Binds List (City of Heroes)

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/afk [message]
Marks the player as Away From Keyboard (with given message)

Toggle the secondary tray while a key is being pressed. (for keybinds)

Toggle the secondary tray

/auction [message]
Send message to request channel

Start an automatic reply for client

Toggles autorun

/b [message]
Send message to entire map (broadcast)

/beginchat [string]
Starts chat-entry mode with given string

/bind [key] [command]
Binds a key to any command in this list - 'bind m map’ will activate the Map with the ‘m’ key.

Will list all keybinds

Will load the c:\keybinds.txt file

/bind_load_file [file location/file name]
Will load the named file from the specified location

Will save a file in c:\, called keybinds.txt with all your current keybinds

/broadcast [message]
Send message to entire map

/bug [bug subject]
Report a bug. Enter a short description of any length.

/camdist [distance]
Sets the distance in feet that the third person camera pulls back behind the avatar

Adjusts the camera distance relative to the current camera distance. Reads mousewheel for input.

Resets the camera behind the player.

Toggles the chat window

Steps to the next chat channel in the list

/chat_set [channel]
Sets the chat channel to the given channel. Channel is the first letter of the channel you want to be current. You can also type the whole word.

/contextmenu [slot#]
Activate an context menu slot

Copy the last X lines from bottom chat window into the clipboard

Copy the last X lines from top chat window into the clipboard

Demote supergroup member one rank

Toggles UI

/e [string]
Emotes a text string

/em [string]
Emotes a text string

/emaildelete [message num]
Delete message <message num>

Request email headers

/emailread [message num]
Request message <message num>

/emailsend [name] [subject] [body]
Send message <player names> <subject> <body>

/emote [string]
Emotes a text string. There are also animated emotes. They are akimbo, attack(same as point), bigwave(same as overhere), bow, burp, cheer, clap, crossarms, disagree, dontattack(same as no), explain, flex, flex1, flex2, flex3, hi(same as wave), jumpingjacks, kata, laugh, lecture, lotus(same as yoga), newspaper, no(same as dontattack), overhere(same as bigwave), point(same as attack), praise, raisehand, roar, salute, shrug, stop, tarzan, taunt, taunt1, taunt2, thumbsup(same as yes), wavefist, whistle, yes(same as thumbsup), yoga(same as lotus). The following emotes are may be used as decision-makers: cointoss, dice, rock, paper, scissors.

/estrange [name]
Remove player from friend list

/f [message]
Talk to friends

Displays a list of players in your current zone looking for a team with thier name, archetype and level

Display friend list

Toggles follow mode

/friend [name]
Add player to friend list

Display friend list

Sets video mode to fullscreen

/g [message]
Send message to group channel

/goto_tray [tray#]
Go to specified tray number

/group [message]
Send message to group channel

/hide [window]
Forces the named window to be hidden. (Synonym: window_hide)

/i [name]
Invite player to join team

/ignore [name]
Ignore User

Displays a list of ignored users

/inspexec_name [inspiration name]
Activate an inspiration by name

/inspexec_slot [slot#]
Activate an inspiration slot in the first row

/inspexec_tray [tray#] [slot#]
Activate an inspiration slot in the given row and column

/inspirationslot [slot#]
Activate an inspiration slot

/invite [name]
Invite player to join team

/k [name]
Kick player from team

/kick [name]
Kick player from team

/kiosk home
Pop up the kiosk info for the nearest kiosk. (Assuming you're close enough.)

/l [message]
Send message to your area (same as ‘local’)

Leave your current team

/local [message]
Send message to your area

Adjusts camera angle up

Adjusts camera angle down

Brings up interact menu

/macro [macro name] "[command]"
Add a macro to first empty slot

Add a macro to provided slot

Go to the enhancement management screen

Toggles the map window

Maximizes window

/me [string]
Emotes a text string

Toggles the Menu

Renames the captain rank

Renames the leader rank

Renames the member rank

Toggles the navigation window

Toggles network statistics

Go to next tray

Go to next secondary tray

No operation, does nothing (use to clear a bind from a key)

/p [name],
Send a message to only one player

/popmenu [menu]
Pops up the named menu at the current mouse location

Cancels the auto-attack power and the queued power.

