SINner (Shadowrun)

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As characters in this campaign are acting within the law (for the most part), it is not a disadvantage to have a regular SIN. Instead, the following "levels" of advantage concerning your identification exists.

Points Sin
-10 Criminal SIN, as outlined in the rulebook. Could also apply to the legal SIN if you belong to a group that local law is prejudiced against.
-5 Temporary SIN. This is granted to persons of indeterminate nationality and origin. After the great computer crash in '64, many people were issued temporary SINs. Most have now been issued permanent SINs, but a few have not - mainly orks, trolls, immigrants, vagrants and others on the fringes of society. New people constantly turn up and apply for temporary SIN, and in many cases it is simply impossible to say where these people came from. A character with a temporary SIN can expect a lot more hassle and red tape unless a character with a Good SIN or a native with ordinary SIN is present and vouches for them.
-5 A recognized alien. This is granted to persons of indeterminate nationality and origin. This also applies to people with legal SIN from unstable nations with poor ID security. It grants refugee status, but carried the constant risk of expulsion or harassment, does not give civic rights, and generally makes life a hassle.
0 SINnless. This covers the normal Shadowrun option - you do not have a SIN of any kind, your entry having been expunged in the crash, stolen, deleted or faked somehow. You have no legal residency, but no data trail either.
0 Ordinary SIN. This is a SIN issued by a nation or extranational corporation of ordinary standing. With few superpowers left in the world, this covers 90% of the worlds legal population. Generally, you can go anywhere you want and do anything you want, but some areas might be hostile to your home nation and give you a hassle or deny you entrance.
5 Good SIN. Some nations and organizations carry so much weight in the sixth world that merely having a SIN from one of them gives you status. Japan, Aztlan, Ares, the Catholic Church. A character blessed with such citizenship can expect preferential treatment and less red tape, to the point that it can aid in intimidation.
10 Ghost SIN. Just as the Crash of '64 robbed many of their identities, it gave a few several ghost identities. These lucky individuals seem to be citizens of a host of countries, and datatrails end up in confusion and ambiguous results. There have been some efforts made to clear up this sort of confusion, but enough ghost sinners are influential enough to prevent any wide sweeping changes.