Milos Vogabi
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For a while he ran guns in the Balkans, which led him to cross paths with the infamous Hungarian gangster lord Pofos Hangmernök. Escaping from the wrath of this prince of terror, Milos enlisted in the Turkish military, spending no less than three years in the Turkish and Kurdistan mountains, building a reputation among Kurd separatist fighters as something of a demon. Milos found himself liking the concept of sneaking up on people and using his knife on them to such a degree that he would build his new career around that very concept.
For several years, Milos did any and all manner of assassination work, finding costumers through a German corporate contact. Eventhough his work took him all over Europe, he mainly gained reputation in his business within Germany, assuming the code name of "Hui-Buh", the name of a ghost character from a children's cartoon.
But Milos remained restless and aimed for new adventures and larger paychecks. An opportunity arose to follow a group of american bodyguards and their rock star protection subject on a tour around Europe, and Milos jumped on it. While touring, he made several new American friends, and decided to take his career to a new continent and a new level.
Through several fortuitous events and successful jobs, Milos comes into possession of a seven digit amount of eurobucks, and uses the majority of these to go to Sweden, the world leaders on nanotech at the time, to have his body totally reworked. As a side effect, Swedish intelligence put their hooks in him, wanting to see how their new resources will perform in the field, and also wanting to retain control of it. Milos, on the other hand, embraces the concept of being taken care of by a large spook community, which to him seems pretty much like a labor union for people like him.
Milos' ascent into spook heaven ensues.
Milos is a rather blunt man, both in speech and action. He still has his gangster-like way of handling people, in the you're-my-friend-I'm-loyal-to-the-death and you're-not-my-friend-I-kill-you sense. But the years have refined him considerably, and he is very much aware of and in control of all that he is and is capable of.
He is the strong type, in all ways but one. He has a massive crush on Vita, a fact that did in no way diminish by the fact that they shared bunk on their trip to Mars.