/powexec_altslot [slot#]
Executes the given power slot from the alternate tray.

/powexec_auto [power name]
Sets the auto-attack power to given named power (or blank to shut it off, or toggles if it's on already).

/powexec_name [power name]
Executes a power with the given name.

/powexec_slot [slot#]
Executes the given power slot from the current tray.

/powexec_tray [slot#] [tray#]
Executes a power in the given tray and slot.

Go to previous tray

Go to previous secondary tray

/private [name],
Send a message to only one player

Promote supergroup member one rank

Pops up the quickchat menu

Quits game

/req [message]
Send message to request channel

/request [message]
Send message to request channel

/s [message]
Send message to your area

/say [message]
Sends the given text on the current chat channel.

/say <bgcolor color>
Sets the background color of the chat balloon for that message only. Color can use html colors like #FF0000 or html color names like Papaya Whip. <> commands can be used with any chat channel prefix (/page, /tell, /whisper, /request, /auction, etc.)

/say <border color>
Sets the balloon color for that message only

/say <color color>
Sets the text color for that message only

/say <scale number>
Sets the size of the text in the chat balloon for that message only. The number must be between .6 and 1.25

Save a .tga format screenshot

Toggle inclusion of UI in screenshots

/sell [message]
Send message to request channel

/show [window]
Forces a named window to open. (Synonym: window_show)

/sg [message]
Send message to super group channel

Receives a supergroup accept

Receives a supergroup decline

Start a supergroup

/sgi [name]
Invite player to join supergroup

/sginvite [name]
Invite player to join supergroup

/sgk [name]
Kick player from join supergroup

/sgkick [name]
Kick player from join supergroup

Leave your current supergroup

Sets supergroup costume parameters

Sets supergroup “Message of the Day”

Sets supergroup motto

Display supergroup info in chat window

Show current frame rate

/sidekick [name]
Invite player to be your sidekick

Accept an invitation to be a sidekick

Decline an invitation to be a sidekick

/sk [name]
Invite player to be your sidekick

Starts chat-entry mode with slash

Starts chat-entry mode

Tries to get a player unstuck

/supergroup [message]
Send message to super group channel

/t [name],[message]
Send a message to only one player

Toggles the target window

Target farthest enemy

Target nearest enemy

Target next farther enemy from your current target (wraps)

Target next nearer enemy from your current target (wraps)

Target farthest friend. A friend is any friendly player or pet, not just teammates.

Target nearest friend

Target next farther friend from your current target (wraps)

Target next nearer friend from your current target (wraps)

/team [message]
Send message to group channel

Receives a team accept

Receives a team decline

/team_select [member#]
Select specified Team member. Example: /team_select 7 would select the 7th team member. This will not allow you to select yourself.

/tell [name], [message]
Send a message to only one player

Toggles first/third person view

/toggle [window]
Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: window_toggle)

Cycles through targetable enemies

Cycles through targetable enemies (in reverse, wraps)

/trade [name]
Invite player to trade

Receives a trade accept

Receives a trade decline

Toggles the tray window

/unfriend [name]
Remove player from friend list

/unignore [name]
Unignore User

Unselects currently selected thing

No longer mentor (or be a sidekick)

No longer mentor (or be a sidekick)

/whisper [name], [message]
Send a message to only one player

Print who's on this map

Changes the window colors

/window_hide [window]
Forces the given window to be hidden. (Synonym: hide)

Resets all window locations, sizes, and visibility to their defaults.

/window_show [window]
Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: show)

/window_toggle [window]
Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: toggle)

Changes the window colors

/y [message]
Send message to entire map

/yell [message]
Send message to entire map

Adjusts the camera distance relative to the current camera distance

Adjusts the camera distance relative to the current camera distance