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Move spells allow you to move creatures and objects from a distance, as if with telekinesis, or can enhance your movement abilities. High-level movement spells are never subtle.
Move Enhancements
- Enhance Ability Score (Varies). Choose Strength or Dexterity. Affected creatures gain an enhancement bonus to that ability score. Consult the table to determine by how much the ability score is enhanced. Unwilling creatures receive a Will save to negate.
Level | Bonus |
+3 | +2 |
+5 | +4 |
+7 | +6 |
+10 | +8 |
+13 | +10 |
+16 | +12 |
+20 | +14 |
- Mobility (+1). Choose a Strength- or Dexterity-based skill. Affected creatures gain a +2 bonus to checks with that skill. You may choose this enhancement multiple times. Unwilling creatures receive a Will save to negate.
Telekinetic Movement
For the duration of the spell you can concentrate as a standard action to direct a telekinetic force. This force can lift, move, and manipulate objects, as well as perform various combat tricks such as trips, disarms, bull rushes, and grapples. It can even attack with objects it carries, though it cannot attack on its own. You cannot move objects or attack beyond the range of the spell.
When used to manipulate objects and perform skills such as Disable Device, the level of the spell determines its lifting capacity, and it manipulates objects with your skill modifiers, though you take a –1 penalty to such skill checks for every 10 ft. of distance.
When used to attack or to perform combat tricks, the spell has a Strength and Dexterity modifier of +0, and its base attack bonus is equal to the number of Move levels the spell has (note, however, that a high effective base attack bonus does not grant you multiple attacks with this spell). The spell has a size bonus to trip and bull rush grapple attempts based on the level of the spell, and higher level Move spells can wield larger weapons. However, the spell does not receive a size bonus or penalty to attack rolls. For disarms it counts as a two-handed weapon. When attacking with a held object, most objects count as improvised weapons, dealing damage based on their size, and incurring a –4 penalty on the attack roll.
To direct the spell you must concentrate as a standard action. You can move the spell and any objects it carries up to 30 ft. per round while concentrating. If you cease concentration the spell will continue to hold its current burden, and will either stay still, or maintain the same position relative to you, moving as fast as 30 ft. per round to keep up. You can concentrate on multiple items at once, though generally you must move them as a group.
A creature targeted by this effect is not allowed any save to resist, but instead makes an opposed grapple check to avoid being moved by the spell.
On the Telekinetic Movement table, the lifting capacity is the maximum weight the spell can carry. The weapon size is how large the spell is treated for the purposes of wielding a weapon, and the parenthetical entry is the typical damage for an improvised weapon of that size. The combat maneuver bonus applies to bull rush and trip attempts.
Level | Lifting Capacity | Weapon Size | Combat Maneuver Bonus |
+1 | 5 lb. | Tiny (d3) | –8 |
+2 | 10 lb. | Tiny (d3) | –8 |
+3 | 25 lb. | Small (d4) | –4 |
+4 | 50 lb. | Small (d4) | –4 |
+5 | 75 lb. | Medium (d6) | +0 |
+6 | 100 lb. | Medium (d6) | +0 |
+7 | 150 lb. | Large (d8) | +4 |
+8 | 200 lb. | Large (d8) | +4 |
+9 | 300 lb. | Huge (2d6) | +8 |
+10 | 400 lb. | Huge (2d6) | +8 |
+11 | 600 lb. | Gargantuan (3d6) | +12 |
+12 | 1,000 lb. | Gargantuan (3d6) | +12 |
+13 | 2,000 lb. | Colossal (4d6) | +16 |
+14 | 4,000 lb. | Colossal (6d6) | +16 |
+15 | 8,000 lb. | Colossal (7d6) | +20 |
+16 | 16,000 lb. | Colossal (8d6) | +20 |
+17 | 32,000 lb. | Colossal (9d6) | +24 |
+18 | 64,000 lb. | Colossal (10d6) | +24 |
+19 | 128,000 lb. | Colossal (11d6) | +28 |
+20 | 256,000 lb. | Colossal (12d6) | +28 |
- Example 1: Finagle casts Move 5/Gen 2 to get a medium range spell capable of lifting 75 lbs. If he wanted, he could concentrate and have it wield as a weapon an object about the size of a human’s longsword or greatsword, attacking with a +5 attack bonus, dealing d6 points of damage.
Other Movement Types
Some move spells allow creatures to turn ethereal, fly, travel at great speeds, and even teleport or travel between planes. To gain access to these spells, however, you must take the Movement Specialization feat and choose one of the following movement types - flight, haste, incorporeality, or teleportation. Unwilling creatures receive a Will save to resist these spells. Affected creatures, however, are under control of their own movement, so a creature that does not want to fly does not have to.
- Flight (+9). Affected creatures can fly at their base speed with average maneuverability.
- Flight, Improved Maneuverability (+1). Improve affected creatures’ flight maneuverability by one class from clumsy to poor to average to good to perfect.
- Haste, Speed (+1). Affected creatures gain a +10 ft. enhancement bonus to the movement mode of your choice — land, climb, burrow, swim, or fly. You cannot enhance a movement mode the creature does not have a speed rating for. You may choose this enhancement multiple times.
- Haste, Attacks (+5). Each round, affected creatures can take an extra attack at their full attack bonus if they are using their full attack bonus.
- Haste, Movement (+7). Each round, affected creatures can take an extra move action.
- Haste, Dodge Bullets (+10). Each round, affected creatures can move 5 ft. as an immediate action, effectively a free action that can be taken even when it is not the creature’s turn. This does not count toward their movement for the turn, but it is enough to move them out of the way of a single attack.
- Incorporeality (+11). Any number of times during the spell’s duration, affected creatures are able to turn incorporeal or corporeal as a full round action.
Once during the spell as a move action, affected creatures can teleport (instantaneously travel) to another place. Alternately, you can simply teleport willing creatures with you, so that everyone ends up in the same place. The distance you can travel is determined by the spell’s level.
If you teleport to somewhere out of your line of sight, you must make an Intelligence check. If you fail, you end up off course by 1d10 x 1d10% of the distance traveled. If you fail by 5 or more, you end up in an area that is visually or thematically similar to where you intended to go. If you fail by 10 or more, the spell gets “scrambled,” and you take 1d10 points of damage. Make another check to try to redirect yourself, and if you keep on failing by 10 or more, you keep on taking damage.
Likewise, if you knowingly teleport into a solid object, keep making DC 20 Intelligence checks until you fail one by less than 5. If you choose the Precise enhancement, you never have to make this check; if the location does not exist, you instead simply end up someplace else within range, usually somewhere thematically similar.
Very Familiar: DC 2 Studied Carefully: DC 4 Seen Casually: DC 7 Viewed Once: DC 10 Description: DC 14 False Destination or Out of Range: DC 20
- Teleport, Shift to Gaia (+10). Affected creatures can shift to the fey world of Gaia, or back to the human world of Terra, one during the spell’s duration as a move action. In settings other than the HIGH FANTASY campaign setting, this effect can transport creatures to other planes, though the level cost might be higher depending on how accessible the world is. You do not need to make an Intelligence check to reach your destination.
Table 4-9: Teleportation Level Distance +4 10 ft. +5 30 ft. +7 150 ft. +9 800 ft. +11 1 mile +12 10 miles +13 100 miles +14 1,000 miles +15 Same world +2 Precise
- Teleport, Travel through Gaia (+17). As above, except affected creatures can shift into or out of the fey world of Gaia and teleport to a destination anywhere in the world. Make an Intelligence check just like with normal teleportation to ensure you reach your destination.
See Also
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