General Rules (D&D)
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Unofficial rules compendium | |
Aid Other Action
Use of the Aid Other action gives the beneficiary a +1 bonus for every full five points you rolled on your roll. Note that Aid Other used as a skill can fumble (see skills chapter). In general, only one other skill (either used by the same or another character) can be used to aid another; is several people try to aid someone, only the most successful of them (the one that grants the greatest bonus) counts.
Rest and Recovery
These resting rules are meant to be used with the Recharge Magic rules, and gives characters with daily uses of abilities a chance to keep up with regular spellcasters.
In most ways, an hour of rest is in most ways equivalent to what normally takes a full night of rest. An hour of rest is sufficient to recharge abilities with a limited number of uses per day and to regain hit points.
- It still takes the normal time to prepare new spells if using recharge magic, but it only requires an hour of uninterrupted rest beforehand.
- Subdual damage are recovered per minute of rest instead of per hour.
- Characters at negative hit points still recover per night of rest.
Naked Agility Rule
A character that wears no armor, shield, shoes, gauntlets and only minimal clothes similar to a monk's or entertainer's outfit and whose total encumbrance does not exceed 1/10 of her light encumbrance limit gets a +2 bonus on all skills affected by armor penalty. In effect, you have a positive armor penalty. This affects Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, and Tumble checks. The bonus is +4 for Swim checks.
Falling Damage
A character that takes falling damage and does not successfully mitigate at least some of it using Jump or Tumble skill falls prone and ends his turn.
Both Jump and Tumble skills can reduce damage by more than 1d6; each multiple of 15 on the Jump or Tumble roll removes another die of falling damage.
Falling damage depends on size; the normal d6s of damage are for a creature of medium size.
Size | Fine | Diminutive | Tiny | Small | Medium | Large | Huge | Gargantuan | Colossal |
Falling damage die | 1 | 1d2 | 1d3 | 1d4 | 1d6 | 1d8 | 2d6 | 3d6 | 4d6 |
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