) | +2 |
Find a way for people to prosper in harmony with nature (Great Kingdom Exiles & Terror Birds) | +2 |
Resolve a conflict through diplomacy and negotiation (Cult of the Dead) | +1 |
Donated 1000gp, midsummer festivities | +1 |
Save Farshore | +2 |
Resolve a conflict through diplomacy and negotiation (Emrag the Glutton) | +1 |
Resolve a conflict through diplomacy and negotiation (Barbas, Mongrel folk) | +1 |
Investigate Noltus Innersol | +2 |
Donated 1300gp | +1 |
Donated 1300gp | +1 |
Donated 1300gp | +1 |
Donated 1300gp | +1 |
Sum | 31 |