Lists of phobias
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Anything, anywhere, can be a source of phobia, no matter how foul or harmless. That said, most phobiacs fear the classics - spiders, snakes, heights, and other things that killed our ancestors.
Real-World Phobias
The following list provides examples of phobias from the real world that lend themselves to inclusion in a d20 campaign.
Certain real-world phobias can easily be broadened to include monstrous creatures and specific magic effects in a fantasy environment. For example, ophidiophobia (fear of snakes) could be extended to include medusae and other snakelike creatures, or ichthyophobia (fear of fish) could be extended to include aquatic creatures with fishlike qualities, such as the locathah and the sahuagin.
Phobia | Fear of |
Acrophobia | heights (formerly known as vertigo) |
Aerophobia | wind |
Agoraphobia | open places |
Ailurophobia | cats |
Androphobia | men (males) |
Astrophobia | stars |
Autophobia | being alone |
Bacteriophobia | bacteria (germs) |
Ballistophobia | bullets |
Bathophobia | deep submerged places |
Bibliophobia | books |
Blennophobia | slime |
Brontophobia | thunder |
Cenophobia | empty rooms |
Chionophobia | snow |
Claustrophobia | enclosed spaces |
Demophobia | crowds |
Dendrophobia | trees |
Entomophobia | insects |
Equinophobia | horses |
Gephyrdrophobia | crossing bridges |
Gynephobia | women (females) |
Hamartophobia | sinning or making an error |
Haphephobia | being touched |
Heliophobia | sunlight or the sun |
Hematophobia | blood or bleeding |
Hydrophobia | water |
Hypnophobia | sleep |
Iatrophobia | doctors (healers) |
Ichthyophobia | fish |
Maniaphobia | going insane |
Monophobia | being alone |
Musophobia | mice (and rats) |
Necrophobia | dead things |
Nyctophobia | night or nightfall |
Odontophobia | teeth |
Onomatophobia | a certain name, word, or phrase |
Ophidiophobia | snakes |
Ornithophobia | birds |
Pediphobia | children |
Phagophobia | eating |
Phonophobia | noise, including ones own voice |
Pyrophobia | fire |
Scotophobia | darkness |
Spectrophobia | mirrors |
Taphephobia | being buried alive |
Teratophobia | monsters |
Thalassophobia | the sea |
Tomophobia | surgery |
Uranophobia | the heavens (the horrible gaping sky!) |
Vermiphobia | worms |
Xenophobia | foreigners or strangers |
Zoophobia | animals |
Fantastic Phobias
With some imagination and a little knowledge about how phobia terms are formed (most come from ancient Greek words), its possible to come up with a list of phobias tailored to a fantasy setting. The following list is provided as a starting point.
Phobia | Fear of |
Arcuophobia | bows |
Aurophobia | gold |
Aberraphobia | aberrations and creatures with tentacles |
Bogyphobia | demons and goblins |
Demonophobia | demons |
Dracophobia | dragons |
Confodiophobia | being stabbed |
Faephobia | fey |
Gigaphobia | giants and Large or larger creatures |
Hadephobia | hell |
Hagiophobia | saints and holy relics |
Hierophobia | priests and sacred items |
Incantophobia | enchantment and mind control |
Iophobia | poison |
Manaphobia | magic |
Materiophobia | constructs |
Myxophobia | oozes |
Naturaphobia | nature and druids |
Planarphobia | outsiders and extraplanar creatures |
Plantaphobia | plants and plant creatures |
Phantasmaphobia | specters or ghosts |
Pneumatophobia | incorporeal creatures |
Uranophobia | heaven (esp. divine magic) |
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