
Skills / Sorcery

Only characters from a magical juncture can start play with this skill. The specifics of the skill vary depending on your Traditions.

Default Attribute


Unskilled Use

You can use magical items designed for use by non-magicians.

Physical Ability

There is an entire chapter devoted to Sorcery, and you know at least one of the Schticks. You can twist the chi energy of your environment to your will, creating magical effects. You can conduct magical research; given the time and the right equipment you can divine the purpose and other characteristics of magical phenomena.


You know all sorts of abstruse occult theory of your Traditions, either learned orally or memorized from dozens of dusty and obscure manuscripts. You know of other magic traditions, and can give a passable if biased account of how they work their mojo. You are familiar with the principles of geomancy, chi energy, and occult ritual. This allows you to engage in lengthy discourse with other sorcerers, and to figure out what methods other sorcerers have used to create their effects. You know legends of the great sorcerers of the past. You know by reputation the famous sorcerers of your day, but note that many powerful sorcerers take pains not to be identified as such. You have read or heard about various artifacts of magical power, knowing tales of their creation and history. You also know how to destroy such items. Arcanotech is beyond your knowledge, however.

If you are affiliated with a religion, you know the scriptures or myths of your religion. You have a grasp of the mystic significance of obscure elements of the religion. You also know of those who practice the religion, and their enemies.


You know other sorcerers, especially those share your Traditions, and the patrons who consult them. You also know investigators and scientists interested in mystic phenomena, as well as wannabees, hoaxes and profiteers. You know merchants who specialize in the sale of magical items and ingredients.

Skill Schticks

These are the Schticks related to this skill. Check with your GM which of them are applicable for this game.