Human Warrior. Aims to dual-wield one day.
Type |
Arm |
Name |
Enchantment |
Head |
181 |
Knight's Headguard of Defense |
+15 Defense
Neck |
Gnomegan Amulet of Stamina |
+6 Stamina
Shoulders |
167 |
Knight's Pauldrons ot Bear |
+7 Stamina, +7 Strengh
Back |
23 |
Yeti Fur Cloak |
+6 Agility, +3 Spirit
Chest |
227 |
Knight's Breastplate of Strength |
+32 Armor |
+15 Strength
Shirt |
Tabard |
Wrist |
83 |
Battleforge Wristguards ot Whale |
+3 Stamina |
+3 Spirit, +3 Stamina
Hands |
137 |
Knight's Gauntlets ot Bear |
+32 Armor |
+7 Stamina, +7 Strength
Waist |
123 |
Knight's Girdle ot Whale |
+7 Spirit, +8 Stamina
Legs |
199 |
Knight's Legguards ot Bear |
+32 Armor |
+9 Strength, +10 Spirit
Feet |
151 |
Knight's Boots of the Bear |
+32 Armor |
+8 Spirit, +7 Strength
Finger |
Ring of Forlorn Spirits |
+2 Stamina, +7 Spirit
Finger |
Electrocutioner Lagnut |
+4 Stamina, +9 Spirit
Trinket |
Shield |
775 |
Marbeled Buckler |
17 Block, +5 Strength, +5 Agility, +5 Stamina, +5 Spirit
Type |
Name |
Enchantment |
16,1 |
21-40 |
Off Hand |
Shoni's Disarming Tool |
Chance to Disarm 5 sec
23,7 |
53-80 |
2 Hand |
Deanship Claymore |
3% Speed |
+4 Spirit, +15 Defense
16,7 |
21-39 |
Main |
Hardened Iron Shortsword |
+5 Stamina
12,5 |
24-46 |
Ranged |
Mage-Eye Blunderbuss |
+1 Damage |
World of Warcraft | Carl Cramér