Binds (Starfox)
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' "quickchat" - "prev_tray" ALT+- "prev_tray_alt" / "show chat$$slashchat" 0 "powexec_slot 10" CTRL+0 "tell $name, Unmapped key" ALT+0 "powexec_altslot 10" 1 "powexec_slot 1" CTRL+1 "unselect$$ team_select 1$$tell $name, Targeting $target$ <scale 0.7> <bgcolor yellow>" SHIFT+1 "team_select 1" ALT+1 "powexec_altslot 1" 2 "powexec_slot 2" CTRL+2 "unselect$$ team_select 2$$tell $name, Targeting $target$ <scale 0.7> <bgcolor yellow>" SHIFT+2 "team_select 2" ALT+2 "powexec_altslot 2" 3 "powexec_slot 3" CTRL+3 "unselect$$ team_select 3$$tell $name, Targeting $target$ <scale 0.7> <bgcolor yellow>" SHIFT+3 "team_select 3" ALT+3 "powexec_altslot 3" 4 "powexec_slot 4" CTRL+4 "unselect$$ team_select 4$$tell $name, Targeting $target$ <scale 0.7> <bgcolor yellow>" SHIFT+4 "team_select 4" ALT+4 "powexec_altslot 4" 5 "powexec_slot 5" CTRL+5 "unselect$$ team_select 5$$tell $name, Targeting $target$ <scale 0.7> <bgcolor yellow>" SHIFT+5 "team_select 5" ALT+5 "powexec_altslot 5" 6 "powexec_slot 6" CTRL+6 "unselect$$ team_select 6$$tell $name, Targeting $target$ <scale 0.7> <bgcolor yellow>" SHIFT+6 "team_select 6" ALT+6 "powexec_altslot 6" 7 "powexec_slot 7" CTRL+7 "unselect$$ team_select 7$$tell $name, Targeting $target$ <scale 0.7> <bgcolor yellow>" SHIFT+7 "team_select 7" ALT+7 "powexec_altslot 7" 8 "powexec_slot 8" CTRL+8 "unselect$$ team_select 8$$tell $name, Targeting $target$ <scale 0.7> <bgcolor yellow>" SHIFT+8 "team_select 8" ALT+8 "powexec_altslot 8" 9 "powexec_slot 9" CTRL+9 "tell $name, Unmapped key" ALT+9 "powexec_altslot 9" ; "show chat$$slashchat" \ "menu" ALT+EQUALS "next_tray_alt" BACKSPACE "autoreply" COMMA "show chat$$beginchat /tell $target, " CTRL+TAB "target_enemy_near" DELETE "+lookdown" END "+zoomout" ENTER "show chat$$startchat" EQUALS "next_tray" ESC "unselect" MBUTTON "+camrotate" MOUSEWHEEL "+camdistadjust" PAGEDOWN "camreset" PAGEUP "+camrotate" RALT "alttraysticky" RBUTTON "+mouse_look" SHIFT+TAB "target_enemy_prev" SPACE "+up" SYSRQ "screenshot" TAB "target_enemy_next" numpad0 "tell $name, Unmapped key" numpad1 "tell $name, Unmapped key" numpad2 "tell $name, Unmapped key" numpad3 "tell $name, Unmapped key" numpad4 "tell $name, Unmapped key" numpad5 "tell $name, Unmapped key" numpad6 "tell $name, Unmapped key" numpad7 "tell $name, Unmapped key" numpad8 "tell $name, Unmapped key" numpad9 "tell $name, Unmapped key" numlock "tell $name, Unmapped key" divide "tell $name, Unmapped key" multiply "tell $name, Unmapped key" subtract "tell $name, Unmapped key" add "tell $name, Unmapped key" numpadenter "show chat$$beginchat" decimal F1 "say $target spotted!<bgcolor yellow>$$emote attack" SHIFT+F1 "say $target is the first priority, concentrate attacks!<bgcolor yellow>$$emote attack" F2 "say Pull together! <bgcolor yellow>$$emote stop" SHIFT+F2 "say Spread out and cover the place! <bgcolor yellow>$$emote bigwave" F3 "say Lets pull back and recover!<bgcolor yellow><color black>$$emote RaiseHand" SHIFT+F3 "say Get going!<bgcolor yellow><color black>$$emote bigwave" F4 "say Pull $target, back well off <bgcolor yellow>$$emote BigWave" SHIFT+F4 "say Let's wade! <bgcolor yellow>$$emote attack" F5 "local General attack on $target! Feel free to join in!$$local $battlecry$$emote Attack" F6 "say <color white><bgcolor red>RUN!" F7 "say <color white><bgcolor green>Ready!$$emote Salute" SHIFT+F7 "say <color black><bgcolor yellow>Are we ready?$$emote stop" F8 "local <color white><bgcolor red><scale 1.25>HELP!$$emote whistle" SHIFT+F8 "local <bgcolor green><color white>Need help $target?" F9 "say Pleased to meet you $target. I am $name, a level $level $origin $archetype.$$emote fancybow" F10 "local Thank you $target$$emote bow" SHIFT+F10 "local $target, how about some thanks?$$emote wave" F11 "local Wow $target, you are really into the superhero spirit!$$emote wavefist F12 "local $target is looking good!$$emote clap" SHIFT+F12 "local $target looks like trash!$$emote wavefist" HOME "+zoomin" INSERT "+lookup" LALT "+alttray" A "+left" B "tell $name, Unmapped key" C "powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Fly" LSHIFT+C "autorun 0$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Brawl$$powexec_abort" CTRL+C "autorun 0$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Brawl$$powexec_abort" D "+right" E "target_enemy_next" SHIFT+E "target_enemy_prev" CTRL+E "target_friend_next" F "follow$$tell $target, Following you now." G "+up$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Hover" SHIFT+G "autorun 0$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Brawl$$powexec_abort" H "emote afk$$show chat$$beginchat /afk " SHIFT+H "say <bgcolor yellow>One moment please. I have to set up my enhancements$$emote yoga$$manage" I "say $name is temporarily incapacitated!<color white><bgcolor red>" J "tell $name, Unmapped key" K "cc 0$$cc 1" L "tell $name, $origin $archetype-$level" SHIFT+L "show chat$$beginchat /bind_load_file G:\Games\CoH\binds\keybinds.txt" M "map" N "local No <color white><bgcolor red>$$emote no" O "emote dance" P "say $target takes point"$$emote attack SHIFT+P "local Relaxation party! $origin Party! $archetype Party!$$say $battlecry$$emote boombox" Q "unselect$$toggle_enemy" R "target_friend_next" SHIFT+R "target_friend_nearest" S "+backward$$autorun 0$$powexec_name Sprint" CTRL+S "tell $name, Unmapped key" \nosprintmove.txt$$tell $name, Shutting off auto sprint T "autorun 1$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Fly" SHIFT+T "autorun 0$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Sprint" U "show chat$$beginchat $target, " V "quickchat" Shift+V "say Victory!$$say $battlecry$$emote victory" W "+forward$$autorun 0$$powexec_name Sprint" CTRL+W "autorun 0$$tell $name, Shutting off auto sprint$$bind_load_file G:\Games\CoH\binds\nosprintmove.txt" Shift+W "autorun 1" X "+down" SHIFT+X "down 0$$autorun 0" Y "local Yes<color white><bgcolor green>$$emote nod" Z "powexec_abort"